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80 Gifts for Pizza Lovers

From Pizza-Ordering Sneakers to Abstract Pizza Apparel

— December 24, 2017 — Lifestyle
As these gifts for pizza lovers show, today pizza is a cultural phenomenon that spans from the lofty reaches of fine dining down to the delivery orders of the everyman, and the Italian staple's backstory is in line with that. Legend has it that pizza began as a simple and affordable street dish in Italy before being discovered by Queen Margherita and then becoming de rigueur amongst the Italian aristocracy of the time. Indeed, pizza today reflects that rags to riches origin, with the dish represented across the cultural spectrum.

Pizza is more than just a meal today. Everyone insists that they love pizza the most (as if everyone doesn't love pizza), but the truly dedicated pizza fans go beyond just eating. They wear clothes with pictures of pizza, they decorate their houses with pizza motifs, and they even wear pizza to go swimming. One can't truly love pizza until it's covered them during a dip at the public pool.
Crispy At-Home Pan Pizzas
Crispy At-Home Pan Pizzas
The DIGIORNO Crispy Pan Pizza is Preservative-Free
Italian Ricotta Flatbread
Italian Ricotta Flatbread
This Flatbread Makes for a Simple and Flavorful Appetizer or Meal
Priority Pizza-Making Fees
Priority Pizza-Making Fees
Papa John's is Testing a New Fee That Lets Customers Skip the Queue
All-Cheese Pizza Crusts
All-Cheese Pizza Crusts
The Mo Pizza's Carb-Free Pizza Crust is Made Entirely Out of Mozzarella
Chicken Crust Pizzas
Chicken Crust Pizzas
This Frozen Pizza Has a High Protein and Low Carb Chicken Pizza Crust
Candy-Inspired Pizzas
Candy-Inspired Pizzas
The Chuck E. Cheese Candy Corn Pizza Looks Like the Classic Treat
Clam Pizza Recipes
Clam Pizza Recipes
This White Clam Sauce Pizza Recipe Makes a Summery Meal You'll Enjoy All Season
Pumpkin-Flavored Pizzas
Pumpkin-Flavored Pizzas
Villa Italian Kitchen Created a Pumpkin Spice Pizza for the Fall Season
Ancient Grain Pizza Crusts
Ancient Grain Pizza Crusts
This Papa John's Gluten-Free Pizza Crust is Made with Healthy Grains
Vegetable Pizza Pies
Vegetable Pizza Pies
California's Lodge Bread Co. Tops Its Pizzas with Fresh, Local Produce
Smoky Vegan Pizzas
Smoky Vegan Pizzas
The White Rabbit Co.'s Vegan Cheese Pizza is Subtly Smoky
Spicy Jackfruit Pizzas
Spicy Jackfruit Pizzas
Virtuous Pie's 'Kim Jack' Puts a Vegan Spin on Classic Korean Flavors
Healthy Almond Pizzas
Healthy Almond Pizzas
Cookie and Kate's Almond and Broccolini Pizza Recipe is Nutty and Green
Gourmet Free-From Pizzas
Gourmet Free-From Pizzas
Cappello's Pizza Offers a Healthy Alternative to This Popular Junk Food
Cross-Cultural Pizza Recipes
Cross-Cultural Pizza Recipes
These Naan Pizzas Infuse the Flavors of Indian Cuisine
Pizza Bath Salts
Pizza Bath Salts
These Novelty Scented Bath Products From Village Vanguard Smell Like Savory Food
Layered Latin Pizzas
Layered Latin Pizzas
This Mexican Quinoa Pizza is an Unexpected Take on a Traditional Pies
Miniature Pizza Appetizers
Miniature Pizza Appetizers
These Mini Pizzas Make Satisfying Four-Inch Snacks
101-Cheese Pizzas
101-Cheese Pizzas
This Record-Breaking Pizza Holds 101 Different Cheeses
Pizza-Inspired Sliders
Pizza-Inspired Sliders
Arby's Pizza Slider is Dressed with Classic Pizza Toppings
Easter Dessert-Topped Pizzas
Easter Dessert-Topped Pizzas
The Crust Bros. 'Fior-egg-tina' Pizza is Made with Cadbury Creme Eggs
3D-Printed Cauliflower Crusts
3D-Printed Cauliflower Crusts
BeeHex and Cali'Flour Created a 3D-Printed Vegan Pizza Crust
Sweetened Cream Cheese Pizzas
Sweetened Cream Cheese Pizzas
The Knott's Boysenberry Cream Cheese Pizza is Savory and Tasty
Savory Vegan Pizza Twists
Savory Vegan Pizza Twists
The Mimosa Pizza Twists are a Sweet Take on a Classic Appetizer
Taco Brand Pizza Dishes
Taco Brand Pizza Dishes
The Taco Bell Crispy Chicken Mexican Pizza Expands the Brand's Offerings
Bite-Sized Pizza Buns
Bite-Sized Pizza Buns
DiGiorno is Now Offering Snackable Pizza Bites in Four Satisfying Flavors
Strawberry Bacon Pizzas
Strawberry Bacon Pizzas
This Seasonal Strawberry Pizza Recipe Has Bacon and Onion as Toppings Too
Marijuana-Infused Pizzas
Marijuana-Infused Pizzas
Ermont Inc, a Massachusetts Dispensary, Sells Pizza with THC Tomato Sauce
Slow-Cooked Smoked Meat Pizzas
Slow-Cooked Smoked Meat Pizzas
The Little Caesars Smokehouse Pizza is Made with Artisanal Meats
Point-Based Pizza Games
Point-Based Pizza Games
Aurelio's Pizza Rewards Players with Free Food
Pizza Bath Bombs
Pizza Bath Bombs
Etsy's BathesdaBoutique Offers Pizza Bath Bombs That Dissolve into Rainbow Fizz
Delivery-Specific Pizza Crusts
Delivery-Specific Pizza Crusts
Pieology's PieRise Thick Crust is Optimized for Takeout & Delivery
Natural Frozen Pizza Bites
Natural Frozen Pizza Bites
Amy's Swirls are Crafted with Premium Organic Ingredients
Cauliflower Pizza Crusts
Cauliflower Pizza Crusts
Trader Joe's Now Makes a Satisfying Gluten-Free Cheese Pizza
Healthy Single-Serve Pizzas
Healthy Single-Serve Pizzas
PizzaExpress' Healthier Pizza Range Includes a Portion for One
Turkish-Inspired Pizzas
Turkish-Inspired Pizzas
These Lekker&Anders! Pizzas Boast Sujuk and Doner Toppings
Sealable Pizza Bags
Sealable Pizza Bags
ThinkGeek's Pizza Bags Are Great For Transporting Slices
Pizza-Inspired Bruschetta
Pizza-Inspired Bruschetta
This Bruschetta Pizzaiola Combines Two Classics
Autumnal Vegan Pizzas
Autumnal Vegan Pizzas
Zizzi's Fall Menu Includes Two Hearty New Plant-Based Pizzas for Vegans
Twisted Breadstick Appetizers
Twisted Breadstick Appetizers
Domino's New Bread Twists Come in Sweet and Savory Flavors
Pizzeria-Inspired Frozen Pizzas
Pizzeria-Inspired Frozen Pizzas
The Dr. Oetker Virtuoso Classic Crust Frozen Pizzas are Artisanal
Macaroni Snack-Topped Pizzas
Macaroni Snack-Topped Pizzas
The Chuck E. Cheese Cheetos Mac-Cheesy Pizza is Overtly Cheesy
Chocolate-Topped Pizza Desserts
Chocolate-Topped Pizza Desserts
The Domino's Lotta-Chocca Pizza Features Melted Milk Chocolate
Sweet Potato Pizza Crusts
Sweet Potato Pizza Crusts
The Big Man's World's Three Ingredient Pizza Crust Recipe is Gluten-Free
Gluten-Free Pizza Bites
Gluten-Free Pizza Bites
Smart Flour Foods' 'Snack Bites' are Made with a Base of Ancient Grains
Pasta-Packed Pizza Snacks
Pasta-Packed Pizza Snacks
The Totino's Mac and Cheese with Bacon Pizza Rolls are Indulgent
Meat-Free Turkish Pizzas
Meat-Free Turkish Pizzas
The Lahmacun Recipe Does Away with Meat and Dairy Products
Millennial-Focused Pizza Apps
Millennial-Focused Pizza Apps
Pizza Hut's Loyalty App Was Designed to Appeal to a Younger Market
Pizza-Inspired Latte Artwork
Pizza-Inspired Latte Artwork
The Pizza Latte Coffee is an Artistic Take on a Classic Food Favorite
Pizza-Specific Wines
Pizza-Specific Wines
'Slice of Wine' is Designed for Pairing Pizza and Wine
Charcoal Pizza Crusts
Charcoal Pizza Crusts
This Restaurant Pizza Crust Boasts Activated Charcoal as a Main Ingredient
Pizza-Ordering Sneakers
Pizza-Ordering Sneakers
The Pizza Hut 'Pie Tops' Order Pizza Delivery with a Single Press
Overloaded Pepperoni Pizzas
Overloaded Pepperoni Pizzas
The 'Extramostbestest' is an Extreme Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza
Pothead-Inspired Mexican Cuisine Pizzas
Pothead-Inspired Mexican Cuisine Pizzas
Tony Boloney's in Hoboken Serves Up Taco Pizzas
Nostalgic Dessert Rereleases
Nostalgic Dessert Rereleases
The Dairy Queen Treatzza Pizza is Back as a Permanent Menu Option
Cheesy Holiday Pizza Promotions
Cheesy Holiday Pizza Promotions
Pizza Hut's 'Ultimate Cheesy Crust Pizza' is Perfect for Sharing
All-Organic Lunch Kits
All-Organic Lunch Kits
The New Lunchables Organic Kits are Free from Artificial Additives
Ax-Inspired Pizza Cutters
Ax-Inspired Pizza Cutters
The DCL 'Ax Pizza Cutter' Can Slice Through an Entire Pie
Pizza-Ordering Parkas
Pizza-Ordering Parkas
The 'Pizza Parka' Spotlights Innovations in Pizza Hut's New Delivery Pouch
Pizza Loyalty Programs
Pizza Loyalty Programs
Pizza Hut's 'Hut Rewards' Delivers Customers Dollar-for-Dollar Rewards
Black-Crusted Spider Web Pizzas
Black-Crusted Spider Web Pizzas
The Pizza Hut China's Wow Black Pizza is Dyed with Cuttlefish Ink
Korean-Inspired Chicken Pizzas
Korean-Inspired Chicken Pizzas
KFC's Newest 'Chizza' Takes Flavor Cues from Traditional Bulgogi
Edible Fidget Spinners
Edible Fidget Spinners
This Fidget Toy Takes the Form of a Handheld Pie Snack
Hybrid Pizza Burgers
Hybrid Pizza Burgers
The Pizza Hut 'Hut Burgers' Feature Patties Wrapped in Dough
Abstract Pizza Apparel
Abstract Pizza Apparel
Merrimaking's Pizza Sweatshirt is a Modern Take on 80s Art
Avocado Toast Pizzas
Avocado Toast Pizzas
This Completely Vegan Avocado Pizza is on the Spring Menu at Kola House
Cheesy Lava Crust Pizzas
Cheesy Lava Crust Pizzas
The Pizza Hut Epic Cheesy Lava Pizza is Available in Singapore
Speedy Pizza Surfaces
Speedy Pizza Surfaces
Nerd Chef's Baking Surfaces Transfer Heat Evenly and Quickly
Intensely Cheesy Pizzas
Intensely Cheesy Pizzas
The Pizza Hut Singapore Cheese Lover's Pan Pizza Has Seven Kinds of Cheese
Pizza-Flavored Instant Noodles
Pizza-Flavored Instant Noodles
Cup Noodle's Cheese Pizza Potato Tomato is a Fusion of Comfort Food
Cotton Candy Pizzas
Cotton Candy Pizzas
Tokyo's Schmatz Restaurant Offers a Sweet Pizza Topped with Cotton Candy
Costly Pizza-Based Bikinis
Costly Pizza-Based Bikinis
Made with Real Pizza Ingredients This Pizza Bikini Will Cost You $10k
Rainbow Unicorn Pizzas
Rainbow Unicorn Pizzas
The Pop Candy Land Pizza From Industry Kitchen is Topped with Confections
Integrated Pizza Delivery Systems
Integrated Pizza Delivery Systems
Domino's AnyWare Lets Consumers Order Though Any IoT Device
Hidden Pizza Hairstyles
Hidden Pizza Hairstyles
This Colorful Pizza Hair Head Shave Includes an Orange Ombre Crust
Handcrafted Pizza Boxes
Handcrafted Pizza Boxes
These Pizza Box Designs Illustrate the Stories Behind Pizza Hut Orders
Novelty Pizza Lighting
Novelty Pizza Lighting
Urban Outfitters' Neon Pizza Lamp is Inspired by 90s Nostalgia
VIP Pizza Boxes
VIP Pizza Boxes
Domino's Loyalty Program for Customers Turns Them into Shareholders
Pizzeria-Themed Rapper Apparel
Pizzeria-Themed Rapper Apparel
Yachty’s Pizzeria is a Pop-Up Showcasing the Star's New Merchandise