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28 Food-Sponsored Campaigns

From Seductive Drink Campaigns to Hearty Food Campaigns

— August 12, 2014 — Marketing
In a world where food shortage is plentiful and companies are looking for ways to attract consumers to think smartly about their food choices, food-sponsored campaigns are a great way to get a tailored message to a specifically targeted demographic.

Drink and food-sponsored campaigns are a great method to grab the attention of consumers because we tend to be constantly thinking about satisfying our hunger. Brands often pair up a food brand, like Burger King, with a message that complements the brand's image. This way, the food can be used to market a movie, product or lifestyle. Whether companies are trying to promote healthy food ideas, food donations for a cause or responsible drinking there are numerous campaigns out there showcasing brands teaming up with food sponsors to get their message across to the consumer.
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Fueling Food Campaigns
Fueling Food Campaigns
KFC Promotes Its $5 Fill Ups by Fueling People with Food and Cars with Gas
Transparent Drink Campaigns
Transparent Drink Campaigns
Honest Tea 'Refreshingly Honest' Ad Demonstrates Natural Ingredients
Mind-Deception Drink Campaigns
Mind-Deception Drink Campaigns
The New Coke Commercial is Fun Take on Hypnotism
Unappealing Food Share Campaigns
Unappealing Food Share Campaigns
The #MealForShare Instagram Food Campaign Serves Up Better Eats
High-Octane Beverage Ads
High-Octane Beverage Ads
The E-ON Energy Drink Campaign Features Extreme Sports
Fossilized Food Campaigns
Fossilized Food Campaigns
These Limppano Cleaning Sponge Ads Showcase Archeological Finds
Psychedelic Drink Promotions
Psychedelic Drink Promotions
The Champagne Dreams Film is Dark
Seductive Drink Campaigns
Seductive Drink Campaigns
The Pub Schweppes 2011 Commercial Stars a Sultry Uma Thurman
Country-Focused Drink Campaigns
Country-Focused Drink Campaigns
Coca-Cola Beat of China Targets Young Chinese Consumers
Calming Drink Campaigns
Calming Drink Campaigns
The Drink AcquaFloral Print Ads Features Adorable Illustrations
Interactive Food Campaigns
Interactive Food Campaigns
Toaster Strudel Launched Eat What You Tweet to Gain Followers
Ready-to-Use Food Campaigns
Ready-to-Use Food Campaigns
Two Degrees is a One-for-One Company Selling Nutrition Bars
Dubious Yawn Ads
Dubious Yawn Ads
The Flying Horse Energy Drink Campaign is Comically Creative
Organic Fast Food Campaigns
Organic Fast Food Campaigns
Willie Nelson Sings for the 'Back to the Start' Chipotle Ad
Customized Drink Campaigns
Customized Drink Campaigns
Jamie Oliver & Bacardi Are Hosting Cocktail Request Week on Drinks Tube
Musical Soft Drink Campaigns
Musical Soft Drink Campaigns
Coca-Cola and Jun Takahashi Collaborate for 'Zero Makes Noise'
Geriatric Fast Food Campaigns
Geriatric Fast Food Campaigns
The McDonald's 'Joe and Frank' Commercial is Old-Age Friendly
Archaic Fresh Food Campaigns
Archaic Fresh Food Campaigns
Bosch Puts Fake Prehistoric Meat in Supermarket as a Stunt
Antisocial Fast Food Promotions
Antisocial Fast Food Promotions
Unfriend 10 Facebook Users For a Gratis BK Whopper
Pandora Food Promotions
Pandora Food Promotions
McDonald's 'Avatarize Yourself' Site Looks Scary Real
Gory Fast Food Campaigns
Gory Fast Food Campaigns
Thai Food Express Smokes Ronald McDonald
Schadenfreude Food Campaigns
Schadenfreude Food Campaigns
The Celebrations Chocolate Ads Revel in the Misfortune of Others
Porcelain Food Campaigns
Porcelain Food Campaigns
The VIPS Restaurant & Retail Ads are a Timeless Culinary Creation
Inflatable Food Campaigns
Inflatable Food Campaigns
The ENO Balloon Ads Lighten the Effects of Indigestion
Extravagant Food Campaigns
Extravagant Food Campaigns
These Listerine Ads Feature a Burger Made with Rubber Gloves
Celebrity Health Food Promotions
Celebrity Health Food Promotions
Jason Mraz Eats Raw on Myspace
Hearty Food Campaigns
Hearty Food Campaigns
The 'Fresh from the Heart' Ads Request More than Canned Donations