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30 Fashion Packaging Designs

From Pizza-Inspired Packaging to Flat-Packed Footwear Pouches

— April 22, 2015 — Fashion
These examples of fashion packaging are a demonstration of how clothing, shoes and accessories can be packaged and presented to the consumer. Packaging design can focus on a number of different aspects, such as environmentally-friendly materials and pure esthetics.

Shoes in particular seem to display a lot of creativity when it comes to fashion packaging. For example, a Belgian footwear brand created a shoe box that not only holds shoes, but can be reused to hold frites and beer, thereby taking cultural aspects into consideration as well. This reusable element is seen with other brands, such as the RePack concept for e-commerce purchases. Food also influenced the way packaging looks, like the Sneaker Freaker pizza box or the Johnny Cupcakes meaty t-shirt packaging.
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Upcycled Banner Bags
Upcycled Banner Bags
Emirates Turns an Old Advertisement into Eco Shopping Bags
Frites Footwear Packaging
Frites Footwear Packaging
This Belgian Shoe Box has Compartments for Cyclocross Shoes and Beer
Reusable Delivery Packaging
Reusable Delivery Packaging
The RePack System Encourages Consumers to Return Their Used Envelopes
Academic Shoe Packaging
Academic Shoe Packaging
The CLOT x Lunar Force 1 Nike Shoe Packaging Resembles a Yearbook
Feminine Bridal Boxes
Feminine Bridal Boxes
Couture Inc. Stores Wedding Gowns in the Perfect Pretty Packaging
Flat-Packed Footwear Pouches
Flat-Packed Footwear Pouches
The 'Pikkpack Shoes by You' Packaging Shows How Portable It Is
Asian Astrological Kicks
Asian Astrological Kicks
This Nike Air Jordan Design Celebrates the Year of The Dragon
Meaty T-Shirt Packaging
Meaty T-Shirt Packaging
Johnny Cupcakes' Shirt Packaging Resembles a Fresh Cut of Meat
Fashion Delivery Packages
Fashion Delivery Packages
This Hotel Offers Room Shopping Service for Speedy and Stylish Products
Masculine Accessory Boxes
Masculine Accessory Boxes
These Boxes Neatly Present Sartor Resartus' Neckties & Pocket Squares
Faux-Denim Branding
Faux-Denim Branding
Lucky Brand Tech Accessory Packaging Matches the Beloved Jeans
Blooming Jewelry Boxes
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Nue Gallery Competition Winner Creates New Package for Diamonds
Serene Shipping Boxes
Serene Shipping Boxes
This Shipping Box Concept Takes Inspiration from the Movement of Cloth
Mismatched Shoe Packaging
Mismatched Shoe Packaging
PUMA Uses Everyone Associates to Brand Pink and Blue Kicks
Speedy Shoe Box Branding
Speedy Shoe Box Branding
The Under Armour Speedform Apollo Box Takes the Shape of a Jet
Choreographed Clothes Branding
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Karolina Mika's Fashion Tags Express the Movement of Dance
Denim Product Packaging
Denim Product Packaging
The Latest Package Designs for MUSTANG Jeans Come Covered in Denim
Folded Footwear Shoeboxes
Folded Footwear Shoeboxes
This Ultra Small Shoebox Holds the Flexible Nike Free 5.0 Sneakers
Ethnic Designer Branding
Ethnic Designer Branding
Atelan's Luxury Fashion Brand Identity Celebrates Emerging Latino Talent
Intriguing Icing Attire Branding
Intriguing Icing Attire Branding
These Frosting T-Shirts Sport Sweet Deceptive Packaging
Cardboard Sneaker Packaging
Cardboard Sneaker Packaging
The Air Jordan XIV Pizza Box Offers a Blueprint for the Shoe
Feminine E-Retail Boxes
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Aritzia's Shipping Packaging is Colorful and Fashion-Forward
Contraband Fashion Packaging
Contraband Fashion Packaging
This Streetwear Packaging is a Clever Reference to the Product
Pizza-Inspired Packaging
Pizza-Inspired Packaging
This Clothing Packaging Design Takes The Shape of a Pizza Box
Artisanal T-Shirt Branding
Artisanal T-Shirt Branding
This Honest To Goodness Clothing Packaging is Rustic and Eco-Friendly
Tubular T-Shirt Packaging
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Don & Brook's T-Shirt Tubes Communicate with Modern Hieroglyphs
Sustainable Clothing Wraps
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Essi's T-Shirt Packaging Concept is Eco-Friendly and Collapsible
Envelope Shipping Boxes
Envelope Shipping Boxes
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Shoe Packaging Purses
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