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Top 50 Humor Trends in December

From Reenacted Butt Photoshoots to Thanksgiving Pop Parodies

— December 14, 2014 — Pop Culture
Although there are many comical finds on the Internet that aren't very timely, this collection of December 2014 humor trends focuses heavily on topics that are making an impact on society now. Whether it is as trivial yet bold as Kim Kardashian's nude photoshoot for Paper Magazine or even the Thanksgiving holiday, there are many great topics that comedians, artists and entertainers have been focusing on.

In addition to The Try Guys' reenactment of the socialite's controversial cover shoot and the Tiny Hamster's return for a festive feast, there are some December 2014 humor trends that are not necessarily timely, but are certainly noteworthy. For instance, TIME has created a clever poetry generator that mocks Willow and Will Smith.
Honest Thanksgiving Carols
Honest Thanksgiving Carols
Meghan Trainor Sang Thanksgiving Carols on Late Night TV
Texting Holiday Tunes
Texting Holiday Tunes
Kristen Bell's 'Text Me Merry Christmas' is Poised to be a Holiday Banger
Single Thanksgiving Tutorials
Single Thanksgiving Tutorials
Julianna Jones Teaches Us How to Make a Thanksgiving Dinner for One
Thanksgiving Pop Parodies
Thanksgiving Pop Parodies
This Meghan Trainor Parody is Cleverly Called 'All About That Baste'
Internet Distraction Videos
Internet Distraction Videos
James Hamblin Discusses the Drawbacks of Internet Multi-Tasking
Sci-Fi Catcalling Spoofs
Sci-Fi Catcalling Spoofs
This Parody of the Hollaback! Girl Video Stars Princess Leia
Newscaster Rap Videos
Newscaster Rap Videos
This Brian Williams Ludacris Cover is Made Up of Edited Sound Bites
Crowdfunding Commercial Spoofs
Crowdfunding Commercial Spoofs
Jena Friedman Parodies Sites Like Kickstarter in This Fake Ad
Typecast Actor Singalongs
Typecast Actor Singalongs
This Lorde Royals Parody Examines Racial Stereotypes in Film
Munching Animal Videos
Munching Animal Videos
The Tiny Hamster Eating Tiny Burritos Video is Too Cute to Handle
Rueful Adulthood Parodies
Rueful Adulthood Parodies
This Royals Parody Suggests Adulthood Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be
Grateful Rodent Videos
Grateful Rodent Videos
A Tiny Hamster Thanksgiving Features an Adorably Small Feast
Mysterious Feline Parodies
Mysterious Feline Parodies
This Hilarious Video Sees Gone Girl Reenacted By Cats
Penguin Parody Videos
Penguin Parody Videos
Redshirt Films' Parody Commercial Puts a New Spin on John Lewis' Ad
Racy Film Parodies
Racy Film Parodies
Ellen Degeneres Replaces Dakota Johnson in Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer Spoof
Frozen Facial Hair Spoofs
Frozen Facial Hair Spoofs
This Disney-Inspired Let it Grow Parody is for No Shave November
Bread-Toasting Games
Bread-Toasting Games
This Unusual Video Game Follows a Slice of Bread's Journey to Get Toasted
Handcrafted Emoticon Spoofs
Handcrafted Emoticon Spoofs
The Fake Nick Offerman Woodworking Infomercial Aired on Conan
Summer Vacation Anthems
Summer Vacation Anthems
Rhett & Link's 'I'm On Vacation' Song Celebrates Carefree Living
Viral Catcalling PSA Parodies
Viral Catcalling PSA Parodies
This Video Depicts a White Man Walking Around New York For 10 Hours
Airport Music Videos
Airport Music Videos
Richard Dunn Sings 'All By Myself' During a Night at the Las Vegas Airport
Judgmental Feline Videos
Judgmental Feline Videos
This Hilarious Video Explains Why Your Cat is Judging You
Contemplative Cutting Boards
Contemplative Cutting Boards
The Cheesy Board by Mustard is Existentially Perfect for Cheese
Cat-Themed Magazines
Cat-Themed Magazines
Puss Puss is a Magazine Devoted to Everything Cats
Drag Queen Commercials
Drag Queen Commercials
The Starbucks Drag Queen Commercial is Campy and Fun
Pop Star Tribute Playlists
Pop Star Tribute Playlists
These Funny Playlists Respond to the Taylor Swift Spotify Drama
Celebrity Poetry Generators
Celebrity Poetry Generators
The Willow and Jaden Smith Poetry Generator Goes Deep
Silky Heartthrob Pillows
Silky Heartthrob Pillows
This Ryan Gosling Pillow Will Soothe Your Nightmares
Sobbing Socialite Tees
Sobbing Socialite Tees
The Kryin' Kim Tee Has No Sympathy for the Reality Tv Star
Truthful Body Image Videos
Truthful Body Image Videos
This Video Asks What If We Were Honest About Women's Bodies
Good Grammar Parodies
Good Grammar Parodies
Weird Al Yankovic's Word Crimes Pokes Fun at Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines
Cupcake Dating Accounts
Cupcake Dating Accounts
Lee Breslouer Posed as a Cupcake on His Tinder Profile
Absurd Pizza Promos
Absurd Pizza Promos
These Bizarre Stock Photo Ads are the Result of Challenging a BuzzFeed List
Trash Can Graffiti
Trash Can Graffiti
This Artistic Collaboration Lead to Some Amazing Trash Street Art
Comical Donut Reciepts
Comical Donut Reciepts
This Store Receipt From the Freshest Donut Pros Makes Humorous Remarks
Literary Text Exchanges
Literary Text Exchanges
Texts From Jane Eyre Imagines the Cast of Harry Potter in the Real World
Temporary Dystopian Branding
Temporary Dystopian Branding
Retailer 'Three' Changed Its Name to District Three as a PR Stunt
Intergalactic Sacrilege Sweaters
Intergalactic Sacrilege Sweaters
The Alien Nativity Ugly Christmas Sweater is Fun and Offensive
Reenacted Butt Photoshoots
Reenacted Butt Photoshoots
The Try Guys Recreate Kim Kardashian's Paper Magazine Editorial
Museum Spying Photoblogs
Museum Spying Photoblogs
The Instagram Account 'Museum Babes' Snaps Dames Taking in Art
Deliciously Creepy Chocolates
Deliciously Creepy Chocolates
Tina Pavlatos Created a Box of Anatomical Treats
Familial Cartoon Accounts
Familial Cartoon Accounts
Peter Griffin's Instagram Account Features the Whole Family
Startup Title Spoofs
Startup Title Spoofs
The Silicon Valley Job Title Generator Parodies Entrepreneurial Roles
Elderly Toddler Photography
Elderly Toddler Photography
Zachary Scott Accelerates the Aging Process for a Group of Toddlers
Real Romance Novel Covers
Real Romance Novel Covers
Cosmopolitan Recreates Classic Harlequin Pulp Jackets for Laughs
Outrageous Cat Calendars
Outrageous Cat Calendars
The Official Social Justice Kittens Calendar Contains Cat Commentary
Fat-Filtered Celebs
Fat-Filtered Celebs
These Celebrities Gain a Couple Pounds with the FatBooth App
Superhero LEGO Mashups
Superhero LEGO Mashups
The 'LEGO: Fiction Meets Fiction' Billboards Emphasize Guardian Characters
Historical Portrait Selfies
Historical Portrait Selfies
Olivia Muus Introduces Classical Paintings to the Art of the Selfie
Party-Inducing Linens
Party-Inducing Linens
The 'Dance All Night Pillow Case' Channels Your Inner Social Butterfly