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39 Viral Video Spoofs

From Airport Spoof Songs to Clean-Up Parodies

— January 21, 2011 — Pop Culture
This collection of viral video spoofs has the most entertaining comedy clips to hit TrendHunter all gathered conveniently into one location.

When a video goes viral, it spreads like wildfire across the internet, but there are more factors at play than merely whether or not something is just interesting. Oftentimes it also needs to be funny -- really funny. So, if winter has got you down or you just need a laugh, then check out this top list of viral video spoofs and get ready for a good chuckle.
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Celeb Rant Spoofs
Celeb Rant Spoofs
Jimmy Kimmel's 'Mel Says the Darndest Things' Segment Will Guarantee Laughs
Touchy Twitter Parodies
Touchy Twitter Parodies
Josh Grobin Spoofs Kanye West With ‘Tweet Album'
Airport Security Spoof Songs
Airport Security Spoof Songs
'Comply With Me' Takes Shots at the TSA
Political Sitcom Parodies
Political Sitcom Parodies
The 'Glee' Illinois Governor Ad is Hilariously Informative
G-Rated Movie Remakes
G-Rated Movie Remakes
The 'Politically Correct Pulp Fiction' Parody is Suitable for Children
News Segment Spoofs (UPDATE)
News Segment Spoofs (UPDATE)
The Rape-Rap 'Bed Intruder' Song is Now on iTunes
Old Spice Spoofs
Old Spice Spoofs
Cisco Tries to Capitalize on Isaiah Mustafa's Mantastic Viral Ads
Oil Spill Clean-Up Parodies
Oil Spill Clean-Up Parodies
The Greenpeace ‘ScamWow' Spoofs on Serious Matters
Flamboyant Literature Spoofs
Flamboyant Literature Spoofs
Brian Gallivan's Sassy Gay Friend Viral Takes the Internet by Storm
Elderly Pop Song Spoofs
Elderly Pop Song Spoofs
The ‘California Boys' Parody Will Shock You
Celeb Parody Musicals
Celeb Parody Musicals
Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Grease 'Summer Nights' Spoof
Self-Spoofing Ads
Self-Spoofing Ads
Mac Half Life 2 '1984' Teaser Parodies the Classic Apple Ad
Mastercard Parody Videos
Mastercard Parody Videos
'Your First' From Funny or Die Chronicles the Priceless Moments in Life
Re-Animated Cartoons
Re-Animated Cartoons
Animaniacs Gets Done in South Park Style
Scientology Spoof Films
Scientology Spoof Films
The Comedic 'Knowledgy' Film Stars Leo Fitzpatrick
Guidofied Old Spice Spoofs
Guidofied Old Spice Spoofs
Jersey Shore Vinny MTV Campaign Promotes New Year's Eve Bash
Viral Pop Star Parodies
Viral Pop Star Parodies
WinterSpringPro Justin Beiber Farmville Spoof Pokes Fun at Facebook
Teen Star Impersonations
Teen Star Impersonations
Jimmy Fallon as Robert Pattinson Discusses his Bother
Truthful Tech Ad Spoofs
Truthful Tech Ad Spoofs
'I'm a Mac and I've Got a Dirty Secret' Sheds Light on Conflict Minerals
Rapping Darth Vaders
Rapping Darth Vaders
The College Humor 'Galactic Empire State of Mind' Music Video
Bathroom Dance-Pop Spoofs
Bathroom Dance-Pop Spoofs
Bubble Gang Bitoy 'Bathroom Dance' Bad Romance Spoof is Hilarious
Cinema Spoof Ads
Cinema Spoof Ads
These ‘Studio Universal' Ads are Funny Remakes
Dolphin-Hunting Spoofs
Dolphin-Hunting Spoofs
South Park Makes Fun of Japanese Whaling
Hilarious DUI Spoofs
Hilarious DUI Spoofs
'Realistic Sobriety Tests' Makes a Cop's Job More Fun
Sorry Facebook Spoofs
Sorry Facebook Spoofs
The UCB Comedy "Mark Zuckerberg" Apology to Facebook Users
Auto-Tune Parody Songs
Auto-Tune Parody Songs
Animated Akon Calls T-Pain to Go for Sushi at the Mall
Facebook Movie Parodies
Facebook Movie Parodies
The 'Social Network Parody' Makes Fun of Mark Zuckerberg
Birthday Suit Ad Spoofs
Birthday Suit Ad Spoofs
The Sun Page 3 Old Spice Parody Celebrates 40 Years of Fantasy
Preschool Apple Parodies
Preschool Apple Parodies
The Sesame Street iPogo Video is a Hilarious iPhone Spoof
Kiddie Reality Show Spoofs
Kiddie Reality Show Spoofs
The Toddlers Remake of ‘The Hills'
LEGO Trailer Spoofs
LEGO Trailer Spoofs
The Prince Of Persia Trailer LEGO Reenactment
Itty-Bitty Housewife Spoofs
Itty-Bitty Housewife Spoofs
The 'Mini Real Housewives of New Jersey' Video is Freakishly Accurate
Vampire Movie Mash-Ups
Vampire Movie Mash-Ups
The ‘Twilight’/‘True Blood’ Barbie Reenactment Spoof
Viral Smartphone Spoofs
Viral Smartphone Spoofs
This Naughty iPhone 4 Parody Video Will Have You Laughing for Hours
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
‘Delicate Embrace' Bra Commercial is "Not For Chubbies"
Sapphic Vampire Spoofs
Sapphic Vampire Spoofs
'Twilight for Guys' Reworks the Film for a Male Audience
Viral Rapper Spoofs
Viral Rapper Spoofs
Kanye West Interruption Parodies Get Funnier Everytime You See Them