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Top 100 Science Trends in 2018

From Solar-Powered Electric Bikes to Flat Camera Lenses

— February 2, 2019 — Unique
From next-gen aircraft designs to paper-based batteries, the top 2018 science trends share ideas big and small for a brighter future. In the last year, researchers unveiled eco-friendly vaccines for plants, solar-powered electric bikes, as well as various bandages and non-invasive devices to revolutionize the way medical patients are treated on an individual basis.

While many innovations in science and technology are not yet available for public consumption, there are plenty of health-centric breakthroughs that are now readily available for the average person to purchase and experience in the form of kits, apps and wearable devices.

Based on these innovations in science and technology, more innovations centered on concepts like waste reuse and reduction, sustainable energy and autonomous healthcare can be expected to have a ripple effect across multiple industries.

To access more science trends for the year ahead, check out our 2019 Trend Report.
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Genetically Enhanced Beer
Genetically Enhanced Beer
Researchers Have Devised a Way to Make Hopless Beer With CRISPR Tech
Deformed Swimming Robots
Deformed Swimming Robots
This Robot is Propelled by Materials That Deform When Temperatures Change
Interstellar Selfie Apps
Interstellar Selfie Apps
This NASA App Lets You Pose in Front of Breathtaking Space Photos
School Lockdown Sensors
School Lockdown Sensors
Jim Skorpik Designed a Range of Sensors to Protect Children
Sprawling Solar Observatories
Sprawling Solar Observatories
This Norwegian Facility is Getting a Greenery-Topped Planetarium
Painless Biopsy Devices
Painless Biopsy Devices
This Compact Gadget Collects Skin Samples Without Leaving Any Scars
Laboratory Tattoo Tracking Systems
Laboratory Tattoo Tracking Systems
The SensaLab 'Ai.Ink' Marks and Tracks Testing Animals
Booze-Detecting Implantable Chips
Booze-Detecting Implantable Chips
This High-Tech Chip Can Help Monitor Alcohol Consumption Levels
AI-Driven Autonomous Vehicles
AI-Driven Autonomous Vehicles
Nvidia's Drive IX is Powered by VW and Uber Autonomous Vehicles
Smart Smelling Sensors
Smart Smelling Sensors
The Smelldect Project Aims to Provide Technology with Smelling Features
Light-Powered Office Internet
Light-Powered Office Internet
French Company Icade is Piloting Philips Lighting's LiFi Luminaires
Cooling Reflective Paints
Cooling Reflective Paints
Researchers Have Developed a Cooling Reflective Polymer
Genetic Testing Drug Kits
Genetic Testing Drug Kits
The 23andMe Genetic Kit Helps Discover the Best Medicine for Users
In Vitro Ear Regeneration
In Vitro Ear Regeneration
New Ears Have Been Grown in 3D-Printed Molds for Kids Born with Microtia
Flavor-Maintaining Electric Gums
Flavor-Maintaining Electric Gums
Researchers at Meiji University Revolutionize the Way We Taste
Flat Camera Lenses
Flat Camera Lenses
Harvard Researchers Developed Tiny, Flat and Inexpensive 'Metalenses'
Eco-Friendly Plant Vaccines
Eco-Friendly Plant Vaccines
Pesticides Might Soon Be Replaced With an RNA-Based Vaccine
Utility-Focused 3D Printers
Utility-Focused 3D Printers
A Concept Portable 3D Printer Could Be an Essential Tool for Soldiers
Smokey Fungus-Infused Lagers
Smokey Fungus-Infused Lagers
Heineken's New H41 Beer is Made with a Wild Patagonian Fungus
Man-Made Luminescent Plants
Man-Made Luminescent Plants
Researchers at MIT are Getting Closer to Creating Plant-Based Lighting
Microscopic Optical Gyroscopes
Microscopic Optical Gyroscopes
The New Caltech Gyroscope Could Rapidly Change Electronics
UV Exposure-Detecting Wristbands
UV Exposure-Detecting Wristbands
This Paper Wristband Lets You Know When to Head Indoors
Cortisol-Tracking Wearables
Cortisol-Tracking Wearables
Scientists Have Developed a Way to Better Track Cortisol Through Sweat
Adhesive Bone Patches
Adhesive Bone Patches
This Surgical Patch Uses a High-Tech Resin That Hardens Under LED Light
Waste-Transformed Space Food
Waste-Transformed Space Food
Scientists are Experimenting With Food for Astronauts Made From Feces
Alcohol-Monitoring Temporary Tattoos
Alcohol-Monitoring Temporary Tattoos
This Smart Tattoo by University of California Enhances Health
Durable Healing Materials
Durable Healing Materials
A Newly Developed Self-Healing Material Could Be the Future of Robotics
Paper-Based Batteries
Paper-Based Batteries
These new Eco-Friendly Batteries Could One-Day Power Medical Technology
Custom-Printed Bandages
Custom-Printed Bandages
Temple University Developed a Method for Making 3D-Printed Bandages
All-Natural CBD Supplements
All-Natural CBD Supplements
Healthspan's Cannabidiol Capsules are Beneficial to Human Wellbeing
Double Helix Spiral Installations
Double Helix Spiral Installations
Carsten Höller Revealed Plans for a Dynamic Display in Florence
Smartphone-Connected Ultrasound Devices
Smartphone-Connected Ultrasound Devices
The 'Butterfly iQ' Performs Procedures from Anywhere
Ultra-Quick Glowing Blood Tests
Ultra-Quick Glowing Blood Tests
This Paper Blood Test Quickly Identifies if Disease is Present
Medication Disposal Powders
Medication Disposal Powders
DisposeRx is a Safe Drug Disposal Powder to Prevent Prescription Abuse
Affordable Portable Microscope Kits
Affordable Portable Microscope Kits
The Community Microscope Kit Allows You to Explore On-the-Go
Autonomous Oceanic Drones
Autonomous Oceanic Drones
The 'Saildrone' Collects Ocean Data in Any Weather Conditions
Futuristic Battery Production
Futuristic Battery Production
A China-Based Start-Up is Beginning Solid-State Battery Production
Consumer Eye-Tracking Hardware
Consumer Eye-Tracking Hardware
Tobii Pro Gives Authentic Insights to Scientists and Businesses
Powerful Technological Telescopes
Powerful Technological Telescopes
The Unistellar eVscope Received an Award at CES 2018
Cosmic Beer Programs
Cosmic Beer Programs
Vostok Space Beer Aims to be the Premier Brew For Space Travel
Robot-Built Ultra-Tiny Houses
Robot-Built Ultra-Tiny Houses
Femto-ST Institute Researchers Created the World's Smallest House
Ionic Wind-Powered Planes
Ionic Wind-Powered Planes
MIT's Electroaerodynamic Plane Could Change the Future of Airplanes
Robotic Bee Attractors
Robotic Bee Attractors
An Australian Designed and Robotic Flower That Can Aid in Pollination
Data-Generating Pill Packages
Data-Generating Pill Packages
This Smart Package Generates Real-Time Data from Interactions
Dissolvable Micro-Needles
Dissolvable Micro-Needles
Researchers Have Developed a 3D-Printed Dissolving Microneedle Array
Stroke-Detecting Visors
Stroke-Detecting Visors
This High-Tech Visor Uses Radio Waves to Examine Patients' Brain Health
Convenient Self-Heating Technology
Convenient Self-Heating Technology
LAVA GEL Has Multiple Applications Across Different Industries
Bio-Printed Wound Dressings
Bio-Printed Wound Dressings
This Medical Innovation Protects Those with Diabetes from Infection
In-Mouth Tracking Wearables
In-Mouth Tracking Wearables
Nutrition Can Now Be Better Controlled with This Tooth-Mounted Sensor
Battery-Free Bike Lights
Battery-Free Bike Lights
Arara is the Bicycle Lighting System That Will Never Need a Battery
Neurotransmitter-Boosting Brain Apps
Neurotransmitter-Boosting Brain Apps
The 'BrainHQ' App Raises Acetylcholine Levels to Aid Memory
Wavy Gravity-Shifting Sculptures
Wavy Gravity-Shifting Sculptures
Mariko Mori Creates a Sculpture That Challenges Scientific Theory
Ultra-Quiet Supersonic Jets
Ultra-Quiet Supersonic Jets
The NASA X-Plane Eliminates the Boom Associated with Supersonic Travel
Brain Performance-Enhancing Devices
Brain Performance-Enhancing Devices
Brain Advantage Mobile Prompts Improvement in Brain Function
Color-Correcting Eye Implants
Color-Correcting Eye Implants
These Lenses Help Wearers Distinguish Between Red & Green Hues
Biometric Research Platforms
Biometric Research Platforms
iMotions Makes Studying Biometrics Simple with an Easy-to-Use System
Connected Hyperhidrosis Treatments
Connected Hyperhidrosis Treatments
The 'Handrop' by Drop Helps to Counteract Heavy Sweating
Digital Health Management Platforms
Digital Health Management Platforms
Meum by iCarbonX Monitors Health Status and Predicts Trends
Opulent Space Hotels
Opulent Space Hotels
The 'Aurora Station' Space Hotel is Envisioned to Host Four Guests at a Time
Cuttlefish-Copying Robots
Cuttlefish-Copying Robots
This Bio-Inspired Robot Has Fins That Can Move In Opposing Directions
Virtual Surgery Simulations
Virtual Surgery Simulations
Fundamental Surgery Uses Modern Tech to Train Future Surgeons
Bioplastic-Producing Installations
Bioplastic-Producing Installations
Ying Wang's Project Offers Alternatives to Plastic
Water-Purifying Membranes
Water-Purifying Membranes
The Graphair Filter Membrane is Hoping to Solve the Clean Water Crisis
Incision-Free Surgery Solutions
Incision-Free Surgery Solutions
The Versius Surgical Robotic System Seamlessly Supports Surgeons
DIY Internet-Powered Labs
DIY Internet-Powered Labs
The 'Hilab' Portable Laboratory Lets Patients Perform Their Own Tests
Innovative Cooling Technology
Innovative Cooling Technology
This New Piece of Tech from Stanford Hopes to Combat Climate Change
Reef-Monitoring Underwater Drones
Reef-Monitoring Underwater Drones
The 'RangerBot' Can Assess Problems In Coral Reefs
Digital Meditation Headsets
Digital Meditation Headsets
'GuruGo' Uses Light and Isochronic Tones to Guide Meditation
Medically Focused Smart Clothes
Medically Focused Smart Clothes
The Xenoma E-Skin Pajamas May Revolutionize Medical Care
Portable Smart Telescopes
Portable Smart Telescopes
The Hiuni Telescope is an Easy-to-Use Product for Live Stargazing
Sanitary Waterless Toilets
Sanitary Waterless Toilets
The change:WATER Toilet is Designed for Areas with Limited Plumbing
Self-Folding 4D-Printed Objects
Self-Folding 4D-Printed Objects
Carnegie Mellon University Uses Heat to Instill Change in Objects
Suspended Futuristic Research Centers
Suspended Futuristic Research Centers
Clouds Architecture Office's Proposes an Avatar X Campus
Chic Thermo-Sensitive Leather Jackets
Chic Thermo-Sensitive Leather Jackets
Stone Island Takes Innovative Outerwear is Extravagant
Hydration-Tracking Patches
Hydration-Tracking Patches
The Gatorade Wearable Reads a Person's Sweat To Determine Hydration
Advanced Aircraft Technologies
Advanced Aircraft Technologies
Siemens' New Form of Electric Propulsion Uses Digital Twin Tech
Plastic-Eating Fungi Breakthroughs
Plastic-Eating Fungi Breakthroughs
Kew Gardens Scientists Advocate for the Eco Value in Mushrooms
Enormous Futuristic Science Centers
Enormous Futuristic Science Centers
SMAR Architecture Studio's Proposal is Spacious and Minimalist
Helpful Diet-Assisting Gadgets
Helpful Diet-Assisting Gadgets
Lumen is a Device for Losing Weight & a Coach for Healthier Living
3D-Printed Death Masks
3D-Printed Death Masks
Neri Oxman's Latest Project Boasts Pigment-Producing Microorganisms
Futuristic Interplanetary Spaceships
Futuristic Interplanetary Spaceships
The SpaceX Big Falcon Rocket Fits Up to 100 Passengers
App-Connected Smart Telescopes
App-Connected Smart Telescopes
The Hiuni Smart Telescope is Connected, Motorized & Computerized
Fungus-Created Leather
Fungus-Created Leather
Bolt Threads is Using Fungal Root Structures to Make New Materials
Cell Cycle Jewelry Capsules
Cell Cycle Jewelry Capsules
Nervous System's 3D-Printed Jewelry Collection is Very Detail-Oriented
Solar Powered Electric Bikes
Solar Powered Electric Bikes
Solar Motion Corporation's Bikes are Charged When They're in the Sun
Medical AR Systems
Medical AR Systems
ProjectDR's Augmented Reality is Hoping to Innovate the Surgical Field
Acoustically Powered Tattoo Removers
Acoustically Powered Tattoo Removers
The Soliton Rapid Acoustic Pulse System Quickly Removes Ink
Water-Based Digital Fabrication Platforms
Water-Based Digital Fabrication Platforms
Neri Oxman's Project Builds from Aqueous Material Form
Calming Cat Radio Stations
Calming Cat Radio Stations
Whiskas' 'Cat Calm Radio' is a Species-Specific Online Station
EEG-Dependent Art Installations
EEG-Dependent Art Installations
David Carson & Thijs Biersteker Produce Interactive Responsive Art
Vertical Takeoff Taxi Aircrafts
Vertical Takeoff Taxi Aircrafts
The Vertical Aerospace eVTOL Aircraft will Launch in 2022
Futuristic Fighter Jet Concepts
Futuristic Fighter Jet Concepts
The 'Tempest' Can Deploy Hypersonic Missiles and Armies Of Drones
AI-Powered Journal Apps
AI-Powered Journal Apps
MorningPages Provides Insights on One's Mental State
Environmental Disaster Shelters
Environmental Disaster Shelters
this Ecological residence buries itself during hurricane winds
Innovative Biomimicry Chair Designs
Innovative Biomimicry Chair Designs
Lilian Van Daal's 3D-Printed Chair Uses Recycled Materials
Autonomous Car Tire Concepts
Autonomous Car Tire Concepts
These Hankook Tires Offer a Glimpse into the Future of Tire Design
Hi-Tech Art Cubes
Hi-Tech Art Cubes
The Trans-Dimensional HyperCube is a Versatile Decor Piece