Umami flavors become increasingly dominant in modern cocktail and alcohol formulas
Trend - Alcohol brands are positioning themselves to align with the savory cocktail trend by experimenting with ingredients that deliver strong umami flavors. From MSG to seaweed, the inclusion of these ingredients imparts a unique flavor combination that caters to the palates of adventurous drinkers.
Insight - Consumers are increasingly searching for alternatives to traditional cocktails, usually characterized by high sugar content and familiar, sweet flavors. In response, brands are exploring fermented and saline ingredients, such as mushrooms and broths, to create cocktails with savory flavor profiles. These companies recognize that consumers are increasingly conscious of the health benefits of their purchases and value brands that offer something different from the typical cocktail experience?.
Insight - Consumers are increasingly searching for alternatives to traditional cocktails, usually characterized by high sugar content and familiar, sweet flavors. In response, brands are exploring fermented and saline ingredients, such as mushrooms and broths, to create cocktails with savory flavor profiles. These companies recognize that consumers are increasingly conscious of the health benefits of their purchases and value brands that offer something different from the typical cocktail experience?.
Workshop Question - How can your brand subvert the expectations of its target consumers?
Trend Themes
1. Savory Cocktails - Bartenders are infusing cocktails with umami-rich ingredients, such as seaweed and mushroom broth, to create unique savory drinking experiences.
2. Drinkable Meals - The demand for convenient, nutritious, and portable meals in liquid form is increasing, resulting in innovative drinkable versions of traditional dishes like ramen.
3. MSG Revival - Misunderstood for years, MSG is being celebrated for its ability to enhance savory flavors in innovative cocktail creations and beyond.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Experimentation with new, adventurous flavors is transforming traditional beverages, making them more appealing to health-conscious and curious consumers.
2. Hospitality and Foodservice Industry - Restaurants and bars are pioneering new flavor profiles and ingredient combinations, revolutionizing the dining and drinking experience.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - The integration of nutritious ingredients into convenient drinkable meals addresses the growing consumer focus on health and efficiency.