Haircare ingredients come infused into everyday objects
Implications - Brands in the haircare industry are incorporating beneficial ingredients into products like gloves and caps, so that consumers are able to multitask as they prepare for their day. The shift comes as consumers seek to streamline various rituals for the sake of convenience, while still gaining the benefits they're seeking.
Workshop Question - How could your brand streamline the process of using its product/service?
Trend Themes
1. Streamlined Rituals - Consumers seek to streamline various rituals for convenience.
2. Infused Ingredients - Haircare brands are incorporating beneficial ingredients into everyday objects.
3. All-natural Solutions - Haircare brands are developing all-natural solutions for hair problems.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care - Brands in the personal care industry can infuse beneficial ingredients into everyday objects.
2. Eco-friendly - Brands can attract customers by using all-natural ingredients in haircare solutions.
3. Wellness - By streamlining their morning routines, customers can use personal care products that are infused with additional benefits to promote overall wellness.