Tea-Infused Vodka Seltzers

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Neatly Spiked's 100-Calorie Cans are Infused with Green Tea

Neatly Spiked newly launched green tea-infused vodka seltzers that come in at just 100 calories with two grams of sugar and all-natural flavors. The conveniently canned drinks are said to "taste like the weekend" and since they have no malt, they help consumers avoid the crashing, the burning and the bloating.

The canned drinks from the female-founded brand are being introduced in several fun flavors, including Pineapple Coconut, Blueberry Honey, White Peach, and Yuzu Lemon and Lime. The vegan-friendly drinks speak to the growing number of consumers who are interested in indulging without compromise, and feeling good about the beverage choices they make, whether they choose to partake on a weekday or a weekend.
Trend Themes
1. Tea-infused Alcoholic Beverages - Opportunity for further innovation in the creation of unique tea-infused alcoholic beverages.
2. Low-calorie Canned Cocktails - Further development of low-calorie canned cocktails with unique and all-natural flavors.
3. Vegan-friendly Alcohol Options - Opportunity to expand and innovate vegan-friendly alcoholic beverage options.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol and Beverage - Alcohol and beverage industry can expand into the creation of low-calorie, healthy and unique cocktail options.
2. Plant-based and Vegan Foods - Intersection between alcoholic beverages and plant-based, vegan food industry with developing vegan-friendly alcoholic options.
3. Convenience and Packaging - Innovations in the packaging and marketing of convenient and unique alcoholic beverages.

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