These five-finger finds recognize that there is currently no product or machine that can quite match the nuanced articulation of the human hand.
In recent years, robotic technology has obviously been becoming more and more advanced; however, there has yet to be a robot that can play Liszt without either ruining the piece or the piano on which it is played. For centuries, artists have claimed that the most difficult features of the human body to accurately depict are the hands. The products, art, design and novelties featured here all seek to accommodate this articulate and malleable aspect of human anatomy rather than compete against it.
Whether it something as lighthearted as a novelty finger mustache or as advanced as motion-sensing gloves, these innovations take advantage of tripe-jointed fingers and opposable thumbs.
100 Five-Finger Finds

Violent Finger Art
Use Your Imagination to Create Humorous Art from Your Appendages

Unsettling Surreal Photography
Toilet Paper by Pierpaolo Ferrari has a Perturbing Appeal
Social Media Manicures
Twitter Nails Fuses the Internet with Beauty
Storytelling Digital Art
Merel Brugman's Image Manipulation is More Than Meets the Eye
Rainbow-Hued Pop Portraits
Nicky Barkla Paints Famous Characters in a Style Resembling Oil
Light Bead Musical Curtain
Gadget Friendly Gloves
iTWYF Stylus Gloves Enable All-Weather Electronic Use
Finger Costumes
The Angel Ring by SeldaOkutan Gives Your Pointers Panache
Emotional Coat Hangers
Hang Your Coat From Welcoming Gestures Courtesy of Thelermont Hupton
Personalized Baby Prints
'Otete & Anyo' by Rezon Turn Your Infant's Hands & Feet Into Stamps
Bizarre Glove Art
Claire Watson Creates Rather Freaky Oddball Artworks
Ergonomic Tablet Grapplers
Comfe Hands Helps Make Handling the Device More Comfortable
Simple Gesturing Stationary
The Mondolfi 'Enough Said' Cards are Straight to the Point
Shocking Sign Language Tees
The Controversial Social Hands Tee is Silently In-Your-Face
McDonald's Painted Handvertising
Rock 'n' Fries
Lovers' Gloves
Hand Warmers for Couples
Artistic Elderly Extremities
The Algo 'Hands of an Artist' Series Shows Wrinkled Paws
Metal Fingernail Gloves
Dominic Jones' Dark Creations are Hard-Edged Wonders
Wearable Mobile Phone Concept
Turn Your Fingers into a Mobile Phone
Macabre Condiment Dispensers
Dismembered Baby Hands Ceramic Salt and Pepper Shakers
Bird-Flipping Lookbooks
Arielle de Pinto 2010 Jewelry Collection Gives a One-Fingered Salute
Peeping Tom Tees
Pleasure Principle and Olaf Breuning Team Up for T-Shirts
Tattooed Puppets
Monster & Animal Hands by Hector Serrano Are Temporary Tatts
Gangsta Ad Campaigns
BBDO Advertising Agency Plays Off the Iconic ‘Bloods' Gang Symbol
Macabre Memory Sticks
The USB Flash Drive Finger is Creepy and Cringe-Worthy
Finger Toys
Fingertip Sized Dance Mats for Playstation
Sign Language Armchairs
Rompecabezas by Pedro Reyes are Seats with Hand Gestures
Misnomered Moniker Masterpieces
Hairy Socks Jewelry is Far More Elegant Than Its Name
Amusing Mustache Jewelry
The 'Girly Stache Ring' Makes Flair of Facial Hair
Fierce Skeletal Jewelry
Reveal Your Insides with the Evol Heist ‘Death Grip' Bracelet
Cocktail Party Cutlery
Finger Food Spoons Let You Elegantly Enjoy Snacks
High-Tech X-Finger Replaces Lost Digits
Handsy Art Installations
Min Jeong Seo Sculpts Imagination
Kaleidoscopic Pretzel Hands
Randi Antonsen Takes Sign Language to a New Level
Lifelike Bionic Hand
The Touch Bionics i-LIMB
Prosthetic Phalanges
The Touch Bionic 'ProDigits' Offer Advanced Dexterity for the Disabled
Multihued Hand Monsters
The Kimberly-Clark Hygiene Campaign Will Scare You
Fashionable Finger Films
The Chanel Shade Parade Video is Adorably Chic
Face-Replaced Fists
'Hands Up' by Paul Ripke Matches Stereotypes with Finger Symbols
Adorable Appendage Tattoos
Finger Farm and Finger Fairytale by Hector Serrano Enlivens Playtime
One-Handed Cellphones
Parker Kuncl Designs the Strata Saturn a Single-Hand Use Phone
Humanized Typography
Tien-Min Liao Spells it out for You in This Experiment
Gamer Friendship Bling
The Mario Bros. Rings Would Make Great Wedding Bands
The Robotic Hand Pianist Plays Cool Classical Music
Interactive Sense-screen Tables
Microsoft Surface SUR40 Features an Improved User Interface
Finger Tip Gloves
Thumbs are Neglected
Extremity Exercise Equipment
The Hand Fitness Trainer Strengthens and Tones Your Hands
Handshaking Holograms
Group of Japanese Scientists Creates Touch-Sensitive Human Projections
Tactile Measuring Tools
The Smart Finger Measurement Device Digitizes Human Approximations
Space Age Palm Projectors
Devin Coakley's LifeLine Creates Intangible Texting
Mustache Gloves
Cozy Hands and a Warm Upper Lip Are Just Bonuses
Funky Finger Shades
The 'Jeremy Scott Flesh Hands' are Eccentric and Manicured
Hi-Tech Hands
Light Fingers Have LEDs, Black and Strobe Lights
Faux Finger Jewelry
Start an Impromptu Finger Cabaret With The Finger Leg Brooch
USB Replacement Fingers
Finnish Techie Has Handy Device Embedded In Prosthetic
Conductive Fingertip Clips
The Quirky Digits Glove Pins are Touchscreen-Friendly in Frigid Temps
Winter-Ready Gadget Gloves
The North Face E-tip Keeps Your Hands Warm and Touchscreen Accessible
Techtastic Jazz Hands
Robert Wang Develops a 3D Gestural System that Simply Needs a Webcam
Severed Appendage Soaps
Creepy Finger Soaps are a Gruesome Way to Get Clean
High-Five Light Switches
Bye-5 Lets You Turn off the Lights by Greeting it With Your Hand
Artvertising With Hands
HTC: Set Your Fingers Free
Hand-Told Stories
Fine by Virgilio Villoresi Tells the Tale of a Solider
One-Hand Game Controllers
Ben Heck Creates World's First Right-Handed Xbox 360 Controller
Reconciliation Artwork
The Pre-Handshake Device Provokes 'Uncomfortable Conversations'
Hi-Tech Instrument Gadgets
The Japanese Wrist-Mounted Finger Piano is a Handful of Musical Fun
Hands as a Canvas 3
Funny Fingers
Finger Vein Scanners
Hitachi's High Tech Security
Zoomorphic Computer Peripherals
The Butterfly Keyboard is Inspired by the Flying Insect
Finger-Painted Fonts
Tien-Min Liao's Handmade Type Uses Subtle Gestures to Form Letters
Hot Mittens
USB Heated Gloves Offer Warmth While You Type
Light-Emitting Architecture
The Arclighting Media Facades Video Surveys Brilliant Buildings
USB Kitten Mittens
The Cat Paw Hand Warmer from Thanko is a Nifty Novelty
Glamorous Skeleton Gloves
Halloween Favorite Hits the Runway
Silly Finger Mustaches
The Fingerstache Tattoo Kit Will Disguise You in a Hurry
Preserving Memories with Gadgets
The Experience Recorder Glove
Hot Hand Mittens
The Ultimate Rechargeable Heated Gloves Keep Your Hands Warm for Hours
Creating Music by Finger Tapping
Petr Hampl's Futuristic Concept
Revolutionary Bionic Hands
Touch Bionics Unveil 'i-LIMB Pulse' Bluetooth-Accesorized Prosthesis
Spine-Chilling Cleansers
DirtyA$$Soaps Sells Scary Skeleton Soaps
Finger Ware
"Eat With Your Fingers" Set
Half-Finished Rings
This Accessory from the Pigr Shop is Endearing
Hand Puppet Ink
ThinkGeek Brings You Temporary Hand Tattoos
Finger-Controlling Gadgets
The PossessedHand Device Moves Your Fingers for You
Realistic Bionic Hands
The Bebionic Hand Looks Amazingly Real and Responsive
Finger-Saving Nail Holders
Avoid Terrible Accidents with the ThumbSaver
Floating Handtography
Simon Duhamel Captures Weightless Exhibits
Zombie Appendage Bookmarks
Anna Sternik Fashions Placeholders that Look Like Rotting Hands
Handy Bathroom Fixtures
Galassia 'Meg11' Washroom Accessories are Restroom Attendants
Bronzed Appendage Holders
Nick Davis Designs Hands and Feet Hooks
Severed Finger Stoppers
The Scott Nelles 'Hand of the Artist' Wine Plugs are Butchered Bronze
Retro Hand-Powered Cutters
The Sabercut Saw Cuts Both Ways to Ensure Efficiency
Electronic-Addict Ailments
The Ferris Wheels 'Texting Thumb Heat Pack' Mends Your Hurting Hand
Video Vitality Sensors
Nintendo Wii Add-On Measures Game-Playing Pressures
Federal Finger-Puppets
Finger-Free Studded Gloves
‘Studded & Chained' Fingerless Gloves by JK Accessories
Dismembered Chocolate Treats
Magicians Fingers by David Bradley is the Answer to Ladyfingers
Hi-Tech Winter Mitts
North Face ETIP Gloves Provides Strong Grip & Warm Hands
Glowing Musical Gloves
Light Frequency Fingertips Turns Your Hands into Instruments
Firey Hand Art
Habibeh Madjdabadi Creates Symbolic Hand Designs
Viral Video Flashback
Daft Hands (Harder, Better, Faster Stronger)
Related Ideas
AI-Powered Lipstick Application Systems
Grupo Boticário Partners with CESAR Innovation Hub
Industrial Handheld Gaming Consoles
The Conceptual PocketMan P1 Has Exposed Components
AI-Generated Art Challenges
The KFC x Fiiiiiingers Rewarded Fans for Creating Images with AI
ChatGPT-Powered Wearable Rings
The 'L-Ring 2' Offers AI-Powered Translation and More
Smartphone-Controlling Sneakers
The Samsung Shortcut Sneaker Can Perform Five On-Device Actions
Rotating Button Panel Smartphones
The Conceptual 'PHONE ONE' by Wayne Lu Adapts to Usage Needs
RFID-Enabled Sport Sneakers
BANBROKEN ARTDesign Sport Shoes Have the TAP-Tech Feature
Handheld Resistance Devices
WOW Prevent Soft Tissue Injuries in Athletics & Performing Arts
Modular AI-Powered Mouses
The Conceptual 'OctoAssist' Mouse Has a Multipurpose Form
AI-Driven Robotics Technology
RoboSense is Breaking Ground in the Robotics Sector
AI-Generated Real-World Transformations
AI-Artist Who Gives a Unique Design to Real Objects
Next-Gen Humanoid Robots
The Tesla Optimus Gen 2 Robot Can Delicately Manipulate Objects
Humanoid Household Robots
The 1X NEO Beta Will Utilize Embodied Learning to Perform Tasks
Wearable AI Productivity Devices
The 'Omi' Wearable Works with the User's Smartphone
Fuzzy Dynamic Collaborative Footwear
Suicoke and Midorikawa Unveil Another Five Finger Shoe
AI-Fuelled Ballpoint Pens
The XNote is a ChatGPT-Enhanced Pen for Digital Drawings
Humanoid Robot Comparators
BotsLikeYou Compares Humanoid Robots to Find the Best Fit for You
Beer-Branded Music Sharing Devices
The Conceptual 'Hei-Five' Connects Strangers Over Music
Health-Conscious Mouse Designs
The 'Ergo' Ergonomic Mouse Concept by Pranav Kuber is Advanced
Gesture Control Smart Desks
The Autonomous SmartDesk Levitate Raises and Lowers with Ease
Smart At-Home Nail Salons
Nimble Uses Robotics and AI to Scan, Paint and Dry Nails
Palm Print Authentication Smartphones
The Realme GT5 Pro Offers a New Biometric Security Feature
General-Purpose Robots
Boston Dynamics X Toyota Research Institute Partner in Robotic Development
AI-Powered Boxing Bags
The Bhout Bag Fuses Elements of Fitness and Gaming
Assistive Beauty Systems
L'Oréal SYNC Makes Applying Makeup More Enjoyable & Accessible
Robotic Cat-Like Mug Companions
Yukai Engineering Develops the Adorable Nekojita FuFu
AI Beer Vending Machines
Panhead Custom Ales Created a Machine That Gives Beer to Guitarists
AI-Enhanced Wearable Pins
The Humane AI Pin is a Wearable Assistant Without a Screen
Mechanical Arm-Attached Robot Vacuums
Roborock Introduces the Saros Z70 During this Year's CES
Hand-Worn Athlete Smart Displays
The 'zIng' Hand-Worn Smart Display by Anuj Pate is Intuitive
Tactile Vehicle Key Fobs
This Conceptual Car Key Fob by Zander De Beer is Ergonomic
Steampunk Multifunctional Computer Mouse
Tride Design Creates the Sleek D Mouse Device
AI Emotional Support Robots
Romi Lacatan Has Natural, Complex Conversations Without Turn-Taking
AI-Powered Recycling Systems
The Conceptual 'Binko' Recycling Machine Automates Sorting
AI Personal Trainers
Workout Tools Offers a Personalized Approach to Fitness
Monstrous AI-Powered Gaming Chairs
The Razer Cthulhu Gaming Chair Has Six Arms for Multitasking
Household Maintenance Humanoid Robots
The NEO Gamma Takes Care of Many Household Chores
AI-Powered Humanoid Robots
The Figure 01 Can Walk and Perform Basic Tasks On its Own
AI-Fueled Wearable Pins
The Humane AI Pin is Packed with Various Assistive Tech Tools
AI-Powered Tennis Robots
The PongBot Pace S Series Has the Position-Aware Sensor
Accessibility-Focused Home Appliances
LG Electronics Expands Its LG Comfort Kit
AI Artist Audio Experiences
The Ask Dalí Experience Invites Visitors to Speak to the Artist
AI-Interactive Smart Rings
The AI-Fueled Wizpr Smart Ring by VTouch has Proximity Sensors
Multipurpose Scent-Releasing Wearables
Researchers at Stockholm University Created the 'Nosewise'
Hands-Free Snack Dippers
Hum Hum by Heinz Helps Gamers Eat While They Play
Educational AI-Powered Devices
Think Academy Introduced its 'Thinkpal AI Tablet' at CES 2025
Biological Material Game Controllers
A Team of Designers Dream up the BioHybrid Device Controller
Industrial Video Game Controllers
The Conceptual Nothing Gamepad (1) by Anurag Sarda is Ergonomic
AI-Powered Music Systems
The 'SPIN' AI Music Synthesizer by Arvind Sanjeev is Customizable
Engaging Musical Humanoid Toys
The 'musicBOT' Toy Robot Concept Plays Music in an Interactive Way
Cartoon-Inspired AI Robots
The Rick and Morty 'Butter Bot' Has Been Adapted with New Technologies
Virtual Reality Bendable Controllers
Minkyu Oh Designs the Cogito Concept with AR Technology
AI-Generated Cocktail Menus
Axelrad’s Humans vs. Machines Pits Bartenders Against ChatGPT
Contemporary Smartphone Exhibitions
Ester Bruzkus Architekten Designs 'The World in My Hand'
Pangolin-Inspired Planting Robots
The 'Plantolin' Robot Won the Natural Robotics Contest
Anthropomorphized Gaming Systems
The 'Playdate' Handheld Gaming Device Has a Charming Function
Interactive Educational Toy Lines
LeapFrog Debuts Its Latest Collection at Toy Fair 2025
3D Automated Knitting Machines
Carnegie Mellon University Created an On-Demand Knitting Prototype
Humanized AI Content
Touché Humanizes AI-Generated Content With Personality and Warmth
3D Haptic Peripherals
MinVerse by Haply Robotics is a CES 2025 Best of Innovation Winner
AI-Backed Family Toys
Mego Toys Showcases the New 2XL Cobot, an Interactive AI Toy for Kids
Industrial Handheld Printer Units
The 'Scribe' Handheld Printer by John Branca is All-in-One
AI-Based Healthcare Technologies
Adnexus Biotechnologies Debuts Neural Temporal Fingerprinting
AI-Powered Desktop Robots
The 'Doly' Companion Robot is Advanced and Educational
Healthcare Assistant Robots
Enchanted Tools' Miroki and Miroka Were Presented at CES 2024
Service Robot Chair Concept
Yunsoo Choi Designs an Interactive Chair Robot Concept
Imperfect Photography Celebrations
The Nonna's Cam Adds Artificial Fingers to Block Shots
Fingertip Makeup Brushes
Beauty Yaurient's Brushes are Worn on the Thumb or Index Finger
AI-Powered Family Story Books
Life Story AI Will Help Users Preserve Their Family's Legacy
Smartphone-Based Musical Instruments
The Artinoise 'ZEFIRO' Plugs into a Device's USB-C Port
Cup-Integrated Plates
Pairingware Solves the Struggle of Eating and Drinking with One Hand
Open-Source Housekeeping Robots
This Robot Can Be Trained to Perform Various Domestic Chores
Retro Handheld Computers
soulscircuit Draws Nostalgic Elements with Raspberry Pi and Pilet 5
AR Piano Previews
Roland AR Helps Shoppers Find the Right Piano with Augmented Reality
Musical AI Campaigns
Fiverr's 'Nobody Cares' Positions AI as a Tool for Skilled Freelancers
Ultra-Flexible Bipedal Robots
The Unitree H1 Has Joints Throughout for Maximum Flexibility
Unplugged Coding Robots
ALUX's VINU is a CES 2024 Innovation Award Honoree
Interchangeable Exercise Systems
The Intelligent Fitness Handle Works in Many Modes
Inclusive One-Handed Gamer Keyboards
This One-Handed Keyboard Concept is Accessible
Neural Interface Wristbands
This New Wristband Enables Gesture Control Of Apple Devices
AI-Powered Chess Robots
SenseRobot Debuts at CES 2025 as a Chess Companion and Coach
AI Music-Making Tools
Fryderyk Uses AI To Help in the Music Creation Process
AI-Enabled DIY Technology
LOKLiK Emphasizes the Potential of DIY Intelligence at CES 2025
Dexterity-Aiding Toothbrush Add-Ons
Landor & Fitch Designs the Accessories Handles
AI Waste-Sorting Machines
FANUC and Recycleye Team Up to Sort Waste Using Artificial Intelligence
Robotic Hand Assistance Solutions
The Bioservo 'Carbonhand' Provides Additional Grip Power
Cutting-Edge Medical Exoskeletons
Human in Motion Robotics Showcases Its Award-Winning XoMotion™
Hand-Sensing Musical Instruments
The ROLI Airwave Uses Hand Tracking and AI
Industrial Folding Mouse Designs
The Conceptual Emergency Foldable Mouse is Angular
AI Audio Transcription
Skeleton Fingers Saves Hours of Work Through Automation
Expansive AI Dictionaries
Latest AI Tools Holds All-Things AI in One Convenient Place
Adaptive Art Tools
The Kind Mind Co.™ Emphasizes Accessibility in Art-Making
Evolving Robot Dog Companions
The Petoi Bittle x is an Interactive Small Robot Pet
AI-Powered Wheeled Robots
LG Previews a Smart Robot on Wheels for Home Monitoring Purposes
Modern Conceptual Robot Caddies
Chang Do Oh Creates the Goalf Robot Caddie Concept
Scalable AI Models
MimicRobotics Focuses on Advancing the Use of Robotics Across Industries
Bat-Inspired Kitchen Scissors
OTOTO Presents the New Elizabat Scissors for the Kitchen
Jellyfish-Inspired Interactive Robots
Adonis Christodoulou Designs the Jellyfish Robot
Robotic Beverage Machines
FrazyBot is Coming to CES 2024 to Simplify Specialty Drinks at Home
Multidisciplinary Interactive Robots
Igor Jankovic Creates the Sipro Intelligent Social Robot
AI-Powered Dynamic Guitars
The LAVA Music Team Presents the LAVA GENIE Instrument
Breakthrough Surgical Technology
Genesis Medtech Presents the iReach Omnia Powered Stapler
Miniature Haptic Communicators
ONECOM's FINTIN V1 is a CES 2024 Innovation Award Winner
All-in-One Meal Appliances
The 'ChefRobot' Works with More Than 500 Guided Recipes
Hand-Knit Finger Puppets
Blabla's Finger Puppet Mushrooms are Sold in a 5-Piece Set
Flying Umbrella Prototypes
This Hands-Free Device Hovers Above You to Protect From the Rain
Arm-Equipped Robotic Vacuums
The Roborock Saros Z70 Can Move Items Out of the Way During Cleaning
Magnetic Hand-Holding Socks
These Children's Socks Add a Touch of Whimsy to the Everyday Item
AI-Generated Phone Accessories
PopSockets Launches a New AI Artwork Designer and Giveaway Contest
Palm-Enabled Contactless Payments
Amazon is Using Artificial Intelligence to Read Customer's Palms
AI-Connected Computer Mouses
The Logitech Signature AI Edition M750 Has a Dedicated Prompt Button
Robotic Breast Examinations
University of Bristol is Experimenting with a Robot Breast Examiner
Tennis-Playing Robot Systems
Google DeepMind Has Designed a Table Tennis-Playing Robot
Wearable Gesture Control Remotes
The 'Freebsy' Universal Wearable Controller is Intuitive
Enhanced Thumb Prosthetics
Dani Clode and Her Team Create the Third Thumb Device
Simplistic Dynamic Game Experiences
Joelle Tindall Created the Unique Touch Egg Game
Gesture-Controlled Apps
Spatial Touch Lets Users Navigate Tech With Their Fingers
Ergonomic Natural Movement Keyboards
The Flow Keyboard by NUIO Transforms Ergonomic Peripherals
Socially Adept Gaming Robots
This Robot Offers Companionship & Conversation to Lonely Gamers
Generative AI Historical Art
Google Presents the Art Selfie 2 Feature Fusing Art and Selfies
AI-Powered Writing Tools
myStylus Seeks to Boost Academic and Professional Writing
General-Purpose Robotic Innovations
AgiBot World Sets a New Standard in Robotic Intelligence
Hand-Tracking Devices
PalmPlug is a Precise Hand-Tracking Device
Handwriting Editing Tools
'Goodnotes' Note-Taking App Can Read Scribbles Using AI
Human-Tech AI Recruitment
Talentpair Combines AI Efficiency and Precision with a human touch
Hand Grip Fidget Toys
The 'Gripsner' is an Entertaining Toy that Improves Grip Strength
Acrylic-Accommodating Keyboard Covers
The Tippy Type Helps Users with Long Nails to Type with Ease
AI Tool Builders
MindPal's Custom AI Tools Automate Tasks to Boost Efficiency
AI-Generated Guessing Games
'Human or AI?' Tasks Players with Spotting the AI-Generated Image
Cold Weather Photography Gloves
The Pgytech Photography Gloves are Winter-Ready
Palm-Recognizing Smart Locks
Phillips PalmLock Can Recognize Up to 50 Unique Palms
Contactless Electromagnetic Guitar Picks
The 'XPick' Kinetic Remote Control Guitar Pick is Magical
Human-Like AI Writing
Humanlike Writer Offers Enhanced Language Abilities to Bypass AI Detection
Music Analysis Compact Devices
Hélène Bert Creates the Analist Music Tool to Understand Music
Written-to-Digital To-Do Lists
Papper Let's Users Scan and Digitize Handwritten Notes and Lists
AI Email Helpers
Superhuman AI Will Craft Emails in Your Tone of Voice
Efficient AI Reading Tools Brings the Physical and Digital Spaces Together
Domed Haptic Feedback Trackpads
The Conceptual 'PAD' Trackpad by Ivan Llaneza is Intuitive
Keyboard Navigation Tools
Mouseless Offers Ergonomic Keyboard Navigation to Reduce Wrist Strain
Hand-Detecting Conference Features
Google Meet Can Detect When You Raise Your Hand in Video Calls