Minute Maid's New Billboards Help Passersby Get a Daily Dose of Vitamin D
Laura McQuarrie — May 4, 2023 — Marketing
References: famouscampaigns
Minute Maid is committed to helping consumers get their daily dose of Vitamin D, so much so that it created a billboard that helps passersby bask in the sun. The Open Billboard has a large cutout that serves the purpose of framing the sun, bringing awareness to two sources of Vitamin D that people might have otherwise been unaware of.
Alongside The Open Billboard, Minute Maid also introduced The Reflective Billboard in an area with tall buildings to bring sunlight down to street level, and The Extended Shelter, which adds a seat to the side of a bus shelter so that people can soak up the sun while they wait for their ride to arrive.
Alongside The Open Billboard, Minute Maid also introduced The Reflective Billboard in an area with tall buildings to bring sunlight down to street level, and The Extended Shelter, which adds a seat to the side of a bus shelter so that people can soak up the sun while they wait for their ride to arrive.
Trend Themes
1. Sun-frame Advertising - Opportunities for creative billboards that incorporate the sun and other natural elements.
2. Vitamin D Awareness - Increasing consumer awareness and interest in obtaining Vitamin D through natural sunlight.
3. Innovative Outdoor Marketing - New and creative ways to make outdoor advertising interactive and engaging for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising and Marketing - Incorporating innovative sun-framing technology in outdoor advertising and marketing campaigns.
2. Health and Wellness - Capitalizing on Vitamin D awareness to offer products and services that promote healthy living.
3. Urban Planning and Architecture - Exploring opportunities to incorporate sunlight and other natural elements into urban planning and design to promote public health.