Bella Hadid is Venturing into the Metaverse with CY-B3LLA
Laura McQuarrie — July 19, 2022 — Pop Culture
References: & vogue
CY-B3LLA is the name of the brand-new NFT platform created by social metaverse site reBASE and supermodel Bella Hadid. There are 11,111 unique works of art created based on the model's image and these collectibles represent art made out of 3D scans of the model's body. While some depict Hadid as a cyborg or a queen, others offer completely different interpretations.
Since the non-fungible tokens are digital assets that can be collected, token holders get the digital record to prove that they purchased the unique items. Hadid told Vogue, "When the NFT craze came, I was genuinely curious about what that community looked like. It went from gaming—me wanting to create this cool avatar and be in that universe and connect with people—to this.”
Since the non-fungible tokens are digital assets that can be collected, token holders get the digital record to prove that they purchased the unique items. Hadid told Vogue, "When the NFT craze came, I was genuinely curious about what that community looked like. It went from gaming—me wanting to create this cool avatar and be in that universe and connect with people—to this.”
Trend Themes
1. Collectible Nfts - The trend of creating collectible NFTs offers opportunities for artists to showcase unique creations and for buyers to own exclusive digital assets.
2. Celebrity Nfts - The trend of generating NFTs related to popular figures offers an opportunity to create a unique experience of owning a piece of memorabilia from the celebrity.
3. 3D Scanning for Nfts - Using 3D scanning for creating NFTs offers disruptive innovation opportunities by enabling the creation of unique and realistic digital assets.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can utilize the trend of collectible NFTs to showcase and sell unique digital creations.
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can leverage the trend of celebrity NFTs to offer fans unique experiences and one-of-a-kind memorabilia.
3. Technology - The technology industry can use the trend of 3D scanning for generating NFTs to create more realistic and interactive digital assets.