9 Ads That Turn Public Transit into Eye Candy
References: weirdomatic
Have you ever paid attention to ads on the bus you take to and from work or school? Advertising is everywhere… else, so why not on buses? From seafood and Pepsi ads to anti-smoking and driving campaigns, this gallery shows some crazy busvertisements from around the world. In most cases, we don't even notice the way buses look, but if we encountered a bus decorated with ads as funny, weird or clever as these, they would be really hard to miss.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Busvertisements - Many companies are realizing the potential of interactive busvertisements to engage and entertain consumers, utilizing technology such as augmented reality and QR codes.
2. Localized Busvertising - Localized busvertising campaigns are becoming increasingly popular, utilizing the unique characteristics of different cities and neighborhoods to create highly targeted and effective ads.
3. Eco-friendly Bus Branding - Environmental concerns are driving the trend towards more eco-friendly bus branding, using sustainable materials and designs that promote green initiatives and awareness.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The advertising industry has the opportunity to create innovative busvertising campaigns that utilize technology, localized messaging, and eco-friendly branding to engage consumers in new and creative ways.
2. Public Transportation - The public transportation industry can partner with advertisers to create revenue-generating and visually appealing busvertising campaigns that enhance the transit experience for riders.
3. Sustainability - The sustainability industry can support the trend towards eco-friendly bus branding by providing sustainable materials and innovative designs that promote green initiatives and awareness.