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23 Interactive Movie Promotions

From Fictional Character Apps to Movie-Promoting Websites

— September 11, 2014 — Marketing
These interactive movie promotions celebrate some of our generation's most iconic film franchises. From movie-promoting websites to fictional character apps, these examples are aiming to immerse viewers into the world of the big screen.

Memorable examples from this list of media-based movie promotions include Star Trek's 'Tweet in Klingon', a web platform that translates fans' English text into Trekkie language. This fun marketing tactic appeals to loyal fans of the Star Trek franchise and encourages individuals to embrace their inner nerd.

Another great example from the list is 'Scotchy Scotch Toss', an interactive mobile game that celebrates the release of Anchorman 2. The fun game is easy to download, allowing fans to put themselves in the shoes of lovable character Ron Burgendy.
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Movie-Promoting Game Apps
Movie-Promoting Game Apps
This Anchorman 2 Ad Game is Movie Promotion on Expert Level
Comic Book-Inspired Interfaces
Comic Book-Inspired Interfaces
Animatta Studios Launches a Hand Controlled Project
Interactive Movie Previews
Interactive Movie Previews
The 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World' Trailer is a Classic Video Game
Personal News-Reporting Apps
Personal News-Reporting Apps
The Mentos 'Fresh News' Facebook App Generates News Reports for Users
Augmented Movie Posters
Augmented Movie Posters
This Ad Promotes the 'Into the Storm' Movie with AR Tornadoes
Instagram Movie Promotions
Instagram Movie Promotions
The Social Media -Savvy 'J’Espère Que Tu Vas Bien' Poster Ca
Superhero Street Face-Offs
Superhero Street Face-Offs
The Spiderman vs. Batman Video Dukes it Out in Toronto
Virtual Building Block Campaigns
Virtual Building Block Campaigns
Help the Characters from the LEGO Movie with the Awesome Alliance
Online Guessing Game Campaigns
Online Guessing Game Campaigns
This Catching Fire Ad Campaign Uses Instagram to Engage Fans
Tweeting in Trekkie
Tweeting in Trekkie
'Tweet in Klingon' Allows Star Trek Fans to Embrace Their Inner Nerd on Twitte
Location-Based Movie Promos
Location-Based Movie Promos
SCVNGR 'Eat Pray Love' Challenges Send You On Your Own Sabbatical
Prank Movie Promotions
Prank Movie Promotions
'The Last Exorcism' on Chatroulette is Frighteningly Hilarious
Free Promo Desktop Downloads
Free Promo Desktop Downloads
‘The Avengers' Toys "R" Us Wallpaper Art is Savvy Adverti
Avatar Vernacular
Avatar Vernacular
Paul Frommer Wants to Make Na'vi an Official Language
Kinetic Busvertising
Kinetic Busvertising
Batman in the Window of Hamburg Buses Moves When in Motion
Magical Twitter Promos
Magical Twitter Promos
Cast Spells on Your Followers With Harry Potter on Twitter
Personalized Vampire Novels
Personalized Vampire Novels
Co-author 'First Bite' With Teen Book by You
Viral Disney Theme Park Ad
Viral Disney Theme Park Ad
The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror
Interactive Dark Knight Promotions
Interactive Dark Knight Promotions
Fight for Gotham City Ad Campaign
Analyze Your Beauty on Facebook
Analyze Your Beauty on Facebook
Nip/Tuck Golden Ratio Application
Robotify Yourself
Robotify Yourself
Terminate Yourself to Celebrate the 'Terminator Salvation' Movie
Interactive Movie Promos
Interactive Movie Promos
Tech-Savvy 'Twilight' Posters in Brazil Subways