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100 Wizarding World Products

JK Rowling Writes The Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Movie

— September 16, 2013 — Business
This collection of wizarding world products is in celebration of JK Rowling's announcement she is writing the film version of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.' The movie takes place in Harry Potter's magical universe, but will not feature the original Potter cast. This has sparked some confusion, as it is being toted as the eight Harry Potter film. The movie is based on the companion book, which is mentioned in the book series as a required textbook for Harry's Care of Magical Creatures class.

This collection of wizarding world products features many objects inspired by the film franchise. From magical apparel to food and beverages, the world Rowling created has effectively crossed over the the Muggle world as a pop culture mainstay. This can also be seen in the number of parodies and related infographics.
Regretful Wizard Morning-Afters
Regretful Wizard Morning-Afters
Hogwarts Walk of Shame Shows Even Magical Folks Get Humiliated
Condensed Magical Clips
Condensed Magical Clips
'Just The Spells' Shows Every Single Moment of Magic in Harry Potter
Full Wizard Franchise Recaps
Full Wizard Franchise Recaps
The 'Mischief Managed: The Harry Potter Retrospective' Video is Quick
Movie Countdown Mashups
Movie Countdown Mashups
This Mashup from Supercut Videos Uses Movie Clips to Count Down from 50
Condensed Wizard Videos
Condensed Wizard Videos
Harry Potter in 60 Seconds Captures All the Best Moments
Meal-Holding Jewelry
Meal-Holding Jewelry
The Kawaii Food Ring Displays a Miniature Tray Size of Edible Snacks
Obsessed Fan Marriages
Obsessed Fan Marriages
Anthony Albano’s Custom Made Quidditch Set is for All Occasions
Movie Overview Charts
Movie Overview Charts
The 'Dark Knight Rises' Infographic Determines the Film's Success
8-Bit Hogwarts Shirts
8-Bit Hogwarts Shirts
This Fantasy Novel Attire is Perfect for Gamers Too
Candy-Filled Wizard Games
Candy-Filled Wizard Games
Fans of the World of Potter Will Get a Treat from This Board Game
Sorcerer-Inspired Prints
Sorcerer-Inspired Prints
The 'Every Harry Potter Chapter Illustration' by Ajcfood
Magical Sports Photo Memes
Magical Sports Photo Memes
The New Quidditch Photo Meme is a Magical Sports Delight
Bewitching Sock-Puppet Songs
Bewitching Sock-Puppet Songs
The BoHarryan Rhapsody is an Operatic Twist on How the Boy Lived
Theatrical Wizard-Themed Cookies
Theatrical Wizard-Themed Cookies
These Harry Potter-Themed Cookies are Remarkably Realistic
Super Speedy Summaries
Super Speedy Summaries
The '7 Harry Potter Movies in 7 Minutes' Video is Hilariously Accurate
Toy Block Wizard Chambers
Toy Block Wizard Chambers
Flickr User Robuko Recreates Dumbledore's Magical Lair
Witty Wizardly Recipes
Witty Wizardly Recipes
The 'You Deserve a Drink' YouTube Channel is Fueled with Pop Culture Puns
Film-Inspired Wizard Beers
Film-Inspired Wizard Beers
These Harry Potter Film Beer Mock-Ups are Creative and Magically Boozy
Olympic Quidditch Tournaments
Olympic Quidditch Tournaments
The London Quidditch Summer Games 2012 Featured Five Teams
Scrumptious Hogwarts Treats
Scrumptious Hogwarts Treats
Indulge in the Tastiness of Bertie Bott Harry Potter Beans
Bewitching Behind-the-Scenes Visits
Bewitching Behind-the-Scenes Visits
The Official Harry Potter Set Tour is Now Open to Muggles
Magical Toilet Decorations
Magical Toilet Decorations
Add Some Humor to Your Washroom with the Ministry of Magic Decal
Spell-Binding Quilts
Spell-Binding Quilts
The Harry Potter Quilt by Jennifer Ofenstein is Pure Magic
Secretive Sorcery Websites
Secretive Sorcery Websites
The Pottermore Site Leaves Fans Both Hopeful & Perplexed
Wizardly Bite-Sized Desserts
Wizardly Bite-Sized Desserts
Delve Into the Wizardly World with These Harry Potter Cake Pops
Wizardry Decor Stickers
Wizardry Decor Stickers
Spruce up the Bathroom with the Harry Potter-Inspired Mirror Decal
Mystical Mirrors
Mystical Mirrors
The Mirror of Erised is a Harry Potter-Themed Treasure You Can Take Home
Mega Literary Franchise Graphs
Mega Literary Franchise Graphs
The 'J.K Rowling Popularity' Chart is Demonstrative
Wizardry-Inspired Robes
Wizardry-Inspired Robes
The Harry Potter Snuggie Will Have You Dressed Like Ron Weasley
Wizardly Victorian Jewelry
Wizardly Victorian Jewelry
Wear Your Favorite Characters with the Etsy Iconic Earrings Shop
Forbidden Curse Necklaces
Forbidden Curse Necklaces
These Shades of Exaltation Harry Potter Wire Necklaces Forewarn Others
Bewitching Movie Beverages
Bewitching Movie Beverages
The Butterbeer Recipe Will Whet Your Appetite, Harry Potter-Style
Wizardly Cereal Cartoons (UPDATE)
Wizardly Cereal Cartoons (UPDATE)
Sean Clark Draws a Series of Quirky Harry Potter Breakfasts
Shark-ified Dark Lords
Shark-ified Dark Lords
The Great White Voldemort Gallery is Full of Underwater Wizardry
Wizardly Sport Cake Pops
Wizardly Sport Cake Pops
Snitch Cake Pops are Delectable Treats For Wizards and Moguls Alike
Magical Chewy Confections
Magical Chewy Confections
The Harry Potter Marshamallow Treats are a Tasty Way to Say Farewell
Magical Map-Printed Scarves
Magical Map-Printed Scarves
These Marauder's Map-Printed Scarves are Muggle-Chic
Wizard-Concealing Cloaks
Wizard-Concealing Cloaks
The Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak is an Exact Replica of the Movie Prop
Wizard-Inspired Desserts
Wizard-Inspired Desserts
Relive the Harry Potter Hype with this Sorting Hat Cake
Ultra-Thin Invisibility Cloaks
Ultra-Thin Invisibility Cloaks
Scientists Created an Invisibility Cloak Right Out of Harry Potter
Autotuned Sorcery Spoofs
Autotuned Sorcery Spoofs
The Harry Potter Friday Parody Helps You Anticipate the Final Film
Wizard-Inspired Drinks
Wizard-Inspired Drinks
The Harry Potter Mixology Series Offers Goblet of Fire Cocktail Concoctions
Ominous Occultist Raps
Ominous Occultist Raps
The Harry Potter Monster Parody Shows the Franchise's Villains
Wizardly Drink-Themed Flasks
Wizardly Drink-Themed Flasks
This Polyjuice Potion Flask is Perfect for Wizardly Drinking
Magical Sorting Hat Spoofs
Magical Sorting Hat Spoofs
The ‘Sorted This Way’ Video is a Hysterical Take on Hogwart
Wizardly Video Games
Wizardly Video Games
Potterheads Can Look Forward to LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7
Edible Pop Culture Portraits
Edible Pop Culture Portraits
Kirsten Cumings Creates Art from Jelly Beans
Crude Fictional Wizard Alphabets
Crude Fictional Wizard Alphabets
Samantha Esther's Harry Potter Alphabet is Sarcastic and Comical
Magnificently Magical Accessories
Magnificently Magical Accessories
This Harry Potter 'Golden Snitch' Bracelet is Delicate
Wizardly Light Switch Decals
Wizardly Light Switch Decals
Decorate Light Switches with This Harry Potter Decal
Diabolical Designer Duds
Diabolical Designer Duds
Lord Voldemort's Initials Get Fancy with the Clever LV Sweatshirt
Inky Literary Illustrations
Inky Literary Illustrations
Leela Wagner Depicts Sherlock Holmes in Rustic Painting Style
Incisive Film Promo Dissections
Incisive Film Promo Dissections
Literal Harry Potter Trailer Analyzes the Last Chapter's Preview
Boozy Wizard Wand Treats
Boozy Wizard Wand Treats
The Butterbeer Jelly Shot Wands are Magically Delicious
Whimsical Wizard-Inspired Wardrobes
Whimsical Wizard-Inspired Wardrobes
The ‘House Couture’ Designs by Cavalyn are Magical
Boozy Wizarding Apps
Boozy Wizarding Apps
Get Saucy with the Android Harry Potter Drinking Game
Magical Movie Previews
Magical Movie Previews
The Harry Potter Final Trailer Has Been Released to Rave Reviews
Sweet Sorcery Confections
Sweet Sorcery Confections
These Harry Potter Cookie Designs Will Cast a Spell on Your Taste Buds
Mythical Creature Lighting
Mythical Creature Lighting
Luisa de los Santos Robinson's Dragon's Tail Lamp is Magically Luminous
Wizard Transport Fashion Accessories
Wizard Transport Fashion Accessories
The Nimbus 2000 Broomstick Necklace Makes Potter Fans Stylish
Cinematic Sorcery Desserts
Cinematic Sorcery Desserts
The Hogwarts Castle Cake by Charm City Cakes is Magically Monstrous
Wizardly Villain Necklaces
Wizardly Villain Necklaces
The Harry Potter Horcrux Locket Jewelry has All the Hunted Items
Ethereal Potter Parodies
Ethereal Potter Parodies
The AndyWithAnM 'Hallows' Video Prepares for the Final Chapter
Fantasy Wizard Alumni Sweaters
Fantasy Wizard Alumni Sweaters
These Hogwarts College Alumni Sweaters are Comically Cute
Wizardly Dress Designs
Wizardly Dress Designs
Cavalyn Renders Frocks Inspired by Hogwarts Houses
Literary Ice Cream Concepts
Literary Ice Cream Concepts
Classic Novels are Represented with These Book-Inspired Ice Creams
Geometric Pop Culture Caricatures
Geometric Pop Culture Caricatures
Mahmoud Abdoun Depicts Famous Characters Using Simplistic Shapes
Wizard Rock Covers
Wizard Rock Covers
Next Movie's Harry Potter Classic Album Covers are Bad to the Bone
Mini Magic Potions
Mini Magic Potions
These Wizardly Elixirs Come Straight from Snape's Potion Cabinet
Book Adaptation Evaluations
Book Adaptation Evaluations
The Harry Potter Books vs. Movies Graphic is Spot On
DIY Wizarding Garment Shelves
DIY Wizarding Garment Shelves
The DIY Harry Potter Scarf Rack is a Magically Tricky Project
Wizardly E-Reader Cases
Wizardly E-Reader Cases
Harry Potter Kindle Cozies by Life Geekery are Adorable
Wizardly Wedding Proposals
Wizardly Wedding Proposals
This Harry Potter Wedding Proposal is a Page Out of the Book
Dysfunctional Family Fantasy Mash-Ups
Dysfunctional Family Fantasy Mash-Ups
Mary Johan Juver Melds The Simpsons and Lord of the Rings
Alchemy Airhead Spoofs
Alchemy Airhead Spoofs
The HOGWARTS: Which House Are You? Video is a Hysterical Harry Potter Spoof
Whimsical Wizardry Headbands
Whimsical Wizardry Headbands
The Quirk Shop Creates Harry Potter Hair Accessories
Remastered Wizardly Posters
Remastered Wizardly Posters
Artist Adam Rabalais’s Harry Potter Posters Evoke a New Feel
Death-Defying Wizardly Jewelry
Death-Defying Wizardly Jewelry
The Deathly Hallows Necklace is for the Devoted Harry Potter Fans
Beloved Storybook Jewelry
Beloved Storybook Jewelry
The Authored Adornments Pendants Feature Your Favorite Characters
Wizard-Inspired Jewelry
Wizard-Inspired Jewelry
The Harry Potter Lightning Glasses Ring is Made for Diehard Fans
Chic Wizard School Apparel
Chic Wizard School Apparel
The Black Milk Clothing Harry Potter Line is Whimsically Wonderful
Pretentious Hogwarts Portraits
Pretentious Hogwarts Portraits
Hipster Harry Potter Teaches You How to Avoid Mainstream Culture
Scrumptious Sorcery Treats
Scrumptious Sorcery Treats
These Harry Potter Cupcake Designs Will Cast a Spell on Your Taste Buds
Wizardly Chic Outfits
Wizardly Chic Outfits
Find Your Way Around Hogwarts with the Marauders Map Dress
Mock Literary Covers
Mock Literary Covers
The Harry Potter-Themed Book Covers are Witty and Creative
Magical Optical How-Tos
Magical Optical How-Tos
The Mad Eye Moody Mad Eye DIY is a Fun Project
Famous Film Specs Collections
Famous Film Specs Collections
Iconic Glasses of Famous People are Showcased in This Collection
Whimsical Wizardry Jewelry
Whimsical Wizardry Jewelry
UmbrellaLaboratory Sells Magical Harry Potter-Inspired Accessories
Whimsical Papercraft Creations
Whimsical Papercraft Creations
Brittany Lee's Crafty Constructions are Amazingly Detailed
Storybook Character Silhouette Ads
Storybook Character Silhouette Ads
The Colsubsidio Book Exchange Campaign Promotes Used Literature
Wizardly Wall Adornments
Wizardly Wall Adornments
These Hogwarts Travel Posters are Reminiscent of Old Postcards
Sorcery Street Art
Sorcery Street Art
This Harry Potter Graffiti Brings Magic to Urban Neighborhoods
Romantic Wizard Jewelry
Romantic Wizard Jewelry
The Harry Potter Engagement Ring is Perfect for a Wizard at Heart
Bewitching Film Statistics
Bewitching Film Statistics
'Harry Potter Movies by the Numbers' Infographic Charts Its Influence
Wizardly Fan Art
Wizardly Fan Art
These Makani Harry Potter Illustrations Let You Imagine an Animated Movie Series
Sorcery Serpent Dialects
Sorcery Serpent Dialects
The Parseltongue Translator Lets Potter Fans Speak the Lingo of Snakes
Wizard-Themed Onesies
Wizard-Themed Onesies
This Harry Potter Baby Costume by the 'Rae Gun' Etsy Shop is Cute
Wizardly Weddings
Wizardly Weddings
Potterheads Have a Magical Harry Potter Wedding
Disneyfied Movie Posters
Disneyfied Movie Posters
The Old Red Jalopy Presents Hollywood Movies with a Comic Touch
Character Connection Cartoons
Character Connection Cartoons
'I Know That Feel Bro' Creates Bonds Between Pop Culture Figures