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27 Virtual Publicity Stunts

From Google-Endorsed Games to Photoshopped Leader Ads

— May 14, 2013 — Marketing
All of these virtual publicity stunts would not have been possible without the use of gadgets like high-tech software systems, video cameras or Adobe Photoshop. With the virtual replacing actual word-of-mouth, publicity stunts no longer require wild costumes or huddled crowds on the streets; the Internet is where words can go viral.

Just as you’d do a double take at a cyclops parading down the street, the one-eyed man campaign by News Briefly will inevitably catch your attention. The sushi in space ad video is another example of great marketing. It evidently took a lot of work; Sticky Rice had to collaborate with both Bark Advertising and RVA TV for this one. The end result is original and radical. If there is enough of a shock factor, you may even share with your friends and family via social media. This is how the online publicity stunt snowballs to stardom.

It may take hours of footage capturing, video editing and virtual spreading to come to these online publicity stunts, but the result is surely worth it considering that the Internet is where thirsty audiences await.
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