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32 Unique Social Media Uses

Inspired by The Social Network's Big Win at the Golden Globes

— January 17, 2011 — Pop Culture
With David Fincher's 'The Social Network' having big win at the Golden Globes, you can't help but notice the monster that Facebook has become.

Whether it's businesses' advertising themselves or users communicating with friends, people are always finding new ways to use Facebook. With that in mind, check out these related trends on 23 unique social media uses inspired by Facebook.

Implications - Social media has become extremely dominant in our lives. Websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace are often the go-to places on the Internet for users and companies alike. These forms of media have become the best place for businesses to market their products due to the number of people logging in worldwide. Through viral marketing, videos and flashy websites, branding has expanded from TV and billboards to the digital world where attracting millions of people worldwide has become a goal.
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State Department Warns Students to Avoid Discussing WikiLeaks Online
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The ExCentric 'Nativity Video' Tells an Old Tale With a Modern Twist
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'A Social Network Christmas' is a Modern Take on a Religious Tale
Social Media Archival Sites
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Ninuku Archivist Saves All of Your Precious Facebook Posts & Updates
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Facebook Page Celebrations
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Disney Facebook Likes Hit a Whopping 100 Million Clicks
Social Media Playground Games
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Nike+ GPS iPhone App Lets You Play Tag With Other Runners
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Make Your Own Facebook Canvas With Social Artworks
Social Media Art Projects
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'Masterpiece 2.0' is a Crowdsourced Animated Music Video
Facebook Newspapers
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This PostPost App is a Real-Time Social Newspaper from Your FB Networks
Facebook Memoirs
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Watch a Man's Life Transpire Through Facebook's Interface
Social Media Gifting
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The Twitter Secret Santa Exchange Begins a Digital Holiday Tradition
Social Media Stalking Apps
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The New Loopt App Creeps Your Facebook Friends for You
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Personalize Your Digital Documents with EchoSign Electronic Signatures
Social Media Glamorizing
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Sandra Bullock's Single Status on Facebook
Personalized Social Media Profiles
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The Schweppes Facebook Application Makes Customization Easy
Social Media Memoirs
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The Facebook Book by Perfect Fools Preserves Your Online Persona
Social Media Fast Foods
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The Unique 4food Burger Joint is Online-Based
Anti-Drunk Applications
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The UCB Comedy "Mark Zuckerberg" Apology to Facebook Users
Tweeting Charity Scarves
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Twitter Knitter Uses Social Media to Keep the Cold & Needy Warm
Social Media Friend Maps
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Facebook Map Highlights the World's Relationships
Face-Infiltrated Profiles
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The Facebook Profile Picture Hack Lets Your Photo Take Over
Social Media Upcomers
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Sprint Firsts in the Next Gen of Online Communities
Judgmental Social Media Marking
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Facebook Like & Dislike Stamps Make Paperwork Fun
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