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46 Unsettling Taxidermy Creations

From Roadkill Sleeves to Taxidermy Furnishings

— June 18, 2013 — Unique
People will always be fascinated with death. It’s a facet of life that will forever be left unanswered. The concept of rebirth came from death, which was probably the inspiration behind the works of the world’s early taxidermists.

Through taxidermy, individuals are able to re-create life that was once lost. Throughout the years, taxidermy has acquired a negative connotation. The practice of taxidermy is even considered disrespectful in some social circles, but whatever the case the practice is still highly valued by some individuals. The beauty that comes from this practice will always fascinate people – it is death immortalized in a physical form. From beetle dioramas to two headed squirrels, the list is compromised of works that best encapsulate the works that can come about from the exploitation of death.
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Trapped Taxidermy Ads
Trapped Taxidermy Ads
The Coleman Campaign Warns People to Not Get Stuck Indoors
Reincarnated Animal Cameras
Reincarnated Animal Cameras
Dead Animals are Remade as Cameras by Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs
Taxidermy Critter Displays
Taxidermy Critter Displays
KristinsCreations111 Re-cCeates Scenarios with Deceased Animals
Couture Toy Animals
Couture Toy Animals
Billie Archilleos Creates Louis Vuitton ‘Maroquinaris Zoologicae'
Crispy Taxidermy
Crispy Taxidermy
Martin d'Orgeval's 'Touched by Fire' Showcases Singed Creatures
Museum Taxidermy Shoots
Museum Taxidermy Shoots
This Justin Cooper 'Saved by Science' Museum Series Gives an Inside Look
Rotting Bird Art
Rotting Bird Art
Kelly McCallum's Show at the New York Gallery Will Gross You Out
Furry Taxidermy Fashion Shoots
Furry Taxidermy Fashion Shoots
The Tao Okamoto Numero China Editorial is Eerie and Exciting
Outerwear Taxidermy
Outerwear Taxidermy
Rohan Chhabra's Hunting Jacket can Transform into a Ram's Head
Deceased Animal Portraits
Deceased Animal Portraits
The Rowan Corkill Images Display a Series of Dead Animals
Vulgar Taxidermy
Vulgar Taxidermy
Kelly McCallum's Stuffed Animal Artwork for Southeby's
Taxidermy Piggy Banks
Taxidermy Piggy Banks
Harry Allen Makes Luxe Money Storers Out of Dead Pigs
Wearable Taxidermy
Wearable Taxidermy
The Carlee Fernandez 'Carnage II 7000' Collection of Unusual Animal Fashions
Luxurious Faux Taxidermy
Luxurious Faux Taxidermy
The Original Dr. Seuss Unorthodox Taxidermy Set is Up for Sale
Fiendish Curiosities
Fiendish Curiosities
Realistic Sculptures That Blend Mutation and Monstrosity
Taxidermy Furnishings
Taxidermy Furnishings
The Carlee Fernandez 'Friends' Line of Furniture is Furry Decor
Marvellous Mouse Skull Art
Marvellous Mouse Skull Art
The Alastair Mackie Alternative Taxidermy Exhibit Offers New Life
Felt-Made Fauxidermy Figures
Felt-Made Fauxidermy Figures
Kiyoshi Mino Combines Special Taxidermy and Eco-Friendly Art
Personified Rodents (UPDATE)
Personified Rodents (UPDATE)
‘ni0vek' Sells Outrageous Squirrel Taxidermy
Jungle Faux Taxidermy
Jungle Faux Taxidermy
Shauna Richardson's Crochetdermy is Faux Perfection
Taxidermic Treasuries
Taxidermic Treasuries
The 'Piglet Bank' Stores Your Coins in a Genuine Pig Corpse
Customized Rodents
Customized Rodents
Richard Nadeau Creates One-Of-a-Kind Taxidermy Squirrels
Tech-Savvy Taxidermy
Tech-Savvy Taxidermy
The Mouse Mouse for Morbid Computing
Melting Taxidermy Art
Melting Taxidermy Art
Nicholas Galanin's Inert Wolf Symbolizes Stunted Progress
Dead Beetle Dioramas
Dead Beetle Dioramas
Scott Bain Micromachina Art Turns Taxidermy Bugs Into Interactive Scenes
Embroidered Rabbit Ears
Embroidered Rabbit Ears
Bizarre Embellished Taxidermy Created by Idiots, Literally
Roadkill Bottle Sleeves
Roadkill Bottle Sleeves
The Squirrel Beer Bottle Cozy is Disturbing and a Bit Morbid
Accessorizing With Taxidermy
Accessorizing With Taxidermy
Julia DeVille's Controversial Dead Animal Jewellery
Peculiar Taxidermy Installations
Peculiar Taxidermy Installations
This New Exhibit by Artist Maurizio Cattelan Features Fake Horses
Taxidermy Unicorns
Taxidermy Unicorns
Torree's Creations are Magical and Creepy at the Same Time
Attached Animal Taxidermy
Attached Animal Taxidermy
The Strange Taxidermy Art by Les Deux Garcons Conjoins Animals
Creepy Cartoonish Taxidermy Collections
Creepy Cartoonish Taxidermy Collections
Vincze Miklós Has Created Unsettlingly Expressive Ani
Disturbing Taxidermy Displays
Disturbing Taxidermy Displays
This Suicidal Dead Squirrel is Comical and Disturbing
Taxidermy Beer Bottles
Taxidermy Beer Bottles
The End of History Beer by BrewDog is a Freaky Way to Get Drunk
Taxidermy Text
Taxidermy Text
"Life Can Be So Nice" Dead Animal Font
Frankenstein Taxidermy
Frankenstein Taxidermy
Creepy Stuffed Animals Show Some People Have Too Much Free Time
Bejeweled Animal Skeletons
Bejeweled Animal Skeletons
Jessica Joslin's Macabre Art Bone Creatures
Taxidermy Lighting
Taxidermy Lighting
Alex Randall Lamps Reuse Beastly Flesh
Taxidermy Jewelry
Taxidermy Jewelry
Dead Animals For Advertising
Personified Squirrels
Personified Squirrels
Taxidermy Humor For the Person Who Has Everything
Two-Headed Taxidermy
Two-Headed Taxidermy
Rogue Mutant Stuffed Animals
Rugs from Dead Pets
Rugs from Dead Pets
Magnificently Morphed Creatures
Magnificently Morphed Creatures
Enrique Gomez de Molina Puts a Spin on Taxidermy
Twisted Taxidermy
Twisted Taxidermy
A Collection of the Strangest Stuffed Animals Ever Seen
Hybrid Taxidermy
Hybrid Taxidermy
Misfits by Thomas Grunfeld
Mythical Creature Taxidermy
Mythical Creature Taxidermy
From Professor Copperthwaite's Collection of Fictional Travels