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 Keynote Speaker

Ian Andrew Panganiban

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Member Since
Oct 2012
An avid fan of anything sci-fi and pop culture. My interest tend to lean towards the weird side of things, which I'll leave to your interpretation. Many lonely and cold nights have made me particularly wary about accepting candy from strangers, but not wary enough to decline such offers of suspicious generosity.


Height: 5'6
Weight: 147 lbs
Sex: Male
Martial status: Single
Citizenship: Canadian
Nationality: Filipino
School: SAIT Polytechnic, University of Calgary
Program: Bachelor of Communication Studies
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I am not double-jointed.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Learned how to tie my shoe laces at eight years old.
How do you define cool?
Anything that keeps you up at night and forces you to creep their Facebook, Google their name and imagine what your adopted kids would look like.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
I'll never tell.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
The explosion of ideas and the eye candy.
What is your favorite trend?
Pop culture, art and design and tech
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Grammar girl.
How do you reset to be creative?
I stand-up and stretch my legs or play a lot of techno, dance or Lana Del Rey music.
What inspires or excites you?
The smell of newly baked bread and one of my future ex-husbands Russell Tovey.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
A beautiful woman with three dragons will retake the world with fire and blood from the zombies that were imprisoned using by a magical ice wall in the North.
Feline Marshmallow Toppings
Feline Marshmallow Toppings
These Cute Marshmallow Cat Designs are Perfect for Hot Drinks
These cute marshmallow designs from Japanese cafe shop Yawahada are almost too cute to gobble up. 3D printed edibles have been popping-up almost everywhere, but the cuter-than-life feline... MORE
Fruit-Infused Ice Makers
Fruit-Infused Ice Makers
AdNArt’s Ice Balls Maker is a Great Addition to Your Summer Drinks
The AdNArt ice balls maker can be used to inject some zesty goodness into any of your summer drinks. Most cold drinks are chilled with square ice cubes, which are boring and add absolutely nothing... MORE
Cartoon Car Recreations
Cartoon Car Recreations
Fans of the Simpsons Will Appreciate the Creation of The Homer Automobile
You can thank the people of Porcubimmer Motors for creating Homer Simpson’s car ‘The Homer.’ The Homer is a car designed for the average man, but I don’t think this... MORE
Vampire Slayer Mashups
Vampire Slayer Mashups
This Game of Thrones Mashup Will Please Any Buffy Fan
The Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Game of Thrones mashup is simply one of the best meshes to come out of YouTube. If you’re a Buffy fan, you’ll immediately recognize Nerf Herder’s... MORE
Lone Fine Dining Restaurants
Lone Fine Dining Restaurants
Eating Alone is the What the Eenmaal Restaurant Encourages
There has always been a stigma when it came to eating alone at a restaurant, but that didn’t stop the people behind ‘Eenmaal’ from establishing a restaurant created for lone dining. The... MORE
Gamified Graffiti Block Displays
Gamified Graffiti Block Displays
Sebastián Duccoli’s Mushroom Art Will Please Gamers
The Super Mario mushroom art by artist Sebastián Duccoli is something Mario fans will enjoy. There’ve been numerous mushroom art displays in commemoration of Super Mario, but a large portion of... MORE
Levitating Magician Soda Ads
Levitating Magician Soda Ads
This Pepsi Ad of Magician Dynamo Will Grab Your Attention
The recent Pepsi ad of a hovering illusionist is something to see, until you know the trick behind it. As part Pepsi Max’s new campaign, the soda drink company commissioned illusionist Dynamo to... MORE
Campfire Cooking Rods
Campfire Cooking Rods
Making Toasted Marshmallows is Easier with Fireside Fishing Pole
The Fireside Fishing Pole allows you to make delicious toasted marshmallows at a distance.  Toasting marshmallows are one of the best things you can do with fire, but it usually entails you... MORE
Grotesque Zombie Gnomes
Grotesque Zombie Gnomes
These Zombie Garden Gnomes Should be a Part of Every Garden
These creepy zombie garden gnomes are the ideal sculptures for any garden. Pink flamingos are fine garden displays, but they probably won’t scare off any squirrel in your garden. The Zombie... MORE
Video Game LED Ties
Video Game LED Ties
The LED Tie by Bill Porter is a Great Infusion of Video Game and Fashion
The LED Tetris Tie by teacher Bill Porter is a fantastic infusion of fashion and video games. People say too much of one thing is bad, but that phrase doesn’t apply when it comes to... MORE
Medieval Hoodie Designs
Medieval Hoodie Designs
These Medieval Knight Hoodies Will Provide You with Added Protection
These medieval knight hoodies are ideal garments for the fashion conscious LARPer. Live action role-playing has always been associated with many things, but fashion isn’t normally on top of... MORE
Spy-Blocking Devices
Spy-Blocking Devices
Online Anonymity Can be Gained with the Onion Pi Pack
The ‘Onion Pi Pack’ allows people to have online anonymity in the midst of government intrusions. Online anonymity has been on everyone’s mind lately. Privacy has become a valued commodity... MORE
Faux Magazine Hero Covers
Faux Magazine Hero Covers
These Avengers Magazines Will Interest Comic Book Fans
The Avengers magazine illustrations are great recreations of the characters of the Marvel Avengers films. How many times have you wished that your favorite comic book heroes were actual people and... MORE
Upcylced Wooden Shades
Upcylced Wooden Shades
These Recycled Eyewear Shades are Ideal for Eco-Conscious Beach Bums
The recycled eyewear shades from Second Shot and BotanyCo. are not only stylish, but also promote an eco-conscious lifestyle. The ‘Recycled Skateboard Sunglasses’ are shades made out... MORE
Ergonomic Child Carriers
Ergonomic Child Carriers
This Child Carrier Backpack is Ideal for Adventurous Families
The ‘Freeloader’ child carrier backpack is a great bag for carrying kids. Most child carrier backpacks are structured to only carry the weight of infants and babies, and if your child... MORE
Notepad Coffee Mugs
Notepad Coffee Mugs
The Memo Drink Cups Offer Practical Means of Note-Taking
The only time you’ll be writing on drink cups is when you’re bored or when you’re drunk. The ‘Fishs Eddy Memo Notebook Mug’ is coffee mug that allows coffee drinkers to... MORE
Beautifully Designed Egg Displays
Beautifully Designed Egg Displays
The Egg Carving Artworks by Pu Derong Will Please Any Egg Lover
The eggs carved artworks by Pu Derong are greatly detailed pieces of miniature art. If you’re familiar with egg carving, you’ll know that most egg carved artworks most rely on high-... MORE
Unnecessarily Large Beer Cups
Unnecessarily Large Beer Cups
The Gigantic Red Party Cup Should Be Part of Every Party
The ‘Gigantic Red Party Cup’ is what every college senior needs when they go to a party. The argument of excessive consumerism has been an ongoing debate and there’s no better way to... MORE
Scrunched-Up Constellation Maps
Scrunched-Up Constellation Maps
The Crumpled Sky Map Offers a Way to View the Stars
A star map is ideal for all those nighttime hangouts. The ‘Crumpled Sky Map’ is one way of gazing at the night sky, but without having to go outside of your room. If you’ve ever wanted to... MORE
Inconspicuous Phone Designs
Inconspicuous Phone Designs
The Phone Glove is an Interesting Step Towards Wearable Technology
The ‘Talk to Hand’ glove is a new design concept in the area of wearable technology. How many times has someone told you to “Talk to the hand?” Probably not a lot of people,... MORE
Zesty Wine-Infused Popcorn
Zesty Wine-Infused Popcorn
This Wine Popcorn Flavor is Something You Should Try at Least Once
The wine-injected popcorn flavor from Populence is definitely something worth trying, at least once. People are making popcorn flavors out of almost anything nowadays. It’s both interesting... MORE
Humorous Pop Culture Condoms
Humorous Pop Culture Condoms
These Condom Wrappers Will Definitely Put a Smile on Your Face
These conceptualized pop culture condom wrappers will definitely put a smile on your face before doing the deed. Condoms are probably one of the most important creations invented. Charles Goodyear&#... MORE
Combustible Princess Videos
Combustible Princess Videos
The Exploding Disney Princesses Video Will Definitely Ensue Laughter
The exploding Disney princess video showcases various beloved princesses with their heads exploding. The man behind this hilariously morbid endeavor is Simone Rovellini. In the YouTube video of &#... MORE
Objectified Female Luggage
Objectified Female Luggage
The Women Luggage by Nausheen Saeed Highlight the Plight of Many Women
The women luggage sculptures by Pakistani artist Nausheen Saeed is a disturbing and upsetting representation of the discrimination many women face. The Pakistani artist’s creations were... MORE
Body Hair-Infused Coats
Body Hair-Infused Coats
These Chest Hair Made Coats are Great for the Winter Season
The man-made chest hair coats provide men one way of regaining their lost machismo. Back in the day, a hairy chest is what a guy needed to feel masculine and appealing, but nowadays society has... MORE
Toy Soldier Coffee Mugs
Toy Soldier Coffee Mugs
This Plastic Army Cup Helps People Relive Their Childhood
The plastic ‘Army Guy Mug’ is a clever recreation of a toy from may people’s childhoods. Plastic army soldiers are easily one of the most popular toys a kid could own. The plastic army... MORE
Cute Crocheted Kid Wigs
Cute Crocheted Kid Wigs
These Cabbage Patch Kid Wigs are Great for Balding Babies
These Cabbage Patch Kids wigs are ideal for bald babies and for people who like crocheted hairstyles. Bald babies are an upsetting fact of life. You feel sorry for them, because they won’t... MORE
Intergalactic Ship Mirrors
Intergalactic Ship Mirrors
The Millennium Falcon Star Wars Mirror is the Ideal Gift for Any Wookie
The Star Wars mirror from Etsy shop Funky Mirrors is something fan boys of the franchise will want for their collection. The Star Wars Millennium Falcon will forever be associated with the series;... MORE
Steampunk Bug Designs
Steampunk Bug Designs
Steampunk Creations by Justin Gershenson-Gates are Intricately Detailed
The steampunk creations by artist Justin Gershenson-Gates showcases the beauty that can come about from the infusion of nature and machine. Steampunk has slowly etched its way into the mindsets of... MORE
Giant Blocked Sushi Rolls
Giant Blocked Sushi Rolls
The LEGO Sushi Almost Looks Good Enough to Eat
Siercon & Coral’s LEGO sushi is so distinctly detailed that it’s easy to mistake it for a real piece of delicious sushi. From life-sized robots to wedding dresses, people have... MORE
Practical Cardboard Cat Carriers
Practical Cardboard Cat Carriers
This Cat Carrier is an Ideal Item for Cat Owners
The cardboard cat carrier by designer Erin Zingré provides clingy cat owners a new means of carrying around their feline companions. If lugging around a heavy plastic cage isn’t something... MORE
Medieval Fantasy Goblets
Medieval Fantasy Goblets
These Cup Designs from the HBO Series Go Great with Any Dinner Table
The ‘Game of Thrones Goblets’ are the cup designs that were featured on the dark fantasy show. The Game of Thrones Goblets were handmade by Ed Burke and his team of artisans, the same... MORE
Fantasy Toy Block Figurines
Fantasy Toy Block Figurines
These Game of Thrones LEGO Toys are Great Gifts to Fans of the Series
There’s no way better to fill the gaping whole that HBO left with series finale of Game of Thrones than by playing with Game of Thrones LEGO-made characters until the next season. For as long... MORE
Ghoulishly Inappropriate Kids' Books
Ghoulishly Inappropriate Kids' Books
These Kids' Zombie Books Will Tech Kids the Value of Eating
The kids zombie book ‘A Brain Is For Eating, A Playfully Twisted Zombie Children’s Book’ is the perfect book for getting children interested in eating a proper meal. When you think of zombies,... MORE
Sausage-Infused Music Instruments
Sausage-Infused Music Instruments
Meat Music is a Very Interesting Take on Modern Melodies
The meat music video from Julien Patry showcases a fun way to play with sausages. How many times have you found yourself wondering what to do with all those extra sausages in your fridge? One way... MORE

Featured Ideas

Toy Block CD Changers
Toy Block CD Changers
This LEGO Jukebox Wil Make Use of Old CDs
The show Happy Days was the first time I was introduced to a jukebox; needless to say that was a long time ago, but I am again introduced to this construct in the form of a LEGO jukebox. The DIY... MORE
Fantasy Dating Profiles
Fantasy Dating Profiles
The Game of Thrones Online Dating Profiles Pokes Fun at Online Dating
The Game of Thrones online dating profile is an amusing way of showcasing the humor of online dating while poking fun at the personalities of the characters from the dark fantasy series. It’... MORE
Durable Metallic Wallets
Durable Metallic Wallets
The Wallet Design of the Trayvax Makes it Long-Lasting
The wallet design of TRAYVAX makes it the ideal wallet for everyone. Most wallets that you see are made from flimsy non-durable materials that’ll last you just a few years, if you’re careful.... MORE
Reincarnated Animal Cameras
Reincarnated Animal Cameras
Dead Animals are Remade as Cameras by Taiyo Onorato and Nico Krebs
Taxidermy is a hobby that’s pretty straightforward—you take dead animals and position their proportions into a desired pose. The same can be said for photography, since you basically... MORE
Match-Making Soda Campaigns
Match-Making Soda Campaigns
The Cola Commercial by Coca-Cola Brings Together Would-Be Couples
It’s hard to find someone you like in a big city, let alone someone you’d want to marry—Ryan Gosling doesn’t count—and that’s why Coca-Cola decided to help out... MORE
Butter-Shredding Appliances
Butter-Shredding Appliances
Making Buttered Toast is Now Easier with This Ingenious Butter Cutter
Butter is a facet of life that people have come to know and love; it’s common practice for people to place butter inside the fridge for preservation, which results in the butter becoming too hard... MORE
Medieval Hoodie Designs
Medieval Hoodie Designs
These Medieval Knight Hoodies Will Provide You with Added Protection
These medieval knight hoodies are ideal garments for the fashion conscious LARPer. Live action role-playing has always been associated with many things, but fashion isn’t normally on top of... MORE
Realistic Monster Depictions
Realistic Monster Depictions
Rj Palmer’s Real Pokemon Drawings Will Capitvate Many Pokemon F
If you were a child in the early 2000s, Pokemon was a large part of your existence and most days you hoped that real Pokemon creatures would sprout out from your backyard. These realistic Pokemon... MORE
Horrifying Deceased Animal Displays
Horrifying Deceased Animal Displays
Brandon Vickerds' Taxidermy Displays are Quite Disturbing
These taxidermy displays by artist Brandon Vickerds will put any passerby in a state of horror and disbelief. The ‘Passenger’ (rodent display) and ‘Passenger II’ (chick display) are... MORE
Resume Vamping Infographs
Resume Vamping Infographs
This Infograph for Would-Be Editorial Intern Jobs is a Great Help
A resume is integral for individuals, especially if they want to be a social media, advertising or editorial intern. Innovation has become a staple in the workforce environment, but it’s a... MORE
Surreal Fashion Art Campaigns
Surreal Fashion Art Campaigns
Ignasi Monreal Graphic Illustration for Joyce S/S 2013 is Stunning
Ignasi Monreal’s graphic illustration wonderfully showcases Joyce’s S/S 2013 campaign. The images consist of highly coveted brands such as Giambattista Valli, Peter Pilotto, Alexander McQueen,... MORE
Typographic Minimalist Movie Posters
Typographic Minimalist Movie Posters
Untreed Studios Creates Modern Lion King Posters
For most people born in the 90s, these animated typographic posters are bound to bring up memories of days past from childhood. The Lion King typographics, which are designed by Untreed Studios,... MORE
Glass Weaponry Structures
Glass Weaponry Structures
'Lampworked' is a Striking Series of Fragile Glass Guns
Some people like guns and some people don’t and finding commonality between those two distinct groups of people can be difficult, but art can often bring two opposing groups together and these... MORE
Knight-Themed Neckties
Knight-Themed Neckties
The Necktie Design of This Tie is Ideal for Office Jousting
Most necktie design are normally made from soft fabrics such as linen, silk and cotton, but in today’s dog-eat-dog world you’ll need to assert your dominance if you want to get a leg-up over the... MORE