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59 Stanley Kubrick Innovations

From Iconic Film Tattoos to T-Shirt Inspirations

— August 12, 2011 — Pop Culture
It doesn't take a film buff to know that Stanley Kubrick innovations in the world of Hollywood and filmmaking are extensive. The man behind iconic films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, The Shining, and Full Metal Jacket, is also celebrated for inspiring an entire generation of filmmakers, including Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, James Cameron, and Steven Spielberg.

These Stanley Kubrick innovations mostly stem from memorable scenes in his most iconic films. They range from fans who were so enthralled by the stories he created that they tattooed parts of them on their bodies to scientists who decided to create robots strongly influenced by characters in his movies.

Though he died in 1999, many of these Stanley Kubrick innovations have emerged in the last few years, adding greater credence to his impact on the arts.

Enjoy some of the most indelible work from a man many consider to be the greatest movie director of all-time.

Implications - One of the best ways a company can market to baby boomers and other older consumers is by creating marketing that directly references or mimics iconic cultural touchstones of their youth. This connects the company with a strong emotional memory in the hearts of consumers, leading to a subconscious bond being built.
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