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31 Refugee Awareness Inspirations

From Displaced Passport Photography to Fold-Out Survival Sets

— June 21, 2013 — Social Good
These refugee awareness inspirations take on the admirable task of attempting to end the struggle for safety that many people across the world face on an everyday basis. The young children, men and women that face these battles are often displaced by wars, environmental damages and other unfortunate circumstances.

People around the world have united to bring awareness to their needs through the use of campaigns, advertising, products and even architecture. Imaginative designers across the globe have envisioned smart structures that aid workers can easily bring out to help refugees find safety in shelter. Others have created awareness-raising jewellery out of bullets. To end the plight of refugees around the world, talented designers are bringing attention to their worthy cause. Take a pause on UNICEF's World Refugee Day to find out how you can help refugees worldwide.
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Country-Wide Well Wishes
Country-Wide Well Wishes
'Arigato from Japan' Brings Relievers and the Relieved Together
Refugee Fundraising Sites
Refugee Fundraising Sites
iRescue DIY Campaign Makes it Easy to Promote Important Causes
Story-Filled Displaced People Videos
Story-Filled Displaced People Videos
UNICEF's 'World Refugee Day 20 June' Campaign Gets Personal
Social Networks for Refugees
Social Networks for Refugees
Refugees United Reconnects Lost Loved Ones
Displaced Passport Photography
Displaced Passport Photography
Kalpesh Lathigra Documents Syrians at Zaatari Refugee Camp
Refugee-Employing Enterprises
Refugee-Employing Enterprises
The 'Open Arms Shop' Provides a Living Wage for Women
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Edible Insect Kits
Edible Insect Kits
The Locust Farm Project Brings Nourishment and Independence to the Kenyan Needy
Disaster Aiding Dogs
Disaster Aiding Dogs
Messenger Dogs Keep Loved Ones in the Loop
Toy Brick Disaster Relief
Toy Brick Disaster Relief
The UNICEF Brick is a Literal Building Block for Troubled Regions
Revealing Refugee Camp Portraits
Revealing Refugee Camp Portraits
The Nathalie Mohadjer 'Blood Honey' Photos Speak a Thousand Words
Celebrity Social Campaigns
Celebrity Social Campaigns
The Vivienne Westwood ‘No Place Like Home' Project Does Goo
Race Against a Million Others
Race Against a Million Others
Nike+ Human Race (With Free Apple Music)
Moving Refugee Photojournalism
Moving Refugee Photojournalism
Brian Sokol's The Most Important Thing Documents Items
Miniature Refugee Homes
Miniature Refugee Homes
The ‘One Square Meter House’ Comfortably Houses a Single Perso
Afghan Heritage Jewelry
Afghan Heritage Jewelry
The Pippa Small for Turquoise Mountain Collection is Jewelry with a Cause
Entrepreneurship-Enabling Crafts
Entrepreneurship-Enabling Crafts
Buying a Prosperity Candle Helps Women Refugees Open a Business
Flat-Packed Building Blocks
Flat-Packed Building Blocks
The QuaDror by Dror Benshetrit Enables Solid and Simple Construction
Strong Saharan Portraits
Strong Saharan Portraits
Raffaele Petralla's Strength of Saharawi Women Series Inspires Travel
Bringing Refugee Camps Into Focus
Bringing Refugee Camps Into Focus
Google Earth Maps Refugee Crises
Celeb-Backed Refugees
Celeb-Backed Refugees
Angelina Jolie PSA Campaign for World Refugee Day
Floating Bodies for Awareness
Floating Bodies for Awareness
Frankfurt 'Tag des Fluechtlings' Campaign
Recycled Bullet Necklaces
Recycled Bullet Necklaces
Lovella Conto's 'Akawelle' Jewelry Line Wants Peace, Not War
Reptile Residences
Reptile Residences
The BuildingStudio Alligator House Post-Katrina Efforts
Fold-Out Survival Sets
Fold-Out Survival Sets
The Rely Refugee Kit by Chen Yu Jung is Perfect for Natural Disasters
Good Cause Panties
Good Cause Panties
WhoMadeYourPants is Created by International Refugees in the UK
Alternative Refugee Abodes
Alternative Refugee Abodes
The Pallet House by I-Beam Design Offers Low-Cost Housing
Run-Down Refugee Photography
Run-Down Refugee Photography
Shane Lavalette Finds Hope in Despair Through His Artful Lens
Cardboard Bed Sets
Cardboard Bed Sets
The Leaf Bed is Designed for Emergencies and Refugees
Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees
Floating Ecopolis for Climate Refugees
The Lilypad
Sturdy Refugee Residences
Sturdy Refugee Residences
The NIDO Portable Shelter is an Efficient, Effective Homeless Refuge