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Top 40 Social Media Trends in May

From Mental Wellness Departments to Branded Avatars

— May 27, 2018 — Tech
From newly implemented mental wellness departments to branded avatars, this list of May 2018 social media trends outline the different ways in which social networks can enhance the consumers' lives and foster a sense of connectivity.

As previously mentioned, Instagram has announced the launch of its mental wellbeing department -- a section of the company that will devote its time to promoting a sense of community, while negating some of the feelings of isolation and bullying that some users report feeling. Meanwhile, Vice's 'Like What You Hate' campaign is broadening the minds of social media users by balancing social media feeds with content that challenges a user's personal beliefs.

Brands are leveraging Snapchat to promote products, as companies like Hollister created a Bitmoji clothing line, while BMW launched an AR experience through the platform.
Privacy-Ensuring Extensions
Privacy-Ensuring Extensions
Mozilla's 'Facebook Container' Keeps Facebook Data Private
Social Media-Inspired Capsules
Social Media-Inspired Capsules
ADER Error's 'A Mobile Space' Range is Its Latest Resort Collection
Social Podcast App Features
Social Podcast App Features
The Anchor Cohost Feature Connects Users for New Projects
Updated Social Media Glasses
Updated Social Media Glasses
'Spectacles V2' Improve Upon Snapchat's First Recording Glasses
Expansive Group Chats
Expansive Group Chats
The Snapchat Group Chat and Mention Feature Bring New Life to the App
Video-Based Group Therapy Platforms
Video-Based Group Therapy Platforms
The Campfire Platform Helps Users Build a Caring Social Group
Social Media-Savvy Escalators
Social Media-Savvy Escalators
In an Attempt to Humanize Technology, KONE's Escalator Has Twitter
Russian Bot Social Filters
Russian Bot Social Filters
This Snapchat April Fools Filter Mocked Recent Facebook News
Crowdsourced Photography Apps
Crowdsourced Photography Apps
This App Offers Tips On Local Photography Sites, Transit & Weather
Hashtag-Based Ordering Services
Hashtag-Based Ordering Services
The DUSSE100 Hashtag Helps Drinkers Reserve a D’ussé VSOP Bottle
Feed-Balancing Social Campaigns
Feed-Balancing Social Campaigns
Vice is Asking People to 'Like What You Hate' on Facebook
Extensive Restaurant Loyalty Programs
Extensive Restaurant Loyalty Programs
TGI Friday's Offers Specific Rewards with a New Point System
Healthcare Professional Social Apps
Healthcare Professional Social Apps
The Figure 1 App Helps Users Stay Up to Date on Current Cases
Gamified AR Lenses
Gamified AR Lenses
Snapchat 'Snappables' Can Be Altered by Touch, Motion and Expression
Happiness-Focused Social Media Departments
Happiness-Focused Social Media Departments
Instagram is Launching a 'Wellbeing Team' Department
Anti-Junk Food Marketing Campaigns
Anti-Junk Food Marketing Campaigns
Jamie Oliver's #AdEnough Campaign Opposed Ads Aimed at Kids
Palm-Sized Photo Printers
Palm-Sized Photo Printers
Canon's IVY Mini Photo Printer Creates Small Prints and Stickers
Social Media Car Experiences
Social Media Car Experiences
BMW's AR Experience is Available Through Snapchat
Record-Breaking Livestreams
Record-Breaking Livestreams
The elrubiusOMG Livestream Brought in 1.1 Million Viewers on YouTube
Promotional AR Pets
Promotional AR Pets
Three's 'Puggerfly' Mascot is the First-Ever Augmented Reality Snapchat Pet
Social Media Egg Hunts
Social Media Egg Hunts
Cadbury Set Up an Interactive Easter Egg Hunt on Facebook 360
AR Movie Lenses
AR Movie Lenses
The Jumanji DVD Uses Snapchat Lenses to Immerse Viewers in a Jungle Enviroment
Environmentally Friendly Billboard Ads
Environmentally Friendly Billboard Ads
This Kit Kat Billboard Ad Shut Off for Earth Hour
Social Media Queueing Campaigns
Social Media Queueing Campaigns
Nike Created a Virtual #AirMaxLine for Sneakerheads on Instagram
Social Media-Friendly Coffee Houses
Social Media-Friendly Coffee Houses
.Jpg Cafe Offers an Escape from the Bustling City
Color-In Mobile Posters
Color-In Mobile Posters
BBH LA Created Customizable Posters for Instagram for Teens to Share
Entrepreneurial Social Networks
Entrepreneurial Social Networks
The 'Leapcrowd' Platform Helps Entrepreneurs Connect
Authentic Beauty Campaigns
Authentic Beauty Campaigns
CVS' Unretouched 'Beauty in Real Life' Sets New Beauty Standards
Relaunched Inclusive Minimalist Apparel
Relaunched Inclusive Minimalist Apparel
American Apparel's Back To Basics Campaign Marks a Revival
Design-Focused App Accounts
Design-Focused App Accounts
An Official Instagram Design Account is Showcasing Creative Works
Kaleidoscopic Social Media Branding
Kaleidoscopic Social Media Branding
Ruslan Khasanov Creates Fluid and Colorful Images for MAC
Tech-Savvy Elderly Influencers
Tech-Savvy Elderly Influencers
Baddie Winkle is a Social Media Influencer and Famous Model
Age-Inclusive Beauty Campaigns
Age-Inclusive Beauty Campaigns
The KKW Beauty Campaign Stars Kris Jenner and M.J. Shannon
Gen Z Beauty Brands
Gen Z Beauty Brands
'My Mood' is a Youthful New Brand from the Founder of Nails Inc
Experiential Beauty Activations
Experiential Beauty Activations
Rihanna and Sephora Tailored the Summer Body Launch to Millennials
Interactive Selfie Exhibitions
Interactive Selfie Exhibitions
Bangkok's 'Museum of Me' Turns Gallery-Goers into Works of Art
Interactive Crunchy Chocolate Pop-Ups
Interactive Crunchy Chocolate Pop-Ups
Guests of the M&M Pop-up Voted on the Brand's Next Flavor
Social Media-Inspired Marketing Techniques
Social Media-Inspired Marketing Techniques
Three Creatives Collaborated on an adidas Ad Campaign
Branded Avatar Outfits
Branded Avatar Outfits
Hollister Created a Spring Collection of Bitmoji Outfits for Snapchat Users