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63 Interesting Looks at Decomposition

From Moss Carpets to Rotten Apple Art

— August 31, 2012 — Eco
These looks at decomposition range from revolting to uplifting and eco. While decomposition is usually considered as an unglamorous part of life, there are some that are using it to create interesting products, turn waste into something new and others who, well, are using it to freak people out.

In the eco category, there are dozens of innovations based around decomposition. For example, trash bins that make energy from compost and shoes that are biodegradable so that when you're through with them, all you have to do is throw them outside.

In the bizarre category, we've found many examples of artists and even designers using decomposition as inspiration, whether it's decomposing trash as art or cupcakes meant to look like a pile of dirt.
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