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40 Interesting Employment Finds

From Unproductive Employee Charts to Video Resumes

— April 28, 2012 — Art & Design
These interesting employment finds are useful for everyone. Whether you're self employed, seeking a job or reading this while at work trying to hide your monitor from your boss, guaranteed there is something here for you.

Those currently in the throes of the job hunt will be inspired by the self branding tactics highlighted, such as video resumes or self-promotional packages, designed to make you stand out to a potential employer. For the self employed, there are tons of charts, stats and other fun finds created by the boss-free encouraging others to take the leap, such as the Anti-Office Infographic. As for the currently employed, you can relish in the fact that you are not alone, as proven by the numerous office life-mocking blogs and graphs, such as the Unproductive Employee chart or Stop Slacking blog.
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Simplified Interview Websites
Simplified Interview Websites
GetHired Makes Job Candidate Hunting Easy
Intelligent Gender Charts
Intelligent Gender Charts
'Who is the Next Generation of Scientists?' Poster Analyzes Orientation
Online Employment Opportunity Charts
Online Employment Opportunity Charts
The Social Job Search Continues to Grow
Break Benefit Charts
Break Benefit Charts
'The Case for Facebook' Makes a Strong Argument
Twitterific Job Hunts
Twitterific Job Hunts
WorkFu App Connects You to Employers Via Social Media
Career-Hunting Charts
Career-Hunting Charts
The 'Who's Getting Hired Today' Infographic Gives Some Helpful Hints
Revealing Youth Employment Stats
Revealing Youth Employment Stats
The Workplace Currency Infographic Shows Shocking Numbers
Social Media Job Creators
Social Media Job Creators
Facebook Social Jobs Partnership Facilitates Employment Via Networking
Urban Capital Comparisons
Urban Capital Comparisons
The Business Hotspots Infographic Details Competitive Global Cities
Money-Making Markers
Money-Making Markers
The 'Salary Science' Infographic Measures Your Wages
Employment-Augmenting Coffee Chains
Employment-Augmenting Coffee Chains
Starbucks 'Create Jobs for USA' Program Strengthens Small Biz
Easy Employment Apps
Easy Employment Apps
Searching for Work is Easier with LinkedIn's New Embeddable Job Applications
Shocking Employment Data Graphs
Shocking Employment Data Graphs
'What it Takes to Get a Job at Google' Infographic is Revealing
Career-Seeking Infographics
Career-Seeking Infographics
'Where the Start Up Jobs Are' Statistics Gives Advice on Job Hunting
Stop Slacking Charts
Stop Slacking Charts
The Social Loafing at the Office Infographic Aims to Prevent Laziness
Video Resumes
Video Resumes
The YouTube CV by Gareth Cash is a Cutting-Edge Way to Stand Out in the Job Market
Tailor-Made Job Applications
Tailor-Made Job Applications
Lisa Taylor Sells Herself with the Cover Letter Customizer
Social Media Resumes
Social Media Resumes
Apply for Jobs Using Your Profile With the LinkedIn Job Application Button
Customizable Curriculum Vitaes
Customizable Curriculum Vitaes
'Loft Resumes' Helps You Stand out from the Crowd
Video Resumes
Video Resumes
StaffTube Changes Online Recruiting
Moving Infographic Toolkits
Moving Infographic Toolkits
Prezi is a Zooming Web-Based Presentation Tool
Successful Business Nutrition Plans
Successful Business Nutrition Plans
'The Google Diet' Reveals the Secret to its Success
Fashion Internships by Video
Fashion Internships by Video
Flare Lets You Vote for Fav
Gender-Comparing Graphs
Gender-Comparing Graphs
'The Fit' Pins Men Against Women in a Battle of the Genders
Personalized Websites For Low Income Job Seekers
Personalized Websites For Low Income Job Seekers
Babajob India
Resume Butt Wipers
Resume Butt Wipers
The Hilarious WC/CV Toilet Paper by Burak Kaynak
Social Media Employment Stats
Social Media Employment Stats
The 'Can Facebook Get You a Job?' Infographic is An Eye-Opener
Anti-Office Infographics
Anti-Office Infographics
The 'Work From Home Fridays' Infographic Discusses Productivity
Social Media Takeover Charts
Social Media Takeover Charts
‘That's Old News!' Infographic Shows the Demise of
Personal Portfolio Nests
Personal Portfolio Nests
'I Made This for You' by Katie Hatz is a Self-Promotional Present
Unemployed Encouragement Cards
Unemployed Encouragement Cards
The Hallmark 'Loss of Job' Line Helps Ease Your Fired Feelings
Funemployment Fashion
Funemployment Fashion
Irina Blok's Buttons and Shirts Make Fun of Joblessness
Unproductive Employee Charts
Unproductive Employee Charts
'Rypple' Asks 'How Are People Wasting Time at Work?'
Infographic Resumes
Infographic Resumes
Creatives Flock to Designer CVs to Stand Out From the Crowd
Self-Promoting Packaging
Self-Promoting Packaging
Bejamin Dooling Showcases His Design Skills on Coffee Bags
Facebook Employment Stats
Facebook Employment Stats
The 'Job Screening with Social Networking' Infographic Stuns All
Artistic Resume Books
Artistic Resume Books
Patrycja Zywert's CV/Self-Promo Book is Sure to Get You a Second Interview
Resume T-Shirts
Resume T-Shirts
Let Your Shirt Get You a New Job
Career-Centered Female Captures
Career-Centered Female Captures
Michael Lisowski Illustrates Women with a Variety of Professions
Graphic-Based Resumes
Graphic-Based Resumes
The Recession Hit Hard, But People are Getting Creative to Get Employment