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50 Holistic Branding Innovations

From Gardening Inspiration Campaigns to Naturalist Skincare Boxes

— March 7, 2016 — Marketing
These holistic branding innovations range from gardening inspiration campaigns to non-toxic skincare subscriptions that promote a sustainable lifestyle. When it comes to personal care, Millennials are ditching toxins and chemical additives in exchange for natural remedies with organic healing properties. In addition to investing in natural beauty and skincare products, modern consumers are also responding to socially responsible oral care campaigns like a recent commercial by Colgate that addresses water conservation and beauty ads that promote authenticity and body positivity, like those by Dove.

When it comes to home and garden care, Millennials are not only making a traditional chore more inspiring but are also instilling sustainable values in their children from a young age. Popular branding examples that stay true to this notion include gardening kits for kids and plantable greeting cards and tree kits that can be reused by recipients of all ages.

Furthermore, home and garden brands are appealing to this tech-savvy demographic with hashtag-powered social media ads -- Miracle-Gro's #Springmoji campaign targets a younger audience of green thumbs who were asked to create a crowdsourced emoji garden. Additional examples include inspirational marketing that borrows a helping hand from popular web influencers like DIY bloggers and YouTube stars.
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Essential Oil Insect Sprays
Essential Oil Insect Sprays
Four Elements Makes Insect Spray with Lavender, Lemon and Eucalyptus
Minimalist Pet Shampoos
Minimalist Pet Shampoos
This Pet-Focused Hygiene Product Takes a Sophisticated Design Route
Goat Landscaper Services
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Kid-Friendly Gardening Kits
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Growums Teaches Kids to Grow Their Own Herbs and Vegetables
Natural Cleansing Sponges
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Saje's Konjac Kare Sponges Use Yams, Green Tea, Aloe and Charcoal
Bug Repellent Bars
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Organic Kids Protein Supplements
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Natural Allergy Kits
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Gardening Inspiration Campaigns
Gardening Inspiration Campaigns
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Chemical-Free Air Fresheners
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Mosquito-Repelling Bracelets
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African Potato Balms
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Blogger Cleansing Juice Collaborations
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Kid-Safe Citronella Stickers
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Tree-Sprouting Books
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Blossoming Emoji Gardens
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Homegrown Coffee Kits
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All-Natural Pet Shampoos
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Non-Toxic Beauty Subscriptions
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Empowering Food Projects
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Bug Repellent Soaps
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Bonsai Tree Kits
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Branded Gardening Blogs
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Gardening Blogger Projects
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Naturopathic Pharmacy Branding
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Culinary Seed Kits
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Biodegradable Pet Urns
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Responsible Organic Skincare
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Sustainable Garden Supplies
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Botanical Beauty Branding
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Sculptural Gardening Kits
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Eco-Friendly Garden Pods
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Shampoo Exchanging Campaigns
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