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78 Handyman Gift Ideas

From Nail Storing Hammers to Digital Measuring Devices

— December 15, 2012 — Art & Design
These handyman gift ideas will give you some practical tips on what to get him for Christmas.

A handyman's tool box is never full, so buying him a cool new tool is always a great option. Hammers are a dime a dozen, so try something different and pick up the nail storing hammer that holds the nails inside the handle. This is a very useful gift for a handyman who is always fiddling to find his next nail.

You could also check out the digital measuring device that uses a steel wire and digital display to let you know the measurements.

Boots are also a big part of the equation when you're a handyman. Pick up a pair of stylish, yet understated boots for your handyman this Christmas.
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Nail-Holding Household Tools
Nail-Holding Household Tools
The Jung Soo Park Neo Hammer Is Magnetic to Help Handymans Everywhere
Nighttime Measuring Tools
Nighttime Measuring Tools
The Reading Ruler Measures in the Dark
Rambo Power Tools
Rambo Power Tools
The Quick Drive Auto Screwdriver Makes Screwing a Snap
Macho Meal Prep Planks
Macho Meal Prep Planks
The Chop Saw Cutting Board Brings a Handyman's Tools into the Kitchen
Titanium Mini Meters
Titanium Mini Meters
The Inchworm Measuring Stick Offers You Rugged Practicality
Floor Plan-Generating Apps
Floor Plan-Generating Apps
The MagicPlan App Maps Out Your Home Easily and Accurately
Paint-Removing Power Tools
Paint-Removing Power Tools
The Wall Eraser Takes the Pain Out of Repainting Projects
Handyman Grilling Gear
Handyman Grilling Gear
These BBQ Tools Would Be a Perfect Father's Day Gift
Finger-Guarding Gadgets
Finger-Guarding Gadgets
The Fear Not Hammer Helps You Hold Nails and Keeps You From Getting Hurt
Carpenter-Inspired Perfumes
Carpenter-Inspired Perfumes
The Spirit Level from Art Lebedev Stifles the Smell of Sawdust
Blinged Power Tools
Blinged Power Tools
The Bosch Swarovski Screwdriver Adds Luxury to Your Toolbox
Magnified Rulers
Magnified Rulers
Product Tank Designs 'The New Rule' for the Visually Impaired
Purposely Tattered Leather Mitts
Purposely Tattered Leather Mitts
Kapital Indigo Sashiko Gloves are Ghoulishly Cool
Handy Gadget Lights
Handy Gadget Lights
'Striker Light Mine Professional' Lets You Work Tight Spaces
Space-Saving Handyman Tools
Space-Saving Handyman Tools
The Hammer Screwdriver Combination Set is Practical and Convenient
Magnetic Tool Belts
Magnetic Tool Belts
MagnoGrip Magnetic Work Gear Makes Building More Convenient
Sleek Sinuous Tools
Sleek Sinuous Tools
The Ergonomic Naja Hammer by Marc Sicard Hits the Nail on the Head
Tool Belts for Your Wrist
Tool Belts for Your Wrist
Magnogrip Keeps Nails and Screws Close at Hand
Semi-Automatic Power Tools
Semi-Automatic Power Tools
This Powerful Screwdriver Will Get the Job Done in Seconds
Handyman Door Openers
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The Wrench Handle is Perfect for Tool Rooms and Bachelor Pads
Record-Smashing Snow Trucks
Record-Smashing Snow Trucks
The South Pole Expedition Vehicle Will Reach the Pole in Record Time
Tool Box Torch Lights
Tool Box Torch Lights
The 9-in-1 Emergency Light Will Help You Get Through Dark Times
Musical Measuring
Musical Measuring
Cassette Tape Measure Makes Music Handy
Finger-Saving Nail Holders
Finger-Saving Nail Holders
Avoid Terrible Accidents with the ThumbSaver
Blue-Collar Booze Contraptions
Blue-Collar Booze Contraptions
The Bottle Opener Hammer Makes Work Enjoyable
High Tech Measuring
High Tech Measuring
Shay Shafranek Gives Electronic Ease to Ruler Design
Contemporary Craft Tables
Contemporary Craft Tables
Y by Lehel Juhos Offers Crisp Modernd Design with a Charming Casualness
Metric Conversion Tape Measures
Metric Conversion Tape Measures
The E Ink Ruler Easily Converts Inches to Centimeters
Explosive Screwdriver Sets
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The Grenade Screwdriver Set is Perfect for Badass Handymen
Shifting Kitchen Tools
Shifting Kitchen Tools
The Clever Spoon Slips and Slides in Measuring Ingredients
Hip Handyman Ensembles
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Religious Tool Jewelry
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Electric Drill Culinary Devices
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The Twirl Hand Mixer Closely Resembles a Handyman's Tool
Pocket Super Utensils
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Money-Measuring Accessories
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The NOTEX Wristband Enables the Blind to Size Up and Assess Banknotes
Handyman Hand Guards
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The Hand Umbrella Keeps Your Fingers Safe from Hammers
Flatbed City Cars
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The Skoda Yeti ETAPE is Designed for Extreme Urbanites
Handyman Mancessories
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Modular Sporks
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The Eat'N Tool from Liong Mah is the MacGyver of Eating Utensils
Stylish Luxe Tools
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The Base Camp X Hardcore Hammers are for the Chic Handyman Lifestyle
Brilliantly Equipped Implements
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The Screw U Screwdriver Features a Range of Bits and a Glowing Tip
Body-Braced Power Tools
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The Ergonomic Saw Makes the Task Easy and Takes the Strain Off
High-Design Axes
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Hardcore Hatchets Prove that Tools can Look Beautiful Too
Muddy Construction Men Spreads
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‘Men at Work' by Renie Saliba is a Playful Mess
Eco-Conscious Work Boots
Eco-Conscious Work Boots
The Yele Haiti Collaboration Product Line Saves the World
Humanized Hammers
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Paul Martus Adds a Human Touch to Machinery (UPDATE)
Handyman Strategy Games
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The Hardware Chess Set by Rambutan Red Combines Ruggedness and Intellect
Handyman Phone Covers
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The 'Adappt XT' iPhone Case Has Everything You Need
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Handyman Top Poppers
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Classy Construction Boots
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Punctured Retractable Rulers
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The Hole Measuring Tape by Sunghoon Jung Boasts a Basic Tweak
Metal-Attracting Tool Gloves
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The Magnetic Magic Finger Keeps Nails and Screws at Hand
Badass Woven Boots
Badass Woven Boots
The Neighborhood SS11 Collection Features the Wicked C.W.P. Log Boots
Handy Storage Hammers
Handy Storage Hammers
The Nail Hammer is a Handyman's Dream Come True
Handy Hammers
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Handy Homemade Instruments
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Luxury Power Tools
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The Louis Vuitton Chainsaw is a Powerful Statement Piece
iPhone Apps as Interior Designers
iPhone Apps as Interior Designers
Color Capture and ColorSnap Help Inspire Home Design
'Tool Time' Tables
'Tool Time' Tables
The Pipe Wrench Coffee Table is for the Hardy Handyman
Sophisticated Work Boots
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The Stylishly European Stone Island x Diemme Roccia Vet Boots
Pinot-Popping Power Tools
Pinot-Popping Power Tools
The Bosch IXO Vino is a Cordless Screwdriver Drill and Corkscrew
Digital Measuring Devices
Digital Measuring Devices
The Silk Tape Measure is for Modern Day Handymen
Multifunctional Keys
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The KeyTool is Perfect for the Impromptu Handyman
Multipurpose Pickup Trucks
Multipurpose Pickup Trucks
The AEV 4-Door Brute Double Cab for SEMA 2011 is Powerful
Construction Gear for Women
Construction Gear for Women
Pink Hard Hats and Tomboy Trades
Fake Firearm Tools
Fake Firearm Tools
The Drill Gun Power Screwdriver is a Handgun Fit for a Handyman
Handyman Home Furnishings
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Ready-Made Design is a Toolbox of Crafty Decorative Objects
Tools Made of Money
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Coin Sculptures by Stacey Lee Webber
Scissor-like Pocket Tools
Scissor-like Pocket Tools
The Leatherman Raptor is Made for On-the-Go Uniformed Medics
Handyman Power Strips
Handyman Power Strips
The 'Retractable Tape Cord' is Tape Measure-Inspired
Handyman Coat Hooks
Handyman Coat Hooks
The MOT Hanger by Jongho Park Hits the Nail on the Head
Automotive Appliance Hybrids
Automotive Appliance Hybrids
The Opel Good Tools Ads Market Multitalented Machines
Multifunctional Toolboxes
Multifunctional Toolboxes
The Marlon Darbeau 'Peera' is Perfect for the Handyman
Overly Adaptable Tools
Overly Adaptable Tools
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The Nuts and Bolts of Love
Clever Cord Hardware
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The Wire-Wielding Designs of Karl Zahn Make Smart Extension Solutions