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40 Guerrilla Ads, Art and Activism

— October 4, 2008 — Marketing
Guerrilla ad campaigns, art and activism are edgy, eye-opening and attention-grabbing. In the vast symposium that fosters human creativity, guerrilla advertising is the guy on stilts who crashes the academic brainstorming to pass out a pop-up book that sings.

We love all things guerrilla here at Trend Hunter, and this collection of 40 guerrila ads, art and activism proves it. You'll see impromptu flower beds to promote Havaianas sandals, fairytales revived for hair care products, impromptu seed-spreading efforts conducted by bicycle, and plenty of giant, in-your-face art.

Take a look through this cluster and see if you can find a piece of guerrilla advertising, art or activism that you wouldn't give a second look if you encountered it in person.
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Guerrilla Drive Ins
Guerrilla Drive Ins
Creating Rebel Outdoor Movie Theaters
Guerrilla Director's Chairs
Guerrilla Director's Chairs
Puma Marseille Ads
Geeky Guerrilla Sculptures
Geeky Guerrilla Sculptures
The QWERTY Keyboard Monument
Starving Children in Grocery Bags
Starving Children in Grocery Bags
Die Arche Guerrilla Campaign
Green Guerrilla Ads
Green Guerrilla Ads
Nothing Left To Weep For Campaign
Guerrilla Musical Theater 2
Guerrilla Musical Theater 2
Flash Mob for
Green Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Green Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
"These Come from Trees" Stickers
Guerrilla Foot Mirrors
Guerrilla Foot Mirrors
Check Out Your Shoes On The Go
Branded Cockroaches Infest NYC
Branded Cockroaches Infest NYC
Zoo York Guerrilla Campaign
Graffiti Wall Awards
Graffiti Wall Awards
Guerrilla PR for Bamboo
Guerrilla Gardeners
Guerrilla Gardeners
Seed Bombs for Green Rebels
Supermarket Aisles as Catwalks
Supermarket Aisles as Catwalks
The SPRMRKT Guerrilla Fashion Show
Advertising on Spare Tires
Advertising on Spare Tires
Yuzu Sushi Guerrilla Ad
Guerrilla Gardening
Guerrilla Gardening
'Bloom' Seed Spreading by Bicycle
Fake Vandalism
Fake Vandalism
Vegemite Guerrilla Ads
Giant Flip Flop Flower Beds
Giant Flip Flop Flower Beds
Guerrilla Havaianas Ad
Guerrilla Artrepreneurs
Guerrilla Artrepreneurs
Shepard Fairey's Radical Art
Guerrilla Movie PR Stunts
Guerrilla Movie PR Stunts
Chucky Unleashed in Times Square
Guerrilla Stabbing To Promote TV Show
Guerrilla Stabbing To Promote TV Show
Dexter Ads
Escalator Legs
Escalator Legs
Venus Razor Guerrilla Ads
Gold Guerrilla Street Art
Gold Guerrilla Street Art
The Midas Project in Barcelona
Trapped in Self-Service Machines
Trapped in Self-Service Machines
Jobsintown Guerrilla Campaign
Guerrilla Trashcan Makeovers
Guerrilla Trashcan Makeovers
The Five Black Bins Project
Guerrilla Fairytale Campaigns
Guerrilla Fairytale Campaigns
Rapunzel for Pantene
Dolphins in the City
Dolphins in the City
WWF Guerrilla Donation Campaign
Guerrilla Glass Art
Guerrilla Glass Art
'Bottle Banksy' Strikes England
Drowning Billboards
Drowning Billboards
Guerrilla Campaign For "Day After Tomorrow"
Garbage Seafood II
Garbage Seafood II
Guerrilla Campaign Packages Garbage as Seafood
Guerrilla Tourism Ads
Guerrilla Tourism Ads
Time to Thaw: South Carolina Tourism
Hands-On Guerrilla Ads
Hands-On Guerrilla Ads
Clever Supportive Ad Placement
Guerrilla Ads in Urinals
Guerrilla Ads in Urinals
Battery Energy Drink Campaign
Wrecked Cars as Street Art
Wrecked Cars as Street Art
Grecian Guerrilla Beautification
Guerrilla Rubber Duckies
Guerrilla Rubber Duckies
Famous Paintings "With Extra Ducks"
Human Arms in Butcher Shops
Human Arms in Butcher Shops
Dexter Guerrilla Campaign II
Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Guerrilla Bathroom Campaigns
Strong Beer Pee Flows Crack Urinals
Bloody Urinals as Advertising
Bloody Urinals as Advertising
Dexter Guerrilla Campaign
Guerrilla Marketing for Kids
Guerrilla Marketing for Kids
ChupaChups Lollipop Road Signs
Bathroom Blood Dispensers
Bathroom Blood Dispensers
Clue Guerrilla Campaign
Giant Guerrilla Toilet Paper Rolls
Giant Guerrilla Toilet Paper Rolls
Dulcolax Laxative Ad
Fake Urban Holes
Fake Urban Holes
HP Guerrilla Photopaper Campaign