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19 Friendly Competition Marketing Strategies

Ideas to Challenge Competition and Win Over Customers

— December 23, 2013 — Marketing
There are some companies that have been in a friendly competition for as long as they have been in existence. It’s no secret that these companies are trying to steal a competitor’s thunder and when these rivalries are exhibited in the form of a campaign or video poking fun at one another, it’s fun to see who will win the game of one-upmanship.

There are tons of examples of how to steal customers with witty campaigns. One standout campaign is one from McDonald’s that involved simply changing the names of its WiFi networks to entice nearby people in to its restaurants with exclusive deals, since it noticed customers at rival businesses were stealing free access to the Internet.

Another involved an elaborate ‘Phone Swap,’ which had people at a music festival trade their phones when they ran out of battery for a temporary trial run of a brand new Sony Xperia. Again, tons of incentives were given when people made this trade and some lucky winners got to keep their new phones at the end of the festival.

Of course, a company doesn’t have to be in direct competition to steal a bit of thunder from another company. A prime example of this is a hi-tech billboard by British Airways was cleverly parodied in a low-tech way by Domino’s Pizza.
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