From Fat-Burning Undies to Thong Hoodies
From “Slide to Unlock” panties to fake hairy panties, this cluster offers a hand-picked selection of the most bizarre underwear you don’t want to be tagged in on Facebook (or for a select few, maybe you do).
Cycle through to see everything from fake boner boxers to chopstick bras and frilly granny spanx… for men.
Implications - Underwear, as an everyday essential, doesn't usually receive much reinvention or redesign. However, as today's consumer continues to choose novel products and offbeat designs, instilling a bizarre, innovative or individualistic element to something as simple as underwear can be what sets an underwear brand apart from its competitors.
Cycle through to see everything from fake boner boxers to chopstick bras and frilly granny spanx… for men.
Implications - Underwear, as an everyday essential, doesn't usually receive much reinvention or redesign. However, as today's consumer continues to choose novel products and offbeat designs, instilling a bizarre, innovative or individualistic element to something as simple as underwear can be what sets an underwear brand apart from its competitors.