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28 Examples of Anti-Violence Campaigns

From Cleavage-Blaming Abuse Ads to Brutal Bruise Ads

— May 27, 2014 — Lifestyle
The 'YesAllWomen' hashtag is making a huge impact in the world of social media, demonstrating just how vocal people can become in the face of unnecessary violence and abuse; these past examples of anti-violence campaigns proves the same. In light of the Isla Vista attack in which a young man killed six people after being romantically rejected throughout his life, people are coming to the defence of women who experience abuse on a daily basis.

Yet these examples of anti-violence campaigns of stretch beyond domestic abuse to other forms of violence including guns, which is appropriate since that was Elliot Rodger's weapon of choice, war and more. The amount of brutality that humans put humans through is saddening. Campaigns such as these raise awareness to prevent such occurrences.
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Nonviolence Awareness Stunts
Nonviolence Awareness Stunts
Disque Denuncia Staged a MMA Fight Between a Man and a Woman
Anti-Gun Violence Ads
Anti-Gun Violence Ads
The 'Unload Your 401(k)' Ad Urges People to Boycott Public Gun Companies
Poverty-Violence Awareness Campaigns
Poverty-Violence Awareness Campaigns
The 'Locust Effect' Highlights Violence Against the Poor
Violent Watch Face Ads
Violent Watch Face Ads
The Watches Magazine Developed Ads with Watch Counterfeiters Being Harrased
Multi-Faceted Violence Ads
Multi-Faceted Violence Ads
This ANAR Campaign Shows a Different Message to Kids and Adults
Charitable Anti-Abuse Ads
Charitable Anti-Abuse Ads
The Penny Prison by Movimento De Mulheres Fights for Women's Rights
Explained Atrocity Ads
Explained Atrocity Ads
The Positivo Books Aurelio Dictionary Campaign Addresses the Unexplainable
Beauty Tutorial PSAs
Beauty Tutorial PSAs
The 'Don't Cover it Up' Video is Powerful
Frightened Profile Update Ads
Frightened Profile Update Ads
The SOS Violence Conjugale Campaign Sheds Awareness on Spousal Abuse
Anti-Abuse Vending Machines
Anti-Abuse Vending Machines
The Helpless Machine Made for a Shocking Domestic Violence Campaign
Split-Face Ads
Split-Face Ads
The Fundacao Abrinq Save the Children Campaign Features the Work of Ulric Collette
Technicolor Brutality Ads
Technicolor Brutality Ads
The Diadema City 'Violence Against Women' Campaign Lacks Empathy
Protective Rugby Player Ads
Protective Rugby Player Ads
The Woman’s Room Campaign Urges "Stand Strong Against Violence"
Burning Violence Ads
Burning Violence Ads
The Amnesty International Fan the Flame Campaign is Utterly Powerful
Brutal Bruise Ads
Brutal Bruise Ads
The Ni Putes Ni Soumises Campaign Shows the Color of Violence
Artistic Gender Campaigns
Artistic Gender Campaigns
The 'My Body My Rights' Campaign Features Hyperrealistic Body Art
Emotional Shockvertisements
Emotional Shockvertisements
The Coalition for Domestic Violence Takes a Stand
Foresighted Anti-Violence Prints
Foresighted Anti-Violence Prints
The AWARE 'Stop the Cycle' Campaign Battles Domestic Abuse
Before and After Advertising
Before and After Advertising
Women Against Violence Campaign Flaunts a Bad Look
Dual Face Ads
Dual Face Ads
The 2012 International Day of Peace Campaign is Filled With Illusions
Controversial Anti Rape Posters
Controversial Anti Rape Posters
Telefono Donna Ad Causes Uproar
Morphing Billboards
Morphing Billboards
German Bus Stop Exposes the Duality of Domestic Violence
Controversial Domestic Violence Campaigns
Controversial Domestic Violence Campaigns
The Family Place
Overseas Violence Awareness Campaigns
Overseas Violence Awareness Campaigns
Ogilvy's New Massive Anti-Violence Campaign in Saudi Arabia
Crocheted Weapon Campaigns
Crocheted Weapon Campaigns
These Martial Arts Hapkido Ads Turn Knives to Knitting
Phone-Enabled Violence Campaigns
Phone-Enabled Violence Campaigns
Interactive Billboard by NCDV Allows Texters to 'Drag Him Away'
Cleavage-Blaming Abuse Ads
Cleavage-Blaming Abuse Ads
The Star Models Sexual Violence Campaign Promotes a Powerful Message
Bruise-Revealing Abuse Ads
Bruise-Revealing Abuse Ads
This Domestic Abuse Campaign Uses Beer Coasters to Deliver Its Message
Deity Domestic Violence Campaigns
Deity Domestic Violence Campaigns
India's 'Save Our Sisters' Depicts a Haunting Truth About Abuse