From Cleavage-Blaming Abuse Ads to Brutal Bruise Ads
Meghan Young — May 27, 2014 — Lifestyle
The 'YesAllWomen' hashtag is making a huge impact in the world of social media, demonstrating just how vocal people can become in the face of unnecessary violence and abuse; these past examples of anti-violence campaigns proves the same. In light of the Isla Vista attack in which a young man killed six people after being romantically rejected throughout his life, people are coming to the defence of women who experience abuse on a daily basis.
Yet these examples of anti-violence campaigns of stretch beyond domestic abuse to other forms of violence including guns, which is appropriate since that was Elliot Rodger's weapon of choice, war and more. The amount of brutality that humans put humans through is saddening. Campaigns such as these raise awareness to prevent such occurrences.
Yet these examples of anti-violence campaigns of stretch beyond domestic abuse to other forms of violence including guns, which is appropriate since that was Elliot Rodger's weapon of choice, war and more. The amount of brutality that humans put humans through is saddening. Campaigns such as these raise awareness to prevent such occurrences.