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30 Edible Digestive Aids

From Superfood Seed Snacks to Digestion-Aiding Probiotic Bars

— December 14, 2018 — Lifestyle
These edible digestive aids range from superfood seed snacks to digestion-aiding probiotic bars. Standouts include Radical Snacks' naturally nootropic Superbars -- made with raw and brain-boosting ingredients that also ensure gut health -- along with Alvarado Street Bakery's Sprouted Wheat Bread which consists of hemp and hops instead of what, making it ideal for those with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance.

Some more traditionally indulgent snack examples include the New Peakz Chocolate range which is fiber-enriched as an added bonus and The Real Coconut's easily digestible cookie range which is available in three delicious flavors -- Chocolate Chip, Hemp Raisin and Ginger Molasses.

Kokopanda's KOKOKONGO PARFAIT superfood parfait menu -- which features detoxifying ingredients like activated charcoal -- rounds off this list and speaks to consumers' desire for nutritious snack options that don't skip out on flavor.
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Functional Superfruit Parfaits
Functional Superfruit Parfaits
Kokopanda's KOKOKONGO PARFAIT is Loaded with Korean Fruits
Sour Berry Sesame Bars
Sour Berry Sesame Bars
Naura Foods' Bio Sesame Snaps with Maqui Spotlight a Sour Berry
Non-Dairy Macaroni Meals
Non-Dairy Macaroni Meals
Chickapea's Vegan Macaroni and Cheese is Packed with Protein & Fiber
Porridge Alternative Oat Cereals
Porridge Alternative Oat Cereals
The Nestle Cereals Oat Cheerios are Made with 100% British Oats
Fiber-Rich Vegan Chocolate Snacks
Fiber-Rich Vegan Chocolate Snacks
The New Peakz Chocolate Flavors are Satisfying
Sprouted Superseed Snacks
Sprouted Superseed Snacks
These Go Raw Snacks are Packed with Nutritious Ingredients and Energy
Alkaline Vegetable Supplements
Alkaline Vegetable Supplements
The Urban Monk Nutrition Alkalizing Greens is Multifunctional
Hoppy Sprouted Breads
Hoppy Sprouted Breads
Alvarado Street Bakery's Sprouted Wheat Bread Combines Hemp and Hops
Fortified Hot Oatmeal Cups
Fortified Hot Oatmeal Cups
thinkThin's Protein & Probiotics Hot Oatmeal is Packed with Benefits
Probiotic-Rich Ice Creams
Probiotic-Rich Ice Creams
The Culture Republick Probiotic Ice Cream is Packed with Fiber
Turmeric-Honey Snack Bars
Turmeric-Honey Snack Bars
Health Warrior's Savory-Sweet Seed Snack Bar Contains Cracked Pepper
Charcoal Digestion Supplements
Charcoal Digestion Supplements
The Wild Foods Wild Coal Activated Charcoal Capsules are Organic
Sustainable Seed Desserts
Sustainable Seed Desserts
CUB's Pumpkin Seed Ice Cream Replaces a Dairy Base with Nuts & Seeds
Probiotic Oatmeal Cups
Probiotic Oatmeal Cups
Bakery On Main's Single-Serve Oatmeal Cups Boast Whole Grains & Protein
Nutty Probiotic Bites
Nutty Probiotic Bites
Nuttzo's Vegan Peanut Pro Cacao Nibs + Probiotics Supports Digestive Health
Exclusive Organic Rice Options
Exclusive Organic Rice Options
Lotus Foods' Forbidden Rice Dates Back to the Chinese Empire
Kid-Friendly Chocolate Supplements
Kid-Friendly Chocolate Supplements
Good Day Chocolate Launched Functional Supplements for Kids
Functional Wellness Lollipops
Functional Wellness Lollipops
Lolleez Makes 'Tumeez' Organic Tummy-Soothing Lollipops for Kids
Plantain Flour Cookies
Plantain Flour Cookies
The Real Coconut is Launching a Range of Easily Digestible Cookies
Vegan-Friendly Keto Snacks
Vegan-Friendly Keto Snacks
The Dark Chocolate Coconut Almond Keto Bar Have Just Three Net Carbs
Probiotic Nutrition Bars
Probiotic Nutrition Bars
Truth Bar Makes Nutrition Bars Enriched with Prebiotics and Probiotics
Algae Superfood Bowls
Algae Superfood Bowls
Juice It Up! and Vital Proteins Created the Limited 'Blue Vitality' Bowl
Seed-Based Snack Bars
Seed-Based Snack Bars
Blake's 'Seed Based Snack Bars' are Nourishing, Allergen-Free Snacks
Probiotic Superfood Yogurts
Probiotic Superfood Yogurts
Yooga's Coconut-Based Product is Disrupting the Plant-Based Category
Defatted Sunflower Seed Snacks
Defatted Sunflower Seed Snacks
Plantarian's Snacks Deliver High Protein with Its Special Flour
Probiotic Whey Pops
Probiotic Whey Pops
The White Moustache's Flavored Pops Make the Most of a Yogurt By-Product
Popped Seed Snacks
Popped Seed Snacks
'Hopapops' is a New Superfood Snack Made from Popped Lotus Seeds
Live Probiotic Bars
Live Probiotic Bars
The 'Probar Live' Nutrition Bars are Infused with Live Probiotics
Nootropic Snack Bars
Nootropic Snack Bars
Radicle Snacks' Superbars are Packed with Brain-Boosting Ingredients
Digestive Wellness Cereals
Digestive Wellness Cereals
'HI! Happy Inside' Makes Prebiotic, Probiotic & Fiber-Packed Cereals