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17 Retro Cartoon Marketing Techniques

From Cartooned Color Campaigns to Comic-Inspired Brake Ads

— April 11, 2014 — Marketing
With consumers becoming increasingly impatient with ad techniques, marketers are looking beyond simplistic aesthetics to capture viewer attention, turning to such methods as retro cartoon marketing to create a nostalgic link that consumers can relate to.

Offering consumers a blast from the past in the form of iconic cartoon characters, these nostalgic marketing campaigns allows viewers to connect with a more youthful period of their life, adding a more sentimental approach to the overall ad. Seeking to attract both children and adults who have a soft spot for fun and eclectic imagery, these retro cartoon marketing campaigns will certainly attract those who desire more than just simple product placement.

From iconic pet character ads to cartooned color campaigns, these nostalgic marketing techniques will definitely make an impression with its use of retro imagery.
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Athletic Cavemen Campaigns
Athletic Cavemen Campaigns
Delantero's Mega Gym Ads Promote Fitness with Prehistoric Cartoons
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
The Personal Lubricant Aleolub Campaign is Dubiously Adorable
Literary Snoozing Ads
Literary Snoozing Ads
BBDO's Dr Gav Mattresses Ad Features the Book 'Around the World in 80 Days'
Comic-Inspired Brake Ads
Comic-Inspired Brake Ads
This Promotion for Volkswagen City Emergency Brake Uses Comic Violence
Literal Loop Ride Ads
Literal Loop Ride Ads
This Hopi Hari Theme Park Campaign is Conceptually Confronting
Height-Humored Supplement Ads
Height-Humored Supplement Ads
Ovaltine 'Sucks to Be Short' Shows Why Being Tall is Advantageous
Superhero Toilet Paper Campaigns
Superhero Toilet Paper Campaigns
The Toilet Paper Ad Showing the Charmin Bear as Thor Will Delight
Bright Bubblegum Campaigns
Bright Bubblegum Campaigns
The Mentos Gum Ads are Fun, Funky and Easy to Swallow
Humorously Cynical Cartoon Ads
Humorously Cynical Cartoon Ads
The Dumb Ways to Die Gloomy Cartoon Ads is Sure to Produce Laughs
Impatient Caricature Ads
Impatient Caricature Ads
The Cartoon Network Animation Academy Campaign Promotes an Opportunity
Novel Life-Changing Ads
Novel Life-Changing Ads
The Arrebato Libros Campaign Morphs People into Book Characters
Eco Cartoons
Eco Cartoons
‘Let's Know It Better' PSA Makes Global Warming a Childhood Friend
Very Vivid Graphic Design
Very Vivid Graphic Design
Brazil's BlackMagenta Uses Bright Colors, Animated Characters to Create
Iconic Pet Character Ads
Iconic Pet Character Ads
The HKAAC Animal Adoption Centre Campaign Encourages Experiences
Cartooned Color Campaigns
Cartooned Color Campaigns
Comex Paint Creatively Proves They Can Match Any Hue
Kid-Friendly Retro Ads
Kid-Friendly Retro Ads
The Museum of Childhood Campaign Reads 'Playing is Learning'
Concerned Retro Cartoon Ads
Concerned Retro Cartoon Ads
James Voon Depicts Distressed Characters for Fictional Food Promo