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48 Rustic Cardboard Packaging Designs

From Cardboard-Framed Branding to Reusable Package Planters

— November 7, 2013 — Eco
These rustic cardboard packaging designs are here to showcase how creative branding techniques can sincerely make a difference when it comes to standing out amongst other more similar products.

With the amount of brands and retailers constantly competing against each other to sell their goods and services, sometimes a good product is just not quite enough to capture the attention of potential consumers. That's why opting to brand and package a product in a rustic or eco-friendly way using cardboard is a fantastically inventive approach to making that product stand out amongst the other more ordinary designs. From cardboard egg cartons to eco-friendly beer carriers and minimalist milk packaging, these cardboard designs are demonstrating that being environmentally conscious about your branding doesn't necessarily have to mean having a boring or mundane design.
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Minimalist Letter Branding
Minimalist Letter Branding
Holte Beer Uses a Simplistic Font for Packaging
Multipurpose Oil Packaging
Multipurpose Oil Packaging
This Oil Bottle Packaging Transforms into a Light Fixture
Basic Beer-Style Vinos
Basic Beer-Style Vinos
Red Meat Wine Packaging was Conceived with a Casual Approach
Nature-Inspired Candle Rebranding
Nature-Inspired Candle Rebranding
The Standard Wax Rebranding is a Back to Basics Return to Nature
Papercraft Phonographs
Papercraft Phonographs
GGRP Corrugated Cardboard Envelope Unfolds Into Record Player
Cardboard Pant Baggage
Cardboard Pant Baggage
Lee Skinny Jeans Packaging Packs Your Jeans in a Container
Elementary Egg Packaging
Elementary Egg Packaging
No Hatch Eggs Uses the Basics for Wrapping its Products
Pierced Pin Branding
Pierced Pin Branding
Jobeur Nail Packaging Demonstrates Creative Handiwork
Promotional Cardboard Seats
Promotional Cardboard Seats
The ‘Cheekseat' is Perfect for Useful Mass Mobile Advertis
Lumber-Centric Corporate Branding
Lumber-Centric Corporate Branding
Heydays Revamps the Identity of Norwegian Supplier Woodhouse
Brown-Bagged Beer
Brown-Bagged Beer
The Doss Blockos Beer Gives You That "Drinking in Public" Feel
Boxed Bow Ties
Boxed Bow Ties
Krisna Macdonald Designs Corrugated Cardboard Packaging for Humphrey
Packaged Intangible Objects
Packaged Intangible Objects
Chris Ferrante Boxes Light, Shadow and Reflection
Tented Olive Oil Packaging
Tented Olive Oil Packaging
The Unrefined Olive's Olive Oil Package is Practical and Eco-Friendly
Artisan Bakery Branding
Artisan Bakery Branding
Laucke Flour Packaging Communicates a Crisp Integrity and Quality
Minimal Modular Branding
Minimal Modular Branding
Urbino Packaging Embodies the Formal Regularity of its Contents
Cardboard Egg Packaging
Cardboard Egg Packaging
The Éva Valicsek Egg Carton Cracks the Standard Mould
Dairy-Adopted Branding
Dairy-Adopted Branding
Creamwheat Packaging Appropriates the Iconic and Nostalgic Milk Carton
Seed-Embedded Packaging
Seed-Embedded Packaging
The Cardboard Life Box Will Grow a Tree When It's Chucked
Green Light Globe Boxes
Green Light Globe Boxes
Eco Light Bulb Packaging Uses Materials Resourcefully and Eschews Glue
Charming Cardboard Branding
Charming Cardboard Branding
Librito de Mi Packaging Makes Recipients Feel Special
Recyclable Cardboard Bottle Carriers
Recyclable Cardboard Bottle Carriers
These Cardboard Container Designs Are Extremely Eco-Friendly
Cracked Flask Branding
Cracked Flask Branding
Broken Bottle Beer Packaging Will Start a Bar Fight
Outlined Bake Dish Branding
Outlined Bake Dish Branding
Falcon Enamelware Packaging Employs the Simplicity of its Plate Design
Lush Beverage Branding
Lush Beverage Branding
Koa Organic Water Packaging Has a Delicious Purity About its Natural Look
Eco Cardboard Wrapping
Eco Cardboard Wrapping
Bellroy Product Packaging Uses Earthy Brown Paper Pouches
Minimalist Packaging
Minimalist Packaging
'Milk' by Darren Custance Keeps Things Simple
City-Based Survival Kits
City-Based Survival Kits
Ryan Romanes' 'Urban Survival Kit' Teaches Kids How to Live in a City
Computer Box Bureaus
Computer Box Bureaus
The HP Z1 Workstation Accommodates Your Desktop and Your Desktop Computer
Cute Cardboard Branding
Cute Cardboard Branding
Mama, Papa and Gloria Packaging Embraces a Youthful Theme
Accordion Eco Packaging
Accordion Eco Packaging
This Cardboard Box Design Can Ship Contents of Various Volumes
DIY Corrugated Creatures
DIY Corrugated Creatures
The Herokid Magic Box is an Easily-Assembled Box Buddy
Misshapen Figurine Merchandizing
Misshapen Figurine Merchandizing
Kiwi Talisman Packaging Has a Warped Form for its Inhabitants
Understated Dessert Branding
Understated Dessert Branding
Solo Ice Cream Packaging Saves the Frills for the Treats' Flavoring
Hexagonal Hole Branding
Hexagonal Hole Branding
Nooka Mindstyle Packaging Embraces the Nature of its Contents
Iconic Culinary Packaging
Iconic Culinary Packaging
Cook It Kitchen Gadgets are Rebranded for a New Consumer Base
Shelled Pistachio Packaging
Shelled Pistachio Packaging
Mighty Nuts Come in a Case that Mimics the Kernels' Hard Coatings
Reusable Package Planters
Reusable Package Planters
Taste Packaging Invites the Cook to Sew his Next Supper
Mad Monkey Branding
Mad Monkey Branding
Sustain Soap Packaging Features Ecstatic Endangered Species
Single Serving Eggs
Single Serving Eggs
'Two Eggs for You' Prevents the Overbuying of Poultry Biproduct
Cardboard Beer Branding
Cardboard Beer Branding
The Mug Pub by Ivan Maximov is for Eco-Friendly Boozers
Minimally Bundled Edibles
Minimally Bundled Edibles
Egg Box Packaging Provides Support for Fragile Food Using Less Material
Bow-Shaped Branding
Bow-Shaped Branding
Aufschwung Swing Packaging Celebrates the Crescent Form of its Contents
Crosswise Coffee Branding
Crosswise Coffee Branding
Starbucks Special Edition Packaging Seeks a Different Approach
Adhestive Handle Branding
Adhestive Handle Branding
Qubic Concept Packaging Conforms to Purchases of Every Size
Pleated Bottle Packaging
Pleated Bottle Packaging
The ZigPack is an Eco-Friendly, Effective and Exposing Wine Tote
Mixed Media Merchandizing
Mixed Media Merchandizing
One Percent Shoes Packaging is Part Cardboard and Part Wood
Tied Eco Takeaway
Tied Eco Takeaway
Take-Out Packaging by JoAnn Arello Contains All Food, Condiments and Cutlery