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55 Wild Augmented Reality Innovations

From 3D Business Cards to Virtual Advertising

— November 8, 2010 — Marketing
These wild augmented reality innovations show how quickly this technology has progressed in the past year alone. 3D fashion, holographic business cards and QR code-embedded shirts add a human element to the concept of virtual reality. Similarly, interactive historical maps for tourists and fitting room visualizers for shoppers show the practical applications of augmented reality from a capitalist point of view.

See these and more augmented reality innovations above.

Implications - Augmented reality has proven to act as an intriguing avenue of exploration for many businesses. As a direct backlash toward the abundance of reality television programming, augmented reality innovations are a refreshing change. Businesses that create products that deviate away from reality are considered interesting and inventive.
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Augmented Reality Worlds
Augmented Reality Worlds
Keiichi Matsuda Shows Us the Future in 'Augmented City'
Article-Locating Apps
Article-Locating Apps
The Rizla Augmented Reality Festival App is Perfect for Events
Mini Music Bands
Mini Music Bands
Chocolate and Tunes Collide with the Kit Kat Augmented Reality Campaign
Mangafied Resort Advertising
Mangafied Resort Advertising
Ohnoya Hotel Says Yes to 'Love Plus'
Augmented Reality Literature
Augmented Reality Literature
'The Search for WondLa' Brings the 'Daily Prophet' to Life
Virtual Tennis
Virtual Tennis
Fanta Launches Interactive Gaming Campaign
Augmented Reality Carvertisements
Augmented Reality Carvertisements
The 2011 Scion tC Game is as Real as it Gets
Augmented Helipads
Augmented Helipads
Doritos Creates Humongous Augmented Reality Pad
Futuristic Auto Fixing
Futuristic Auto Fixing
BMW, Ford & GM Use Augmented Reality for Car Maintenance
Overactive Consumerism Videos
Overactive Consumerism Videos
Keiichi Matsuda's 'Augmented (hyper)Reality' Glimpses the Future
Augmented Reality Headphones
Augmented Reality Headphones
The Skullcandy Virtual Room is Sophisticated Online Shopping
Augmented Reality Driving Apps
Augmented Reality Driving Apps
The Imaginyze App Helps You Drive Safer
Pub-Finding Apps
Pub-Finding Apps
Bulmers Cider Augmented Reality iPhone App Locates Your Next Brew
Augmented Reality Postage
Augmented Reality Postage
Royal Mail Intelligent Stamp Hits UK With Video
Subway Finder Apps
Subway Finder Apps
Acrossair Pinpoints the Location of the London Tube for iPhone
Reader-Controlled Magazines
Reader-Controlled Magazines
The Esquire Augmented Reality Issue is an Interactive Experience
Webcam-Ready Valentines
Webcam-Ready Valentines
Hallmark Introduces Augmented Reality Greeting Cards
Augmented Reality Avatars
Augmented Reality Avatars
Sony Demos Face Recognition Technology Turns Gaming Into Real Life
Virtually Design Your Real Home
Virtually Design Your Real Home
Augmented Reality Deaths
Augmented Reality Deaths
The WWF Tiger T-Shirt Brings Awareness to the Hunted Siberian Tiger
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
Real And Virtual Actors In One Show
Augmented Reality Watch Apps
Augmented Reality Watch Apps
The Nuevo Watches App Lets You Try it Before You Buy It
Time-Traveling Tourism
Time-Traveling Tourism
iTacitus' Augmented Reality Turns Phones Into Time Machines
Virtual Reality Meets Home Design
Virtual Reality Meets Home Design
Metaio Technologies' Augmented Reality Software
Brew Finder Apps
Brew Finder Apps
The Stella Artois 'Le Bar Guide' App Leads You to Your Favorite Beer
Historic Info Apps
Historic Info Apps
'Streetmuseum' Museum of London App Offers a New Perspective on the Old
3D Baseball Cards
3D Baseball Cards
Topps Cards Put 3D Baseball Player Avatars on Your Computer Screen
Augmented Reality Swimsuits
Augmented Reality Swimsuits
The ImediaC Swimsuit App Lets You Try Before You Buy
Virtual Interior Design
Virtual Interior Design
The iPhone Snapshop App Lets You Try Before You Buy
Gesture-Controlled UFOs
Gesture-Controlled UFOs
The Air Hog Vectron Wave UFO Flies by Your Command
Augmented Reality Business Cards
Augmented Reality Business Cards
James Alliban's Tech-Savvy Self-Promotion is Awesome
Augmented Reality T-Shirts
Augmented Reality T-Shirts
T-Post 'Rock, Paper Scissors' Shirt Rocks
Pixelated Pirate Fashion
Pixelated Pirate Fashion
The Augmented Reality T-Shirt is One Clever Design
Modular Interlocking Cabinets
Modular Interlocking Cabinets
The Seletti Stack is a Colorful Personalized Solution
Interactive Architecture
Interactive Architecture
The N Building is Augmented Reality Inspired
Futuristic Lifestyle Forecasts
Futuristic Lifestyle Forecasts
Frog Designs' 'Augmented Reality' Predicts Your 2020 Life
Augmented Reality Tee Shirts
Augmented Reality Tee Shirts
Squidder's E-Shirt Displays Hologram of Your Last Twitter Post
Interactive Webcam Ads
Interactive Webcam Ads
Mini Cabrio Augmented Reality Campaign
Augmented Reality Contacts
Augmented Reality Contacts
Solar Powered LEDs for Your Eyeballs
DIY Holograms
DIY Holograms
GE Uses Augmented Reality to Promote Solar & Wind Smart Grid Technology
Augmented Reality Toys
Augmented Reality Toys
Frantz Larsone's War Game Blends Video Games and Physical Toys
Video Games in Reality
Video Games in Reality
Nintendo Amusement Park Lets You Become Mario or Luigi
X-Ray Walls (FOLLOW UP)
X-Ray Walls (FOLLOW UP)
Out of Bounds by Chris O'Shea
Augmented Reality Binoculars
Augmented Reality Binoculars
The Bloody Haze Installation Provides a Unique View of Hong Kong
3D iPhone Apps
3D iPhone Apps
Orange Telecom Israel Augmented Reality iPhone App
Virtual Makeup Mirrors
Virtual Makeup Mirrors
Shiseido Makeup Mirror Lets You Try on Cosmetics With Augmented Reality
Mobile Constellation-Finders
Mobile Constellation-Finders
Pocket Universe iPhone App is Perfect for Informed Stargazing
Augmented Reality Apps
Augmented Reality Apps
The Parrot Ar. Drone is Mindblowing
Violent Interactive Billboards
Violent Interactive Billboards
An Augmented Reality Billboard for Raising Awareness
Augmented Reality Television Apps
Augmented Reality Television Apps
The Metamirror Takes TV to the Next Level
Infantile Smoking Campaigns
Infantile Smoking Campaigns
Raina Rocha Uses Pacifiers to Shock Smokers Into Quitting
Fitting Room Simulators
Fitting Room Simulators
Try on Clothes With's Augmented Reality Dressing Room
Augmented Reality Sneakers
Augmented Reality Sneakers
Adidas Originals AR Game Pack Kicks Have AR Codes on the Tongue
Avatar Toys
Avatar Toys
Augmented Reality Brings the World of Pandora Home
Augmented Reality Tattoos
Augmented Reality Tattoos
Insane Holographic Skin Art by ThinkAnApp is Nerdalicious