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64 Modern Cannabis Ideas

From Wholesome Artisan Edibles to Cannabis Movie Screenings

— February 11, 2016 — Marketing
From "Puff Puff Paint" classes to organic artisan edibles, there are plenty of innovations emerging in the midst of a widespread for legalization for recreational purposes, especially in North America.

In particular, many innovative "kush tourism" attractions are easy to observe in states that have legalized recreational marijuana use such as Colorado or Alaska. Denver and Aspen are especially known for their "upscale" cannabis scene, marked by luxurious high-end dispensaries and immersive pot tours and art classes.

Additionally, many indie brands producing organic small-batch edibles are providing a trusted solution for those seeking the medicinal properties of cannabis without having to smoke. One such brand is Denver's Sweet Grass Kitchen, which boasts both a recreational and medicinal range of edibles including brownies, cookies and cake balls.
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Cannabis-Friendly Accommodations
Cannabis-Friendly Accommodations
Website Bud and Breakfast Helps You Find 420-Approving Hotels
Dispensary-Connecting Platforms
Dispensary-Connecting Platforms
GreenRush is a Mobile Platform Connecting Patients to Dispensaries
Chocolatey Cannabis Oils
Chocolatey Cannabis Oils
This Mint Chocolate MTC Oil Contains Hemp Extract to Soothe the Body
Marijuana-Friendly Hotels
Marijuana-Friendly Hotels
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Cannabis-Friendly Paint Classes
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Luxe Cannabis Accessories
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Convenient Cannabis Service Apps
Convenient Cannabis Service Apps
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Oil-Blending Vaporizer Kits
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Marijuana-Infused Female Suppositories
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Legal Marijuana Apps
Legal Marijuana Apps
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Concentrates-Only Pen Vaporizers
Concentrates-Only Pen Vaporizers
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Positive Cannabis Networks
Positive Cannabis Networks
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Medical Marijuana Biotech Brands
Medical Marijuana Biotech Brands
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Deluxe Multi-Purpose Vaporizers
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Seed-to-Sale Management Software
Seed-to-Sale Management Software
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Cannabis Social Apps
Cannabis Social Apps
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Cannabis-Infused Massages
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Cannabis Movie Screenings
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Experiential Cannabis Tours
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Educational Cannabis Sommeliers
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Pot Party Bus Services
Pot Party Bus Services
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Female Cannabis Communities
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Rapper Cannabis Collections
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Wholesome Artisan Edibles
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Cannabis Wine Pairings
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All-Natural Craft Cannabis
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Cannabis Coffee Pods
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Professional Cannabis Connoisseurs
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Matte Stoneware Pipes
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Small-Batch Artisan Edibles
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Smokable Medicinal Herbs
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Design-Minded Cannabis Websites
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The Pastel-Colored Ceramic Pipe by Haciendaware Recalls a Sunset
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