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Top 100 Art & Design Trends for 2018

From Floating Magnetic Timepieces to Soap-Free Dishwashers

— January 28, 2018 — Art & Design
These 2018 art and design trends make it clear that, as the maxim holds, home is where the heart is. In a year when the happenings in the world at large weren't viewed as particularly pleasant for large swaths of the population, the best products from artists, designers, and brands have turned out to be those that improve and beautify home life.

One of the most common themes among the innovations listed here is a push to save space. Cities around the world are growing in population, which is in turn making it harder to come by space. To help people make the most of the little space they do have, furniture designers have come up with creative ways to prioritize space, with modular pieces and room dividers to turn even a small apartment into a palace.

Even the housing itself has been subject to this degree of downsizing. Many architects have been working to develop, small, prefab houses that are inexpensive without sacrificing home's luxuries.
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Fireplace-Inspired Bluetooth Speakers
Fireplace-Inspired Bluetooth Speakers
The Fireside Audiobox Features Flames That Respond to Music
Collaborative Technology Offices
Collaborative Technology Offices
The David Ho Mobvoi Office Boasts a Bright, Spirited Design
Commemorative Canadiana Housewares
Commemorative Canadiana Housewares
The PC Canada 150 Collection Boasts Heritage Home Accessories
Pop-Up Beach Towels
Pop-Up Beach Towels
Schlack's Multipurpose Beach Blanket Design Makes it Easier to Chill Anywhere
Fragmented Office Designs
Fragmented Office Designs
This Information Management Office Fuses Industrial and Quirky Designs
Reengineered Airline Beds
Reengineered Airline Beds
The Simba Air-Hybrid Focuses on Comfort for Sleeping on a Plane
Inflatable Fabric Chairs
Inflatable Fabric Chairs
The 'Air Lounge' Portable Furniture Instantly Offers an Ergonomic Seat
Soap-Free Dishwashers
Soap-Free Dishwashers
The 'Vapure' Steam Washer Cleans Dishes with Steam Instead of Water and Soap
Artistic 4K Televisions
Artistic 4K Televisions
Trend Hunter Talked to Mark Childs About 'The Frame' by Samsung
High Design Hostels
High Design Hostels
'Native Hostel' in Austin Was Designed to Normalize Hostel Culture in the US
Design-Focused Pet Collections
Design-Focused Pet Collections
IKEA's 'LURVIG' Pet Product Range Boasts Furniture and Accessories
Modern Abstract Cellphones
Modern Abstract Cellphones
This Nokia Handset is Minimalist and Focuses on the Future
Musical Tech Festivals
Musical Tech Festivals
Moogfest 2017 Serves as the Synthesis of Music, Art, and Technology
Inexpensive Fidget Toys
Inexpensive Fidget Toys
This Fidget Spinner Satisfies the Need to Play at a Low Cost
Screen-Cloaking Window Films
Screen-Cloaking Window Films
Steelcase's 'Casper Privacy Film' Turns Screens into Dark Boxes
Desk-Embedded Bed Furniture
Desk-Embedded Bed Furniture
This Small Bedroom Furniture Piece Combines Necessary Items
Transforming Furniture Couches
Transforming Furniture Couches
The Unamo Design '3MOODS' Couch Boasts a Functional Aesthetic
Angular Geometric Pet Houses
Angular Geometric Pet Houses
The Kamakura Wooden Pet House is a Cozy Spot for Small Dogs and Cats
Buried Icelandic Landhouses
Buried Icelandic Landhouses
Gardur Landhouse is Blends into the Region's Rolling Dunes
Mini Social Media Cameras
Mini Social Media Cameras
The Conceptual Snapchat 'Snapshot' Offers Impressive Functionalities
Sci-Fi Fitness Equipment
Sci-Fi Fitness Equipment
Onnit Has Released Star Wars-Themed Fitness Equipment
Geometrical Construction Toys
Geometrical Construction Toys
The 'TRIDO' Magnetic Toys Connect to Create Geometric Figures
Vehicular Camping Bed Frames
Vehicular Camping Bed Frames
The 'Camperbox' Backseat Bed Makes Car Camping a Comfy Experience
Luxury Metal Fidget Toys
Luxury Metal Fidget Toys
The Massdrop x RAMA WORKS S01 Remedy Spinner Toys Keep Users Focused
Stackable Zero-Energy Homes
Stackable Zero-Energy Homes
The '#150 Skilpod' is a Stackable Prefab Home for Eco-Friendly Living
Design-Forward Concept Stores
Design-Forward Concept Stores
Mumbai's 'Whishbox' Store Combines Art and Retail in One Space
Wearable Privacy Pods
Wearable Privacy Pods
The Sharkman is a Wearable Piece of Furniture for People Looking for Privacy
Flexible Room Furniture
Flexible Room Furniture
Ori Smart Systems is a Robotic Modular Room Designed for Small Spaces
Mess-Free Egg Peelers
Mess-Free Egg Peelers
The NEGG Boiled Egg Peeler Instantly Removes the Shell From Eggs
Multipurpose Key Organizers
Multipurpose Key Organizers
The Keyport 'Pivot' Multi-Tool Keychain Keeps Essentials on Hand
Sustainable Smart Home Initiatives
Sustainable Smart Home Initiatives
The New Grundig Home Collection Aims to Reduce Food Waste
Floating Hotel Sleeping Capsules
Floating Hotel Sleeping Capsules
The Mizukami Hotel at Huis Ten Bosch Puts Guests on the Sea
Minimalist Oasis Homes
Minimalist Oasis Homes
The Courtyard House by Robson Rak Architects Boasts Stark Details
Architectural Sledding Paths
Architectural Sledding Paths
A Sledding Path will Loop Around the Roof of the Beijing Civic Center
Wooden Fidget Toys
Wooden Fidget Toys
MOKURU is a Desktop Toy That Flips, Rolls and Does Tricks
Anatomical Dairy Packaging
Anatomical Dairy Packaging
This Milk Container Packaging Draws Inspiration from a Cow's Physique
Portable Relaxation Pods
Portable Relaxation Pods
The Pause Pod Provides a Private Space for Unwinding Anywhere
Sneaker Stencil Kits
Sneaker Stencil Kits
The Nike Gakou Flyknit Allows for Complete At-Home Customization
Peaceful Minimalist Homes
Peaceful Minimalist Homes
'House Rheder' is Designed to Be as Reductive as Possible
Hi-Tech Spectacles
Hi-Tech Spectacles
This Digital Vision Care Concept Offers Infinitely Adjustable Smart Glasses
Remixed Fashion Logos
Remixed Fashion Logos
Graphic Designer Reilly Combined Fashion Labels with Restaurants and More
1930s-Inspired Concept Supercars
1930s-Inspired Concept Supercars
This Bugatti Type 57SC Atlantic Concept Pays Homage to the Past
High-Functioning Smart Backpacks
High-Functioning Smart Backpacks
The Ghost Backpack Comes with a Variety of Safety Features
Customizable Room Dividers
Customizable Room Dividers
'Patchwork' Helps Solve the Privacy Issues Around Cohabitation
Mini All-in-One Apartments
Mini All-in-One Apartments
The 'Taac' Micro Apartment is a Living Space, Office and More
Efficient Apartment Cubes
Efficient Apartment Cubes
The 'Kammerspiel' Apartment Living Unit Increases Overall Organization
Soothing Privacy Office Pods
Soothing Privacy Office Pods
The 'Co COON' Creates a Private Office Space for Up to Two People
Futuristic Container Homes
Futuristic Container Homes
This Joshua Tree Residence is Made Out of Multiple Shipping Containers
Deliverable Pre-Fab Homes
Deliverable Pre-Fab Homes
MODS International Partnered with Amazon to Offer Pre-Fab Homes Online
Affordable Shipping Container Apartments
Affordable Shipping Container Apartments
Tempohousing Nigeria Repurposes Old Shipping Containers
Feline Furniture Design Shows
Feline Furniture Design Shows
The 9 Lives Design Show is Part of Singapore Design Week
Hydroponic Gardening Appliances
Hydroponic Gardening Appliances
The OPCOM Farm Gardening Systems Debuted at CES 2017
Automated Restaurant Tablets
Automated Restaurant Tablets
The 'Bellder' Lets Diners Order and Pay for Meals Seamlessly
Multipurpose Pet Leashes
Multipurpose Pet Leashes
The 'WalkWhiz' Pet Lead Holds Waste Bags and Water Within
Multifunctional Beach Equipment
Multifunctional Beach Equipment
'Archimhead' Ultimate Combo Towel and Beach Shelters are Versatile
Contemporary Cat Habitats
Contemporary Cat Habitats
The INDOT Cats Paradise is a Dynamic Space for Your Furry Flatmate
Foldable Cardboard Desks
Foldable Cardboard Desks
HaYoung Lee Created This Portable Desk for India's Street Kids
Swimmer Floatation Necklaces
Swimmer Floatation Necklaces
The 'PLOOTA' Water Safety Device Protects Swimmers at All Times
Anti-Gravity Cake Kits
Anti-Gravity Cake Kits
This DIY Cake Kit Puts an Emphasis on Shaping Towering Creations
Parking Space-Sized Homes
Parking Space-Sized Homes
The 'Tikku' House Offers All Necessary Amenities in a Compact Space
Self-Constructing Buildings
Self-Constructing Buildings
These Self-Deploying Buildings Can Pop Up in Eight Minutes
Discreet Bike Storage Hooks
Discreet Bike Storage Hooks
The 'DaHANGER Dan' Bike Hooks Keep Your Ride Securely Stored
90s-Inspired Clothing Lines
90s-Inspired Clothing Lines
The 1997 Collection Takes Inspiration from Late 90s Pop Culture
Ultra-Modern Dog Homes
Ultra-Modern Dog Homes
The MDK9 Dog Haus is a Stylish Alternative to Plastic Dog Crates
Stress-Reducing Desk Gardens
Stress-Reducing Desk Gardens
The Kikkerland Concrete Desk Planter is for Small Plants or Herbs
Versatile Urban Backpacks
Versatile Urban Backpacks
Boundary's Modular 'Prima Pack' Contains Three Units in One Bag
Modern Flatpack Loungers
Modern Flatpack Loungers
The 'Daydream' Lounging Chair Features a Criss-Cross Design
Cylindrical Tree Houses
Cylindrical Tree Houses
Malan Vorster's Paarman Treehouse Gives Panoramic Forest Views
Customized Eco Homes
Customized Eco Homes
The eXo/nat Concept is a Modern and Adaptable Alternative to Green Living
Modified Retro Scooters
Modified Retro Scooters
Shanghai Customs Modified the Honda Cub into a Stylish Scooter
Feminine Cosmetics Packaging
Feminine Cosmetics Packaging
This Branding Concept Uses Soft Curves and Feminine Colors
Interplanetary Desktop Toys
Interplanetary Desktop Toys
The 'Gravity Museum' Toys Let You Compare Planet Size and Weight
Luxurious Portable Homes
Luxurious Portable Homes
The Escape ONE XL House on Wheels Features a Stylish Interior
Hanging Treehouse Homes
Hanging Treehouse Homes
The 'Sequoia Shelter' is a Practical Solution for Off-the-Grid Living
Connected Canine Walkers
Connected Canine Walkers
This Hi-Tech Dog Leash Enhances Safety and Experience for Master and Mutt
Bottomless Electric Aircraft
Bottomless Electric Aircraft
The AJet-100 Is Cleaner, Greener and Features a Stunning Glass Floor
Complete Gym Trainer Devices
Complete Gym Trainer Devices
The 'Yoga Flexer' Portable Training Device Offers Five Different Uses
Refined Moveable Tiny Houses
Refined Moveable Tiny Houses
The RoadHaus Wedge Offers Modest Living Space and a Queen Size Bed
Floating Magnetic Timepieces
Floating Magnetic Timepieces
The Flyte Story Uses Magnetic Levitation to Depict Time
Multi-Functional Cutting Boards
Multi-Functional Cutting Boards
The 'Oriboard' is an All-in-One Kitchen Prep Tool
Intelligent Organizational Backpacks
Intelligent Organizational Backpacks
The 'Moovy' Bag Doubles as a Mobile Work Station
Hooded Head Sun Shades
Hooded Head Sun Shades
The 'Shader' Face Shade Creates a Small Oasis from the Sun on the Beach
Gravity-Inspired Fidget Toys
Gravity-Inspired Fidget Toys
The 'Moondrop' Fidget Toy Comes in Three Different Celestial Options
Moveable Prefab Dwellings
Moveable Prefab Dwellings
The Koda Moveable Home Can be Shifted to a New Location
Off-Grid Camper Vans
Off-Grid Camper Vans
The Winnebago Revel Packs Everything for Short or Extended Trips
Innovative Inflatable Umbrellas
Innovative Inflatable Umbrellas
The Shield Umbrella is Light, Convenient, and Packed with Features
Collapsible Muscle-Massaging Rollers
Collapsible Muscle-Massaging Rollers
The Neofit Roller Compacts Down to be Used During Travel
Shipping Container Pools
Shipping Container Pools
The 'Modpool' Shipping Container Pools are Capable of Being Moved
Workout-Friendly Furniture
Workout-Friendly Furniture
The Habit Furniture Does Double Duty in Your Home to Keep You Healthy
Urban Space-Saving Furniture
Urban Space-Saving Furniture
'Nook' is Adaptable Furniture That Makes Small Spaces Feel Bigger
Homeless Shelter Pods
Homeless Shelter Pods
Homes for Hope Works Around Los Angeles' Zoning Laws
Professional PC Gaming Desks
Professional PC Gaming Desks
The BenQ ZONE eSports Game Desk is for Hardcore Gamers
Portable Self-Sufficient Homes
Portable Self-Sufficient Homes
This Sustainable and Autonomous House is Solely Run on Solar Power
Weathered Reclaimed Wood Desks
Weathered Reclaimed Wood Desks
The Reclaimed Wood Patchwork Desk by What WE Make is Rustic
Two-Story Shipping Container Cafes
Two-Story Shipping Container Cafes
The Spout Coffee Company is Made Up of Two Shipping Containers
Office Space Seclusion Pods
Office Space Seclusion Pods
The 'Loop' Privacy Pod Offers a Quiet Space to Take Calls or Zone Out
Mathematical Desktop Toys
Mathematical Desktop Toys
The 'Oloid' Desk Sculpture is Designed Mathematically Perfect
Pedal-Free Electric Trikes
Pedal-Free Electric Trikes
The 'DC-Tri' Stand-Up Electric Trike Bikes Turn on a Dime
Storage Closet Bed Frames
Storage Closet Bed Frames
The Parisot 'Space Up' Double Storage Beds Maximize Functionality
Prebuilt Mobile Dwellings
Prebuilt Mobile Dwellings
These Small Mobile Homes are Delivered Ready to Live in