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Top 75 Regional Trends of 2016

From Urban Tree Maps to Legendary Basketballer Holidays

— January 28, 2017 — World
People take an immense amount of pride in the unique characteristics of their home cities, and the top 2016 regional trends highlight and maximize local individuality. Whether it's urban pride, national pride, or some region in between, the 2016 regional trends amplify the qualities that make places unique from their neighbors.

Some of these trends create new and unique urban experiences by taking advantage of the geography in the region. Since the River Seine cuts through the heart of Paris, Carlo Ratti Associati architects designed the 'Paris Floating Gym' as a raft that lets travelers work out on stationary bicycles while they tour the city via water. Also making use of a local waterway, Chicago's 'Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby' sends rubber ducks on a race down the Illinois River as a fundraiser for the Special Olympics.

Our annual innovation conference takes place in seven cities around the world, giving attendees the opportunity to check out these regional trends themselves.
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Legendary Basketballer Holidays
Legendary Basketballer Holidays
August 24th is 'Kobe Bryant Day' in Los Angeles
Ship Regatta Celebrations
Ship Regatta Celebrations
A Special Tall Ships Event will be Held for Canada's 150th Anniversary
Commemorative Canoe Building Projects
Commemorative Canoe Building Projects
Students are Making Canoes for Canada's 150th Birthday
Defiant Iranian Apps
Defiant Iranian Apps
The Gershad App Lets Young Iranians Evade the Morality Police
Interactive Building Spires
Interactive Building Spires
People Can Control the WTC Spire's Color with the Edison Floor
3D-Modeled Historic Cities
3D-Modeled Historic Cities
Researchers at Lund University Have Created a Model of Old Pompeii
Social Media-Reliant Towns
Social Media-Reliant Towns
The Town of Jun Primarily Informs Through a Government Twitter Account
Voter Registration Bots
Voter Registration Bots
HelloVote Registers Voters Through Facebook Messenger
Super Speed Commuter Trains
Super Speed Commuter Trains
The 'High-Speed Rail' Line in Malaysia Will Reach 300 KPH
Lebanese Cooking Festivals
Lebanese Cooking Festivals
The Beirut Cooking Festival Showcases the Region's Best Chefs
Tech-Friendly Metropolitan Subways
Tech-Friendly Metropolitan Subways
The New York Subway System is Slated to Get a Tech Boost
Sheep-Mounted Map Imaging
Sheep-Mounted Map Imaging
'Sheep View 360' Maps the Faroe Islands Using Sheep-Mounted Cameras
Voter Registration Graphics
Voter Registration Graphics
Google's Doodle Helps Voters on National Voter Registration Day
Thrift Store Subway Signage
Thrift Store Subway Signage
A Toronto Subway Station's Signs Commemorate the Historic Honest Ed's
Low-Tech Park Maps
Low-Tech Park Maps
The High Park Map Uses a Grid System to Help Friends Find One Another
Transit-Based City Ratings
Transit-Based City Ratings
'People Near Transit' is Based on People's Proximity to Transit
Haunted City Maps
Haunted City Maps
'Grim London' Helps People Explore London's Dark History
Video App Geostickers
Video App Geostickers
Snapchat Added a Location-Based Sticker Feature for Creative Images & Videos
Propaganda-Streaming Services
Propaganda-Streaming Services
North Korea's 'Manbang' is the Country's Version of Netflix
Illustrative Endangered Traditions
Illustrative Endangered Traditions
This Drawings Bring Awareness to Fading Cultural Customs
State-Inspired Cherry Turnovers
State-Inspired Cherry Turnovers
McDonald's New Cherries 'N Creme Pie is a Michigan-Specific Dish
Online African Art Initiatives
Online African Art Initiatives
'IrokoX' is an Online Platform for Pan-African Artists
Police-Issue Smartphones
Police-Issue Smartphones
NYPD Officers Will Receive Windows Phones When They Join the Force
Historical City Simulators
Historical City Simulators
This Virtual Reality Project Introduces a Walking Tour of Edo
Smartphone Taxi Meters
Smartphone Taxi Meters
Flywheel TaxiOS is Officially Sanctioned in Several American Cities
X-Shaped Lounger Installations
X-Shaped Lounger Installations
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Wacky Tourism Ads
Wacky Tourism Ads
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Geographically Accurate Subway Maps
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This Map of the London Tube Details Transportation Routes
Urban Tree Maps
Urban Tree Maps
The NYC Tree Map Tracks the Economic Benefit of Trees on NYC Steets
Binational City Concepts
Binational City Concepts
Fernando Romero's 'Border City' Vision Spans the US-Mexico Border
Water Supply-Monitoring Apps
Water Supply-Monitoring Apps
The 'Water Monitor' App Tracks Water Supplies in Urban Southern India
Technical Stone Chairs
Technical Stone Chairs
The Campione Chair is Part of the Trentino Collaborations
Chinese Room Booking Sites
Chinese Room Booking Sites
Xiaozhu is a Chinese Booking Service for Short-Term Room Rentals
Fantasy Corn Mazes
Fantasy Corn Mazes
Cooper's CSA Farm and Maze Built a Game of Thrones-Themed Corn Maze
Parisian Exploration Series
Parisian Exploration Series
Google's Curio-cite Explores the Hidden Marvels of Paris
International Military Competitions
International Military Competitions
The 'International Army Games' are Russia's Answer to Rio 2016
Electric Taxi Fleets
Electric Taxi Fleets
HDT Singapore Taxi's Entire Fleet Runs on Electricity Instead of Gas
Local Organic Food Hubs
Local Organic Food Hubs
New York's 'Greenmarket Regional Food Hub' will Service Community Programs
Historical Street View Projects
Historical Street View Projects
The 'OldNYC' Project is Google Street View for Historical New York
Chinese Crime Dramas
Chinese Crime Dramas
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Contemporary Southern Cookhouses
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Urban Cookhouse Encourages Diners to 'Buy Local, Eat Urban'
Commemorative Subway Passes
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The Taipei Metro Has Released a Year of the Monkey Pass
Railroad-Topping Parks
Railroad-Topping Parks
'Rail Deck Park' Will Add Green Space to Toronto's Downtown Core
Optimized Road Trip Maps
Optimized Road Trip Maps
This Map Marks the Most Efficient Route Between 47 US National Parks
Middle Eastern Food Festivals
Middle Eastern Food Festivals
The Emirates Palace Food Festival Showcased the Best of Arab Cuisine
Cosmopolitan Photography Series
Cosmopolitan Photography Series
'Cosmopolis' Features Torontonians from Every Country in the World
Canadian Meal Subscriptions
Canadian Meal Subscriptions
'Goodfood' Delivers Healthy Meals Made with Local Ingredients
Glass-Bottomed Ferris Wheels
Glass-Bottomed Ferris Wheels
The 'Red Horse Osaka Wheel' Boasts an Airy Design in Glass
Anime-Themed Parades
Anime-Themed Parades
A Pokémon Event in Japan Saw 50 People March the Streets as Pikachu
Compact Police Cars
Compact Police Cars
The New York Police Department Received a Fleet of Smart Fortwos
Shanghai-Inspired Sneakers
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This New Vans Classic Slip-On Comes from a Collaboration with ACU
Matchstick-Inspired Train Stations
Matchstick-Inspired Train Stations
The Sodra Munksjon Station Proposal References Jonkoping's Past
Affordable Elevated Monorails
Affordable Elevated Monorails
BYD's 'SkyRail' is a Cost-Effective Alternative to Subway Systems
Heat-Resisting Homes
Heat-Resisting Homes
Ferrer & Zraid Arquitectos Designed an Open Home That's Safe from the Sun
Rubber Duck Races
Rubber Duck Races
The 'Windy City Rubber Ducky Derby' Fundraises for the Special Olympics Illinois
British Burrito Menus
British Burrito Menus
The Yorkshire Pudding Wrap Sandwiches Put a Twist on Traditional Pub Food
Artful Toronto-Themed Sneakers
Artful Toronto-Themed Sneakers
Nike Created a Tribute Sneaker for the Nuit Blanche Toronto Show
Dubaian Police Robots
Dubaian Police Robots
The Dubai Police will Introduce a Robot Cop onto the Force by 2017
Fantastical Flower Floats
Fantastical Flower Floats
This Flower Festival in the Netherlands Featured New Stunning Sculptures
Virtual Reality Museums
Virtual Reality Museums
The Tennessee State Museum Will Appeal to a New Generation with VR Tech
Localized Japanese Retailers
Localized Japanese Retailers
UNIQLO Will Open Its First Canadian Store at the Toronto Eaton Centre
Heat Wave-Inspired Clothing
Heat Wave-Inspired Clothing
'Tropical Toronto' Makes Clothes That Reference the Summer Heat
Urban Planning Furniture Collections
Urban Planning Furniture Collections
'Objects of Devotion' Pays Homage to Le Corbusier
Rapper-Themed Pop-Up Restaurants
Rapper-Themed Pop-Up Restaurants
Powamekka Cafe Memorializes Tupac Shakur with Food
Free Wine Fountains
Free Wine Fountains
Dora Sarchese Vineyard's Fontana Del Vino Offers Free Local Wine on Tap
Enormous Pier Installations
Enormous Pier Installations
The Floating Piers on Lake Iseo Offer Stunning Sights of Italy
Board Game Installations
Board Game Installations
Giant Monopoly at Trafalgar Square Marks the London Games Festival
Canadiana Yoga Mats
Canadiana Yoga Mats
Lululemon's Limited-Edition Reversible Yoga Mats Celebrate Canadian Scenes
Midwestern Clothing Collections
Midwestern Clothing Collections
The Midwest Girl Clothing Line Capitalizes on Regional Pride
Japanese Elder Photography
Japanese Elder Photography
Lee Chapman's 'Tokyo Times' Project Shows People in Their Daily Lives
Edible Travel Guides
Edible Travel Guides
These Regional Poland Travel Guides are Boxes of Chocolates
Floating Urban Workout Tours
Floating Urban Workout Tours
The 'Paris Navigating Gym' Gives a Workout Tour of Paris by the Seine
NYC Denim Editorials
NYC Denim Editorials
AG Jeans Used the Graffiti-Covered Streets of NYC for Its Backdrop
Interconnected Floating Piazzas
Interconnected Floating Piazzas
'Arcipelago di Ocno' Floats on a Lake in Mantova, Italy
Riot-Quelling Park Designs
Riot-Quelling Park Designs
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