Shredded Kimchi Condiments

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Franklin Farms' Organic Shredded Kimchi is Packed with Probiotics

Kimchi, renowned for its probiotic benefits and rich nutrients, is incredibly easy to add to meals thanks to Franklin Farms' new Organic Shredded Kimchi. Prepared with a base of fermented cabbage, apple puree, green onion, carrots, gochugaru and spices, this shredded kimchi is ready to be sprinkled atop everything from burgers to tacos. This vegan-friendly, probiotic-packed topping adds newfound ease to enjoying a beloved Korean condiment.

"As more consumers seek out healthier, plant-based foods, many are gravitating toward fermented foods, such as kimchi, as they embrace their functional, probiotic benefits for improved digestion and immune health," says Aaron Stamp, chief executive officer of Franklin Farms, "Now shoppers have a quick and easy way to make flavor-forward, plant-based meals using our organic shredded kimchi."
Trend Themes
1. Probiotic-enhanced Condiments - This trend focuses on the integration of probiotic-rich ingredients into everyday condiments for enhanced digestive health.
2. Vegan-friendly Solutions - Increased demand for vegan alternatives has led to the creation of versatile plant-based products like shredded kimchi.
3. Convenient Fermented Foods - The growing popularity of fermented foods is driving the development of more convenient, ready-to-use products for health-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Health Food Industry - The health food industry is seeing innovation in probiotic enhancements and plant-based alternatives which cater to digestive and immune health.
2. Condiment Market - Innovations like shredded kimchi are reshaping the condiment market by introducing health benefits to traditional toppings.
3. Ready-to-eat Food Sector - The ready-to-eat food sector is evolving with products that combine convenience and health benefits through fermentation.

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