Mindful Low-Alcohol Wines

Mind & Body Wines Appeals to Consumers with Wellness-Driven Lifestyles

Mind & Body Wines is a new brand that creates products that are vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, keto-friendly, paleo-friendly and low in alcohol and calories. The wine appeals to consumers who are passionate about wellness and embracing balanced lifestyles, and varieties like Pinot Grigio, Rosé and Cabernet Sauvignon are free from flavor additives or any added sugar. The brand uses traditional winemaking methods and a spinning cone column to remove alcohol from a portion of the wine, all the while preserving aroma and flavor.

Made with California grapes, the low-alcohol, low-calorie wines promise to catch the eyes of wine lovers who are uncompromising when it comes to their values. Mind & Body Wines' Brie Wohld says, "The Millennial moderation movement has taken hold, and consumers in search of balance are here to stay."
Trend Themes
1. Wellness-driven Wines - Creating low-alcohol and low-calorie wines with health-conscious consumers in mind presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for winemakers and beverage companies.
2. Non-traditional Wine Varieties - Developing unique and flavorful wine varieties that align with dietary restrictions, such as vegan and keto-friendly, can disrupt the wine industry and appeal to a broader consumer base.
3. Alcohol-removing Technology - Incorporating alcohol-removing technology in wine production to create low-alcohol wines while still preserving aroma and flavor presents an opportunity for innovation and differentiation in the wine industry.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Industry - Developing wellness-driven and unique wine varieties can help winemakers and companies differentiate themselves, tap into new markets, and appeal to health-conscious consumers.
2. Beverage Industry - Incorporating alcohol-removing technology in other types of alcoholic beverages to create low-alcohol options can offer a competitive edge and meet the demands of consumers who seek healthier options.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - Partnering with mental and physical wellness brands, influencers, and events can offer a unique marketing opportunity for wine and beverage companies that cater to health-conscious consumers.

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