Katie Couric and Sarah Palin have been getting quite a bit of attention today, building on the theme of political theater which continues into the 2008 Presidential Debates.
Earlier, we wrote a post on Katie Couric roasting Sarah Palin in an interview in which she left Palin looking shamefully bad. In case you missed it, catch it here.
Katie Couric, a tremendous journalist, news anchor and managing editor of CBS Evening News, won the 2008 Edward R. Murrow Award for best newscast, and rightly so.
We’ll continue to follow the presidential debate schedule as we, like you, want to know who won the debate, but for now, enjoy some less confusing Barack Obama, John McCain and Sarah Palin articles in the slideshow below.
These articles highlight the bigger trend of "political celebrity" and how people like Katie Couric have turned the 2008 presidential debates have turned Obama, McCain and Palin into media stars.
26 Examples of Political Theatre + Katie Couric Fuels 2008 Presidential Debates Stardom
26 Examples Of Political Theatre + Katie Couric Fuels 2008 Presidential Debates Stardom:
Bianca — Sep 27, 2008 — Pop Culture
Designer Eyeglass Frenzy
Sarah Palin Fuels Kawasaki 704 Glasses Craze
Political Fashion Icons
Michelle Obama Style
Extravagant Political Fashion
Cindy McCain's $300,000 RNC Ensemble
Models as First Ladies
Tyra Banks as Michelle Obama in Harper's Bazaar
Roasted VP Candidates (FOLLOW-UP)
Press Still Reacting to Sarah Palin Katie Couric Interview
Fighting Feminine Power
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Leads to Talk of 'Bimbo Doctrine'
Superimposed Politicians
Viral Sarah Palin Cartoons
Paris for President?
Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Celebrity Ad
Right-Wingers in Tinsel Town
Celebrities Supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin Parodies Continue
Gina Gershon for Funny or Die
Political SNL Parodies
Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton
Political Cosmetics
Sarah Palin's “Power Pink” Lipstick
Political Sneakers
Barack Obama Nike Air Force One
Photobombing Politicians
Obama, Biden, Their Wives + Woman on Floor
Political Swimwear
Obama, Clinton and McCain Politkinis
Controversial Political Satire
Obama Waffles Evoke Sterotypes
Presidential Playlists
McCain and Obama's Top 10 Music Playlists
Agricultural Art
The Sarah Palin Corn Maze
Free Urban Propaganda
Obama-Inspired "Obeyma" Stickers
Politicial Parody Attacks
Hockey Moms Against Sarah Palin
LEGO Politician Portraits
The LEGObama
Political Spoof Musicals
Les Misbarack Mocks Sarah Palin, Obama, McCain
Politician-Inspired Beers
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Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL
26 Examples of Political Theatre + Katie Couric Fuels 2008 Presidential Debates Stardom
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