The LEGObama
Ayman — September 21, 2008 — Social Good
References: 2hangmen
The fascination with presidential candidate Barack Obama has not waned a bit. Here at Trend Hunter, we've already seen Obama as a doll, a piñata and even a sock monkey. Now, here is a unique Obama portrait built with LEGO bricks cleverly called the 'LEGObama.'
The 30x30" semi-geeky creation by the talented '2 Hangmen' took several hours of work and thousands of pieces of LEGO bricks.
Implications - 2 Hangmen says that when he first started the project, he didn't realize how big 30"x30" actually was. He says that he definitely "underestimated it a bit." Even though he underestimated, he didn't give up hope and completed his interesting presidential work of art. It looks exactly like Obama!
The 30x30" semi-geeky creation by the talented '2 Hangmen' took several hours of work and thousands of pieces of LEGO bricks.
Implications - 2 Hangmen says that when he first started the project, he didn't realize how big 30"x30" actually was. He says that he definitely "underestimated it a bit." Even though he underestimated, he didn't give up hope and completed his interesting presidential work of art. It looks exactly like Obama!
Trend Themes
1. LEGO Art - The growing fascination with creating art pieces using LEGO opens up opportunities for companies to create innovative and unique art installations.
2. Political Fan Art - The trend of creating political art, and in particular fan art, presents an opportunity for companies to offer customized artistic installations to political rallies and themed events.
3. DIY LEGO Projects - The trend of creating unique LEGO projects (like the LEGObama) presents opportunities for companies to create both physical and digital platforms that facilitate and encourage users to collaborate and share their creations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can capitalize on the trend of creating art using LEGO by offering innovative art installations, customized art pieces for special events, and tapping into the DIY LEGO community.
2. Political Campaigns - Companies specializing in political campaign events can take advantage of the growing trend of political fan art to add unique and memorable elements to rallies and events, engaging with and energizing politically active citizens.
3. LEGO Retail - As the trend of DIY LEGO projects grows, companies in the LEGO retail industry can offer both physical and digital platforms to encourage community engagement, showcase user-generated content, and foster a sense of creativity and collaboration among LEGO enthusiasts.