Green Monke's Lightly Sparkling Beverages Deliver a Social High
Laura McQuarrie — April 21, 2023 — Lifestyle
References: greenmonke & vegnews
Green Monke's lightly sparkling sodas are infused with cannabis in small quantities so that experimentation with active ingredients is both manageable and approachable. The cannabis-infused lightly sparkling soda is ready to be sipped in varieties like Tropical Citrus and Mango Guava, which deliver not only feel-good ingredients but also refreshing and exotic flavors. The former, for example, contains just 10 milligrams of THC and 20 milligrams of CBD, while the latter pairs just three milligrams of THC with six milligrams of CBD.
Adults, particularly those who are new to the cannabis community, are exploring social tonics and other edibles that prioritize low dosages for precision experimentation. As consumers want to explore alternatives to alcohol in social settings, they are microdosing active ingredients for a carefree social high.
Adults, particularly those who are new to the cannabis community, are exploring social tonics and other edibles that prioritize low dosages for precision experimentation. As consumers want to explore alternatives to alcohol in social settings, they are microdosing active ingredients for a carefree social high.
Trend Themes
1. Social Tonics - Low-dose cannabis beverages and non-alcoholic tonics are becoming a trend for social settings.
2. Precision Experimentation - Consumers want low-dose cannabis products for manageable experimentation with active ingredients.
3. Exotic Flavors - Cannabis-infused beverages are exploring refreshing and exotic flavors for a new experience.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Beverages - The cannabis beverage industry can explore low-dose, lightly sparkling social tonics and exotic flavorings.
2. Non-alcoholic Beverages - The non-alcoholic beverage industry can explore low-dose, lightly sparkling social tonics with unique flavors for social settings.
3. Edibles - The cannabis edibles industry can explore precision experimentation with low-dose active ingredients for a carefree social high.