Lagunitas' New Hop Stoopid Ale Offers a Smooth and Clean Hop Taste
Madison Mackay — April 11, 2019 — Lifestyle
Known for its high-end and uniquely flavored craft beer, Lagunitas' new Hop Stoopid Ale fits in with the brand's bold lineup well. The new ale features a classic flavor, while offering a large eight percent ABV with an uncommon amount of hops.
The aromatic beer is bottled in a short and stout pale burgundy bottle with a vintage-style label -- using bright colors to signify the bold flavors inside. Created to be enjoyed on a rainy spring evening, the ale offers a warm and familiar feeling by using mass amounts of high-end hops.
Created to be an instant classic, the new Hop Stoopid Ale from Lagunitas was brewed in Petaluma, California, to ensure only hand-picked local products are used for production.
Image Credit: Gear Moose
The aromatic beer is bottled in a short and stout pale burgundy bottle with a vintage-style label -- using bright colors to signify the bold flavors inside. Created to be enjoyed on a rainy spring evening, the ale offers a warm and familiar feeling by using mass amounts of high-end hops.
Created to be an instant classic, the new Hop Stoopid Ale from Lagunitas was brewed in Petaluma, California, to ensure only hand-picked local products are used for production.
Image Credit: Gear Moose
Trend Themes
1. Intensely Flavored Pale Ales - Craft breweries are increasingly utilizing unique flavors and higher ABV levels to offer a distinguished product.
2. Bold Label Designs - Distinctive and eye-catching labels are becoming a staple for craft beer packaging.
3. Locally Sourced Ingredients - Source and traceability of ingredients are becoming increasingly important in the craft beer industry.
Industry Implications
1. Craft Beer - Craft breweries are able to differentiate from macrobreweries by offering specialty, high-quality, and unique products.
2. Packaging - Craft beer packaging design and branding is a growing niche in the design industry.
3. Agriculture - Local farms and ingredient providers are gaining traction within the craft beer industry.