Felix Von Der Weppen Sheds Light on the Dark Side of Chocolate
Meghan Young — February 17, 2010 — Lifestyle
References: felixvonderweppen & behance.net
Until stumbling upon Felix von der Weppen’s ‘Chocolate Slavery’ portfolio and the serious and tragic topic is sheds light on, I never knew that this issue even existed. In a way, I’m horrified because of the chocolate addiction I actually have.
According to Felix von der Weppen, chocolate slavery is predominant in Cote d’Ivoire, Africa. Under inhumane conditions, young boys are sold into slavery to cocoa farmers. For more insight into this issue, the links below where the artist discusses this issue in more detail.
According to Felix von der Weppen, chocolate slavery is predominant in Cote d’Ivoire, Africa. Under inhumane conditions, young boys are sold into slavery to cocoa farmers. For more insight into this issue, the links below where the artist discusses this issue in more detail.
Trend Themes
1. Chocolate Slave-free Movement - Opportunities for companies to take a stand and promote the production of chocolate produced without slavery in its supply chain.
2. Consumer Awareness Campaigns - Growing demand for transparency in the food industry and the ethical sourcing of ingredients that meets consumer expectations.
3. Alternative Sourcing Systems - Increasing adoption of technological and ethical systems for tracking cocoa supply chains to improve transparency and verifiability.
Industry Implications
1. Chocolate Production - The chocolate industry can capitalize on the growing demand for transparency and ethical sourcing through new production methods and initiatives such as the Chocolate Slave-Free Movement.
2. Fair Trade - The fair trade industry, which advocates for ethical working conditions and sustainable economic practices, is in a position to address the issue of chocolate slavery and promote alternatives through its certification programs.
3. Technology - Technology can play a role in tracking and verifying chocolate supply chains, creating solutions that can help to mitigate the problem of slavery in the industry.