Rhonda Knott — August 15, 2006 — Lifestyle
References: worcesterwinelands.co.za & free.financialmail.co.za
Feel your way around the worlds first braille enhanced bottle of wine which is lighting the way for blind wine drinkers everywhere. Although there is a braille wine "label" in existence this is the first known glass bottle of its kind and it is putting the little town of Worcester in South Africa on the map and meeting the charitable needs of the "institute of the blind & deaf" whose office is located in this same town.
Article mentions:
The company, Worcester Winelands, was launched eight months ago and is now hoping to produce bottles of 2006 sauvignon blanc, chenin blanc and a 2005 shiraz for markets in Canada, Africa, Europe and the UK.
Fifty cents from each bottle sold is donated to the institutes. So far about R700 000 has been raised.
On each label, in Braille, is the wine cultivar and vintage, such as shiraz 2005. On the bottle the Braille lettering reads: "100% Worcester, South Africa."
Article mentions:
The company, Worcester Winelands, was launched eight months ago and is now hoping to produce bottles of 2006 sauvignon blanc, chenin blanc and a 2005 shiraz for markets in Canada, Africa, Europe and the UK.
Fifty cents from each bottle sold is donated to the institutes. So far about R700 000 has been raised.
On each label, in Braille, is the wine cultivar and vintage, such as shiraz 2005. On the bottle the Braille lettering reads: "100% Worcester, South Africa."
Trend Themes
1. Braille-enhanced Products - Expanding product offerings to include braille-enhanced versions can provide accessibility and inclusivity to visually impaired consumers.
2. Charitable Business Model - Incorporating a charitable aspect into business models can benefit both the business and a chosen organization.
3. Investing in Local Communities - Investing in and highlighting locally-based businesses can bring attention and revenue to smaller regions.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Production - Wineries can innovate by incorporating braille enhancements into bottle labels to meet the needs of visually impaired customers.
2. Non-profit Sector - Partnering with non-profits to donate portions of profits can create a mutually beneficial relationship.
3. Tourism - Promoting local businesses and attractions as part of tourism initiatives can help boost revenue for smaller communities.