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58 Phenomenal Sensory Innovations

From Blind Architect Consultants to Magnanimous Mailing Services

— August 26, 2011 — Lifestyle
As the potentials of modern technology continue to leap forward at an alarming rate, they've haphazardly left disabled customers in the dust -- luckily, these impaired innovations will rectify that glaring mistake.

Tech moguls like Apple, Sony and Microsoft have turned their attention almost entirely toward the able-bodied population, leaving an entire market niche uncared for: the hearing and seeing impaired. Fortunately, smaller hardware companies have risen to the occasion and have begun releasing products that make life easier, more straightforward and ultimately more hopeful for the blind and deaf.

Whether it's an iPhone accessory that identifies cataracts early in life or sonar-powered gloves that make navigation a synch for the seeing-impaired, these inventions are sure to comfort those who need it most. And although these developments are encouraging, it's important that funding continues -- not only for the sake of goodwill, but because this is a genuinely lucrative business sector.
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Ultra-Perceptive Gauntlets
Ultra-Perceptive Gauntlets
The Blind Can Almost See With the Tacit Glove
Augmented Vision Apps
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Blindness-Curing Devices
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Soundless Pianos
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Blind Touchscreen Gadgets
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Thimble Finger Glove Brings Visually Impaired into Tech Age
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Chris Downey Turns Tragedy Into an Innovative New Gig
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Cabs for the Blind
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Sightless Tablet Translators
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The Omnifer iPad Accessory Converts Onscreen Text into Braille
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Braille Mapping Gadgets
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Automatic Guitar Tuners
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The TunerMatic Robotic Guitar Tuner Lets the Tone-Deaf Relax
Hearing-Impaired GPS
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Sign Language Translators
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HandTalk Glove
Near-Sighted Lecture Tech
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Sightless Adhesive Aids
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Phones for the Disabled
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Blind-Friendly Phones
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Clever Tactile Notations
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The 'Braille Stapler' is a User-Friendly Gadget for the Blind
Braille Timepieces
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'Tact' from Julien Bergignat Lets the Blind Feel the Time
Transmuting Multimedia Gloves
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The 'Panopticon' Device Will Read to You Aloud
Tactile Cooking Utensils
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Blind Time Tellers
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Vibrating Speakers
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