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27 Spider-Inspired Innovations

— November 9, 2008 — Unique
There is a lot more to spiders than their clever webs, which are works of art in themselves, as the gallery proves. Although this cluster does include several designs that are inspired by spiderwebs, we've also featured examples of the humble spider's other subtle influences. From fashion and design to the iconic Spider-Man of Marvel Comics, the spider is one of nature's most enduring images.

Whether you love them or hate them, there is something spidery in here for everyone.
Ethical Bug Removal
Ethical Bug Removal
The Spider Catcher
Featured as a Creature
Featured as a Creature
Spider Named After Neil Young
Geneva Car Show Concept
Geneva Car Show Concept
Alfa Romeo 8C Spider
Insects As Brand Boosters
Insects As Brand Boosters
Nikelab Promotes With Spiders
12,000 Lb Mechanical Spider
12,000 Lb Mechanical Spider
Moltensteelman Walking Beast
Artificial Spider Silk
Artificial Spider Silk
Ultra-Strong Fibers Made From Proteins
Spiderman Gang Signs
Spiderman Gang Signs
Why Not Run Around in a Spidey Suit?
Stick to Walls Like Spiderman
Stick to Walls Like Spiderman
Gecko Tape
Spider Webs to Catch Criminals
Spider Webs to Catch Criminals
NET-2000 Shooting Net
15 Meter Tall Spiders
15 Meter Tall Spiders
La Machine Theatre Robots
Table Jewelry
Table Jewelry
Gold Spiders by Nicole Landaw
Gladiator Arachnids
Gladiator Arachnids
Net Casting Spider Hunts Like Humans
Leg Spines = Super Spider Robots
Leg Spines = Super Spider Robots
Become Spiderman, Get Fit
Spiderman Web Blaster
Spiderman Web Blaster
Shoot Webs & Water Spirals
Push Up Tables
Push Up Tables
Spider Table
Spiders on Drugs
Spiders on Drugs
Traditional Broadcast Networks are Dead; YouTube Has Enabled a New Paradigm
Political Comic Books
Political Comic Books
Stephen Colbert in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'
Marvel Comics Online
Marvel Comics Online
Spiderman & X-Men Go Digital
Arachnid Supplements
Arachnid Supplements
Spider Venom Thought to be the Next Viagra
Offensive Stuffed Animals
Offensive Stuffed Animals
Spider Mania
Spider Mania
Arachnid Fascination at Halloween
Giant Crystal Spiders
Giant Crystal Spiders
Web of Light by Ai Weiwei
60 Acre Spider Web
60 Acre Spider Web
Just on Time for Halloween
Cobweb Dresses
Cobweb Dresses
Spidery Knitwear by Mark Fast
Clever Baby Halloween Costumes
Clever Baby Halloween Costumes
From Gwen Stefani Wild Cats to Spider Moms
Bird-Eating Spiders
Bird-Eating Spiders
Australia's Giant Golden Orb Weaver