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20 Unique Theater Concepts

From Bike-In Indie Screenings to Floating Movie Showings

— July 15, 2015 — Tech
A host of unique theater concepts are emerging that aim to entice the consumer away from at-home screening options such as Over-the-Top subscriptions and streaming services and back into movie theaters. From bike-in theaters that embrace sustainable methods of transportation to forward-thinking cannabis-friendly screenings, there is seemingly an unconventional cinema experience available for every taste. Hyper-niche opportunities are exposed in some of these quirky theater concepts.

Fun public viewing options like that of Toronto's Sail-In Cinema at the city's picturesque waterfront offer an opportunity for individuals to catch a flick without passing up a chance to bask in the summer weather. Additionally, app-enabled interactive movie previews make waiting through ads for the show to start a bit more enjoyable for everyone.
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Floating Movie Showings
Floating Movie Showings
'Sail-In Cinema' is the World's First Two-Sided Floating Movie Experience
Cinematic Zombie Pranks
Cinematic Zombie Pranks
Grona Lund Promotes Its House of Nightmares with a Scary Prank
App-Enhanced Horror Films
App-Enhanced Horror Films
The New Dutch Horror Film 'App' Syncs with Smartphones in the Audience
Indie Bike-In Theaters
Indie Bike-In Theaters
Indywood in NOLA Offers Bike-In Cinema Screenings Around the City
Theater Video Games
Theater Video Games
These Terminator Genisys Screenings Treat Fans to Live Gaming Experiences
Panoramic Theater Technologies
Panoramic Theater Technologies
The 'Escape' Theater Format Offers Gobsmacking Panoramic Visuals
High-End Theater Experiences
High-End Theater Experiences
Dolby Cinema Brings the Brand's Technology Under One Roof
Cannabis Movie Screenings
Cannabis Movie Screenings
Flow Kana Hosted a Film Night Where People Could Get High in the Theater
Dining Cinema Seats
Dining Cinema Seats
The Movie Theater Seats at the 'Movie Tavern' Provide Folding Trays for Food
Floor-to-Ceiling Theater Screens
Floor-to-Ceiling Theater Screens
Cinemark’s 50,000 NextGen Theater Will Host a Huge XD Auditorium
Immersive Theater Seats
Immersive Theater Seats
4DX Motion Seating Makes Viewers Feel Part of a Film
Luxurious Oceanic Theaters
Luxurious Oceanic Theaters
The Carnival Vista Creates the Ultimate IMAX Experience on the Sea
Roving Theater Trucks
Roving Theater Trucks
This Portable Cinema Delivery Truck Took a Movie to the People
Subterranean Theaters
Subterranean Theaters
The Rotherhithe Shaft is Being Incorporated Into an Underground Theater
Three-Storey Movie Screens
Three-Storey Movie Screens
This Big Theater Screen in Idaho Spans 62 Feet in Width Alone
Hassle-Free Luxury Theaters
Hassle-Free Luxury Theaters
Arclight Pictures Aims to Elevate the Moviegoing Experience
Immersive Yacht Cinemas
Immersive Yacht Cinemas
This Concept Theatre on a Yacht Projects Underwater CCTV Imagery
Eco-Friendly Movie Theatres
Eco-Friendly Movie Theatres
Galaxy Cinemas Brantford is the Greenest Movie Theatre in Canada
Wearable Headphone Screens
Wearable Headphone Screens
The Mask Personal Movie Theater by Dashbon is Extremely Portable
Comfort-Focused Cinemas
Comfort-Focused Cinemas
IKEA's Movie in Bed Event Replaced the Traditional Seats with Big Beds