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29 Avant-Garde Surfboard Innovations

From Surfboard Exercise Machines to Surfboard Beach Chairs

— July 2, 2015 — Autos
These stylish surfboard innovations reveal unique materials used to create traditional surfboards as well unique ways to use surfboards as alternative accessories such as furniture sets.

Surfing is a popular water sport that can be enjoyed at any age. One stylish surfboard innovation comes in the form of an 100 percent Agave surfboard. This board was created by Jose Cuervo and surfboard maker Gary Linden. Other interesting surfboard materials include cork and wood, which are both non-traditional materials. While unusual materials keep surfing exciting, there are other uses for surfboards that require no water at all. Hayden Cox used surfboards in an artistic expression to create an entire exhibit that showcased his love and passion for this water sport.

Whether a surfboard is used to catch a wave or as the backrest of a chair, there are many ways to use this piece of sporting equipment.
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Eccentric Surfboard Art
Eccentric Surfboard Art
Hayden Cox Opened a Gallery for His Surf-Inspired Art Collection
Carbon Fiber Surfboard Sculptures
Carbon Fiber Surfboard Sculptures
Hang 10 Million is a Project to Explore the Surfboard Form
Versatile Electric Surfboards
Versatile Electric Surfboards
These Electric Surfboards are Designed for Different Surfing Styles
DIY Disco Surfboards
DIY Disco Surfboards
This Honestly WTF DIY Helps You Create a Shiny Surfboard
Folklore-Loving Surfboards
Folklore-Loving Surfboards
These Handcrafted Boards Pay Homage to the Roots of the Sport
Designer Marble Surfboards
Designer Marble Surfboards
These Alexander Wang Unique Surfboards are Luxurious Beach Gear Items
Surfboard Tablet Stands
Surfboard Tablet Stands
This Wooden iPad Tablet Stand is Perfect for the Beach
Gnarly Surfboard Tables
Gnarly Surfboard Tables
Hang Ten with the Surf Lounge Table
Handcrafted Wooden Surfboards
Handcrafted Wooden Surfboards
Octovo's Wooden Surfboard Designs Are Extremely Luxurious
Marine Mammal Surfboards
Marine Mammal Surfboards
The Giulio Iacchetti Surfph-o-Morph Designs Source from Sea Creatures
Hand-Painted Cartoon Surfboards
Hand-Painted Cartoon Surfboards
This Jeremy Fish Surfboard is Mixing Surfing with Modern Art
Surfboard Exercise Machines
Surfboard Exercise Machines
The RipSurfer X Promotes a Lean and Toned Physique
After Dark Aquatic Accessories
After Dark Aquatic Accessories
The NOCQUA 2000 Offers illumination for Nighttime Watersports
Iconic Pop Art Surfboards
Iconic Pop Art Surfboards
These Andy Warhol Surfboards by Tim Bessell are Works of Art
Iconic Bombshell Surfboards
Iconic Bombshell Surfboards
The Marilyn Surfboard Pays Tribute to an Idol
Handheld Surfboard Designs
Handheld Surfboard Designs
The Slyde Handboards Allow You to Surf On Your Hands
Rapid Electric Surfboards
Rapid Electric Surfboards
The Lampuga is the World's Fastest Electric Surfboard
Sustainable Surfboard Art Works
Sustainable Surfboard Art Works
The BSI Mini Surfboard from CB2 Features an Eco-Friendly Design
Surfboard-Like Furniture
Surfboard-Like Furniture
The Moby Coffee Table by Angela Adams is Made Out of Solid Wood
Functional Hand Crafted Surfboards
Functional Hand Crafted Surfboards
The Maria Riding Company Surfboards are Functional Works Of Art
Surfboard-Carrying Motorcycles
Surfboard-Carrying Motorcycles
This BMW Motorcycle is Designed to Satisfy Summer Surfers
Surfboard Beach Chairs
Surfboard Beach Chairs
The Bombwatcher Surfboard Chairs are Perfect for Relaxing at the Beach
Handmade Cork Surfboards
Handmade Cork Surfboards
These Unique Surfboard Designs are Creatively Made from Cork Fibers
Speed-Based Surfboards
Speed-Based Surfboards
West of West Designs a Board with Flow in Mind
Artistic Surf Equipment
Artistic Surf Equipment
The Boom-Art Renaissance Surfboard Collection is for Cultured Surfers
Sustainable Agave Surfboards
Sustainable Agave Surfboards
This Surfboard is Made Entirely from Sustainable Agave Materials
$1.3 Million Surfboards
$1.3 Million Surfboards
Roy Stuart's Wooden Surfboard Design Brings Luxury to the Seas
Luxury Car-Designed Surfboards
Luxury Car-Designed Surfboards
The Silver Arrow of the Sea Brings Class to the Curl
Beach-Inspired Mirrors
Beach-Inspired Mirrors
The Super Functional Full Length Surfboard Storage Mirror is Totally Rad