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100 Superman-Inspired Products

In Celebration of the Gritty 'Man of Steel' Superman Reboot

— June 11, 2013 — Pop Culture
The new 'Man of Steel' Superman reboot, released June 14th, is going to inject the Superman franchise with a bit of grunge and darkness. To celebrate, fans of Superman and his heroic deeds can dress, eat and smell like the immortal man.

Superman is the essence of masculinity and heroism. Fans who want to channel these qualities in their own day-to-day lives can now spritz themselves with Superman-inspired cologne. This musky smell was inspired by Clark Kent himself and is sure to make wearers smell every bit the hero. Female Superman fans can also pay tribute to the greatest hero of all time using Superman logo lip art. This lip paint tutorial gives instructions on how to create the iconic Superman 'S' symbol using lips and a bit of makeup.

Whether you prefer the new, grittier Superman character or the original comic book figure, these Superman-inspired products are a fantastic way to pay tribute to the new installment in the Superman legacy.
Animated Superhero Trailer Recuts
Animated Superhero Trailer Recuts
This Man of Steel Recut with Animated Clips Flies High
Superhero Pixelated Trailers
Superhero Pixelated Trailers
Superman is Turned into Block Form in This Minecraft Movie Trailer
Spectacular Superhero Remakes
Spectacular Superhero Remakes
The Man of Steel Movie Trailer Feeds Anticipation
8-Bit Superhero Videos
8-Bit Superhero Videos
This One Minute Video by CineFix Features a Conceptual 8-Bit Iron Man Game
Caped Crusader Shot Glasses
Caped Crusader Shot Glasses
These Super Hero Cups by Vat19 Will Please Any Comic Book Nerd
Hearty Superhero Teddies
Hearty Superhero Teddies
Batman & Superman Bearbricks Show Off a Warm Genuine Look
Man of Steel Mockeries
Man of Steel Mockeries
This Ramon Pla 'Supercat' Illustration Makes Superman Look Like Super Dud
Vac-Sealed Vigilante Art
Vac-Sealed Vigilante Art
Secret Identity by Simon Monk Studies the Soul of Comic Book Characters
Caped Crusader Cups
Caped Crusader Cups
These Superhero Pint Glasses Keep Parched Man at Bay
Man of Steel Mugs
Man of Steel Mugs
These Superman Costume Travel Coffee Cups Will Give you Power for work
Superman Shades
Superman Shades
The ACNE Sigmund Sunglasses 2012 are a Heroic Purchase
Hunger-Fighting Sports Cars
Hunger-Fighting Sports Cars
This Kia Sports Car Teams Up with Superman to Fight Hunger in Africa
Superheroic Condiment Shakers
Superheroic Condiment Shakers
Have Superman and Ms. Lane for Dinner Every Night with These Shakers
Superhero Life Simulators
Superhero Life Simulators
The Superman Glyph Creator Let's You See What it's Like as Superman
Crime Fighting Superhero Shakers
Crime Fighting Superhero Shakers
The Superheroes Salt and Pepper Shaker Set is Marvelous
Custom Superhero Blankets
Custom Superhero Blankets
These Superman Snuggies are Sure to Keep You Super Warm and Comfortble
Graphic Pop Cultural Portrayals
Graphic Pop Cultural Portrayals
The Marko Manev Superhero Noir Posters Depict Fictional Characters
Heroic Mug Mats
Heroic Mug Mats
Superhero Coasters Serve Justice to Nasty Water Rings
Unflattering Caped Crusader Portraits
Unflattering Caped Crusader Portraits
Fallen Superheroes by Eric Curtis is Both Dark and Charming
Comic Heroine Baby Suits
Comic Heroine Baby Suits
This DC Superhero Costume will Make Your Toddler a Crime Fighting Marvel
Formal Crime Fighting Accessories
Formal Crime Fighting Accessories
These Superman Cape Cufflinks Will Make You Dapper & Geeky
Customizable Superhero Lollipops
Customizable Superhero Lollipops
Superhero Paper Decals Attach to Suckers for a Personal Touch
Superhero Smartphone Squabbles
Superhero Smartphone Squabbles
Heroes Compare Cell Phone Technology at the Super Cafe
Minimalist Superhero Fight Depictions
Minimalist Superhero Fight Depictions
Eyal Rosenthal Renders Comic Scenes with Nearly No Detail
Superhero-Inspired Eyewear
Superhero-Inspired Eyewear
The Man of Steel Collection from Warby Parker Disguises and Surprises
Sentimental Superdad Portraits
Sentimental Superdad Portraits
Giulia Pex Transforms her Dad into Her Favorite Superheroes
Clothes-Loving Campaigns
Clothes-Loving Campaigns
The Palmolive Sta-Soft Ads Promote a Passionate Wardrobe Relationship
Smouldering Superhero Covers
Smouldering Superhero Covers
Interview Magazine June-July 2013 Issue Boasts 'Man of Steel' Stars
Eclectic Superhero Illustrations
Eclectic Superhero Illustrations
Mike Mitchell Creates a Series for Vintage Superman to Wear
Superhero-Inspired Colognes
Superhero-Inspired Colognes
Becoming the Dark Knight is a Lot Easier with This Batman Perfume
Business-Fused Hero Logos
Business-Fused Hero Logos
Superhero Brand Connections Matches Superheroes with Famous Companies
Simplistic Digitized Super Heroes
Simplistic Digitized Super Heroes
These Super Hero Illustrations Go Back to Basics
Pop Culture Cabinet Cards
Pop Culture Cabinet Cards
Alex Gross Modifies Olden Day Photos into Contemporary Geek Art
Vintage Comic Letter Decorations
Vintage Comic Letter Decorations
The Letteroom Ships the The Perfect Gift for a Comic Fan
Sound-Emitting Superhero Wallets
Sound-Emitting Superhero Wallets
This 'Superman Symbol Ladies Wallet' Has a Handy Built-In Speaker
Cape-Crusading Knee Highs
Cape-Crusading Knee Highs
These Superhero Socks From 80sTees Give Your Feet an Alter Ego
Superhero Travel Endorsements
Superhero Travel Endorsements
Dave Ault Uses Crime Fighters' Faces to Attract Fictional Tourists
Personalized Pop Culture Playables
Personalized Pop Culture Playables
Pegged Sells Wooden Toys in the Likeness of Famous Cartoons
Girly Superhero Baby Garments
Girly Superhero Baby Garments
The Wonder Woman Onesie Will Steal All the Attention
Superhero Background Charts
Superhero Background Charts
This 'History of Superman' Infographic Shows How This Hero Came to Be
Pre-School Superhero Illustrations
Pre-School Superhero Illustrations
This Superhero Calendar is More Cute Than Fierce
Vigilantie Disposable Flasks (UPDATE)
Vigilantie Disposable Flasks (UPDATE)
'The Original Disposable Flask' is Perfect for Busy Boozers
Loud Cry Crime Stoppers
Loud Cry Crime Stoppers
Roberto Salvador Illustrates Do-Gooders Yelling Hilariously
Gravity-Defying Wakeboards
Gravity-Defying Wakeboards
Jurmol Yao's Extreme Watersports Gear Adds A Few Flying Fantasies
Child Vigilante Jackets
Child Vigilante Jackets
The 'Kids Superhero Raincoats' Fight Rain and Crime
Classic Cartoon Cups
Classic Cartoon Cups
Feel Powerful by Drinking from the DC Comics Superheroes Glass Set
Custom-Faced Crimefighter Dolls
Custom-Faced Crimefighter Dolls
The Personalised Superhero Action Figures Turn You into Batman
Stylised Real Life Supervillains
Stylised Real Life Supervillains
Butcher Billy Mashes Real Life Bad Guys with Comic Book Villains
Heroic Sport Shoes
Heroic Sport Shoes
The Nike Zoom Huarache Superman Pays Homage to the Man of Steel
Festive Geeky One-Liner Cards
Festive Geeky One-Liner Cards
These Cheesy DC Valentine's Day Cards Will Make You Smile
Minimalist Superhero Masks
Minimalist Superhero Masks
Rafael Barletta Depicts Comic Characters' Faces with Basic Shapes
Superhero Life Expectancy Infographs
Superhero Life Expectancy Infographs
Find Out How Long Your Favorite Superhero is Expected to Live
Punky Superhero Portraits
Punky Superhero Portraits
Butcher Billy Transforms Rock Stars into Superheros
Alienated Superhero Illustrations
Alienated Superhero Illustrations
‘A Lonely God’ Features Sad Heroes Isolated from Soc
Superhero Kitchen Getups
Superhero Kitchen Getups
The Superwoman and Superman Aprons are for the Domestically Inclined
Distraught Comic Book Characters
Distraught Comic Book Characters
'Depressed Superheroes' Shows the Sadder Side of Saving the World
Aquatic Superhero Art
Aquatic Superhero Art
Michael Schwartz Illustrates Comic Characters as Quirky Underwater Creatures
Superhero Rodent Outfits
Superhero Rodent Outfits
Grab Your Furry Friend a Superman Hamster Cape for Halloween
Baby Superhero Sculptures
Baby Superhero Sculptures
'Wonderfoetus' by Alexandre Nicolas Depicts Infantile Archetypes
Melting Superhero Sculptures
Melting Superhero Sculptures
'No One Can Save Us Now' is a Take on Global Warming
Cheeky Superhero Accessories
Cheeky Superhero Accessories
Feminine Accessories for Superman Lovers by RebelDowntown
Witty Superhero Text Messages
Witty Superhero Text Messages
The 'Texts from Superheroes' Tumblr Blog Brings the Geeky Laughs
Surreal Superhero Animal Art
Surreal Superhero Animal Art
Sakiroo Choi's Portraits are a Colorful Combination
Prepubescent Pop Culture Caricatures
Prepubescent Pop Culture Caricatures
Riza Turker Depicts Famous Characters as Tiny Kids
Caped Superhero Sleepwear
Caped Superhero Sleepwear
The Superman and Batman Pajamas are Excitingly Playful
Ancient Superhero Mashups
Ancient Superhero Mashups
Berk Senturk Ottomon Superheros Revives the Dynasty
Superhero Symbol Makeup
Superhero Symbol Makeup
The Jonathan Knowles and Celine Nonon Lipstick Art is Beautiful
Epic Fictional Fight Promos
Epic Fictional Fight Promos
Filipe Capra Pits Pop Culture's Greatest Characters Against Each Other
Stylish Superheroes
Stylish Superheroes
Damien Blottiere Gives 'The Man of Steel' a Makeover
Superheroic Splatter Portraits
Superheroic Splatter Portraits
Arian Noveir Turns Smeared Paint Into Marvel and DC Characters
Costumeless Comic Book Heroes
Costumeless Comic Book Heroes
These Kerry Callen Parodies Would Be Super Embarrassing
Crime Fighter City Silhouettes
Crime Fighter City Silhouettes
These Alex Litovka Posters Celebrate Superhero Metropolises
Man of Steel Sneakers
Man of Steel Sneakers
The Superga DC Comics Sneakers are Heroicly Cool
Abstract Comic Book Hero Depictions
Abstract Comic Book Hero Depictions
These Abstract Comic Hero Designs Will Please Any DC Fan
Badass Superhero Beetles
Badass Superhero Beetles
Matt Cowan Renders a Series of Bizarre Comic Character Insects
Superhero Sock Puppets
Superhero Sock Puppets
Jamil Ammar Makes Adorable Surly Hand Puppets
Suave Superhero Neckties
Suave Superhero Neckties
Look Sharp and Geeky with a Bow Tie by Charmaine Welch
Minimalist Superhero Posters
Minimalist Superhero Posters
These Marvel and DC Characters are Depicted in Two-Toned Posters
Colossal Comic Collages
Colossal Comic Collages
Mike Alcantra Creates Artistic Superheroes With the Pages of Books
Super Hero Kicks
Super Hero Kicks
Chuck Taylor x DC Comics Collaboration Makes for Uncanny Footwear
Comic Hero Cowboys
Comic Hero Cowboys
Denis Medri Renders DC Characters with a Western Twist
Elective Superhero Surgeries
Elective Superhero Surgeries
Hubert Chavez Undergoes Superman Plastic Surgery to Become Clark Kent
Hilarious Comic Hero Manatees
Hilarious Comic Hero Manatees
Joel Micah Harris Renders Famous Vigilantes as Chubby Sea Creatures
Minimalist Superhero Designs
Minimalist Superhero Designs
Ricardo Polo's Illustrations Depict Heroes at their Most Boldly Basic
Superhero Workout Ensembles
Superhero Workout Ensembles
These Shirts by Under Armour are the Perfect Comic Book Merchandise
Superhero-Themed Cars
Superhero-Themed Cars
DC Comics and Kia Team Up to Create a Different Type of Super Car
Superhero Hipster Art
Superhero Hipster Art
Nathaly Cuervo Blends Together Contemporary Fads
Flying Baby Photography
Flying Baby Photography
Rachel Hulin Mysteriously Captures Little Henry in Mid-Air
Humanized Comic Heroes
Humanized Comic Heroes
'The Secret Life of Heroes' Shows Comic Icons as Average People
Romantic Retro Superhero Renderings
Romantic Retro Superhero Renderings
Des Taylor Depicts Comic Protagonists in Sentimental Scenes
Holiday Superhero Stockings
Holiday Superhero Stockings
These Comic Book Christmas Stockings are Festively Heroic
8-Bit Superhero Caricatures
8-Bit Superhero Caricatures
Jesus Castaneda Pixelates Pop Culture Characters to Pint-Sized Toons
Simple Superhero Silhouettes
Simple Superhero Silhouettes
Calvin Lin Creates a Series of Minimalist Comic Character Posters
Realistic Superhero Retrospectives
Realistic Superhero Retrospectives
Sebastian Colombo Illustrates Various Incarnations of Superman
Provocative Superhero Graffiti
Provocative Superhero Graffiti
Anthony Noble has Depicted Superheroes with an Edge in His Work